@default BRep_API: command not done Error: can't build object PAL_NOT_DONE_ERROR Operation aborted CHANGE_ORIENTATION_NEW_OBJ_NAME Invert EDGE_WIDTH_TLT Select Edge Width ISOS_WIDTH_TLT Select Isos Width CLOSE_CONTOUR_NEW_OBJ_NAME CloseContour DEP_OBJECT Selected object has been used to create another one. It can't be deleted DEVIDE_EDGE_NEW_OBJECT_NAME NewObject ERROR_SHAPE_TYPE Object of incorrect type selected! Please, select face, shell or solid and try again iErr : 10 the Classifier is NULL iErr : 11 the Shape is NULL iErr : 12 Unallowed Type of Sub-shape iErr : 13 Unallowed State iErr : 15 Unallowed Surface Type iErr : 20 Triangulation is not Found iErr : 30 Can not Obtain the Line From the Link iErr : 40 A Point Can Not Be Classified iErr : 41 Invalid Data for Classifier GEOM_2D_CONTINUTY 2D continuity GEOM_2D_CURVE_MODE 2D curve mode GEOM_2D_TOLERANCE 2D tolerance GEOM_3D_CONTINUTY 3D continuity GEOM_3D_CURVE_MODE 3D curve mode GEOM_3D_TOLERANCE 3D tolerance GEOM_3_POINTS 3 points GEOM_ADD_POINT Add point GEOM_ANGLE Angle : GEOM_ANGLES Angles GEOM_ANGLE_2 Angle 2 : GEOM_ANGLE_1 Angle GEOM_ARC_ELLIPSE Arc of ellipse GEOM_ARC Arc GEOM_ARCHIMEDE Archimede GEOM_ARCHIMEDE_TITLE Archimede Construction GEOM_ARC_TITLE Arc Construction GEOM_ARGUMENTS Arguments GEOM_AXE_MIRROR Axe Mirror GEOM_AXIS Axis GEOM_BASE Base GEOM_BASE_OBJECT Base Object GEOM_BASE_POINT Base Point GEOM_BEZIER Bezier GEOM_BINORMAL BiNormal GEOM_BLOCK Hexahedral Solid GEOM_BLOCKS_COMPOUND BlocksCompound GEOM_BLOCK_EXPLODE Sub Blocks GEOM_BLOCK_EXPLODE_TITLE Sub Blocks Selection GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF Block Multi-Transformation GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_DOUBLE Multi-Transformation Double GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_SIMPLE Multi-Transformation Simple GEOM_BLOCK_MULTITRSF_TITLE Block Multi-Transformation GEOM_BLOCK_TITLE Hexahedral Solid Construction GEOM_BNDBOX Bounding Box GEOM_BNDBOX_OBJDIM Object And Its Dimensions GEOM_BNDBOX_TITLE Bounding Box Information GEOM_BOX Box GEOM_BOX_OBJ Dimensions At Origin GEOM_BOX_TITLE Box Construction GEOM_BSplineRestriction BSplineRestriction GEOM_BUT_APPLY &Apply GEOM_BUT_CANCEL &Cancel GEOM_BUT_CLOSE &Close GEOM_BUT_CLOSE_SKETCH Sketch Closure GEOM_BUT_END_SKETCH Sketch Validation GEOM_BUT_EXPLODE &Explode GEOM_BUT_HELP &Help GEOM_BUT_NO &No GEOM_BUT_OK O&k GEOM_BUT_APPLY_AND_CLOSE A&pply and Close GEOM_BUT_YES &Yes GEOM_BY_LENGTH By length GEOM_BY_PARAMETER By parameter GEOM_CENTER Center GEOM_CENTER_DEFAULT (Origin by default) GEOM_CENTER_POINT Center Point GEOM_CENTRAL_POINT Central Point GEOM_CHAMFER Chamfer GEOM_CHAMFER_ABORT Chamfer can't be computed with %1 and %2 GEOM_CHAMFER_ALL Chamfer On Whole Shape GEOM_CHAMFER_EDGES Chamfer On Selected Edges GEOM_CHAMFER_FACES Chamfer On Selected Faces GEOM_CHAMFER_TITLE Chamfer Construction GEOM_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Objects to change orientation GEOM_CHANGE_DIRECTION Change direction GEOM_CHANGE_ORIENTATION_TITLE Change orientation GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND Check and Improve Blocks Compound GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_FAILED Check failed GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_ERRORS Errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_ERRORS The Compound of Blocks has errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_NO_ERRORS The Compound of Blocks has no errors GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_SUBSHAPES Incriminated Sub-shapes GEOM_GETNONBLOCKS_TITLE Get non-hexahedral solids and non-quadrangular faces GEOM_GETNONBLOCKS Get non blocks GEOM_NONBLOCKS NonBlocksGroup GEOM_CHECK_INFOS Object And Its Topological Information GEOM_CHECK_SHAPE Check Shape GEOM_CHECK_TITLE Check Shape Information GEOM_CHECK_SELF_INTERSECTIONS Detect Self-intersections GEOM_CHECK_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_FAILED Detection of self-intersections failed GEOM_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS There are no self-intersections in the shape GEOM_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_FOUND Some self-intersections detected GEOM_CIRCLE Circle GEOM_CIRCLE_TITLE Circle Construction GEOM_CLOSECONTOUR_TITLE Close contour GEOM_CMASS Center Of Mass GEOM_CMASS_TITLE Center Of Mass Construction GEOM_COMMON Common GEOM_COMMON_TITLE Common Of Two Objects GEOM_COMPOUND Compound GEOM_COMPOUNDSOLID CompSolid GEOM_COMPOUND_TITLE Create A Compound GEOM_CONE Cone GEOM_CONE_TITLE Cone Construction GEOM_CONFIRM Confirm operation GEOM_CONFIRM_INFO Shape contains %1 sub-shapes ! GEOM_COOR Coord. : GEOM_COORDINATES Coordinates GEOM_COORDINATES_RES Result coordinates GEOM_CREATE_COPY Create a copy GEOM_CREATE_SINGLE_SOLID Create a single solid GEOM_CURVE Curve GEOM_CURVE_CONTINUTY Curve continuity GEOM_CURVE_TITLE Curve Construction GEOM_CUT Cut GEOM_CUT_TITLE Cut Of Two Objects GEOM_CYLINDER Cylinder GEOM_CYLINDER_TITLE Cylinder Construction GEOM_D1 D1 : GEOM_D2 D2 : GEOM_DETECT Detect GEOM_DIAGONAL_POINTS Diagonal Points GEOM_DISK Disk GEOM_DISK_TITLE Disk Construction GEOM_DIMENSIONS Dimensions GEOM_SKETCHER_DIST Distance GEOM_DISTANCE Distance GEOM_DIVIDE_EDGE_TITLE Addition of point GEOM_DIVIDEDDISK Divided Disk GEOM_DIVIDEDDISK_TITLE Divided Disk construction GEOM_DIVIDEDCYLINDER Divided Cylinder GEOM_DIVIDEDCYLINDER_TITLE Divided Cylinder construction GEOM_DX Dx : GEOM_DY Dy : GEOM_DZ Dz : GEOM_DropSmallEdges DropSmallEdges GEOM_DRAFT_ANGLE Draft angle: GEOM_EDGE Edge GEOM_EDGE_TITLE Create An Edge GEOM_ELLIPSE Ellipse GEOM_ELLIPSE_ERROR_1 Error creating ellipse. Reason: minor radius is greater than major radius. GEOM_ELLIPSE_TITLE Ellipse Construction GEOM_END_LCS End LCS GEOM_ERROR Error GEOM_ERROR_STATUS Operation status GEOM_ERR_GET_ENGINE Failed to obtain GEOM Engine component. Reload Geometry module and try again. GEOM_ERR_LIB_NOT_FOUND GUI library corresponding to the user action can not be found or loaded GEOM_EXTRUDED_CUT_TITLE Extruded cut GEOM_EXTRUDED_CUT Extruded_cut GEOM_EXTRUDED_BOSS_TITLE Extruded boss GEOM_EXTRUDED_BOSS Extruded_boss GEOM_EXTRUSION Extrusion GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV Base Shapes + Vector GEOM_EXTRUSION_BSV_2P Base Shapes + 2 Points GEOM_EXTRUSION_DXDYDZ Base Shapes + DX DY DZ Vector GEOM_EXTRUSION_TITLE Construction by Extrusion GEOM_SCALE_PRISM Scale the face opposite to the base GEOM_FACE Face GEOM_CS Coordinate system GEOM_GCS Global coordinate system GEOM_LCS Local coordinate system GEOM_FACES Faces GEOM_FACE_FFW Face creation from wires and/or edges GEOM_FACE_OPT Try to create a planar face MAKE_FACE_TOLERANCE_TOO_BIG Cannot build a planar face: required tolerance is too big. Non-planar face is built. GEOM_FACE_OR_LCS Face or LCS GEOM_FACE_SELECTION Face Selection GEOM_FACE_TITLE Create A Face GEOM_RECTANGLE_TITLE Rectangle Construction GEOM_RECTANGLE Rectangle GEOM_FILLET Fillet GEOM_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D GEOM_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D GEOM_FILLET_1D_IGNORE_SECANT Fuse collinear edges to allow bigger radius GEOM_FILLET_ABORT Fillet can't be computed with radius %1 GEOM_FILLET_ALL Fillet On Whole Shape GEOM_FILLET_EDGES Fillet On Selected Edges GEOM_FILLET_FACES Fillet On Selected Faces GEOM_FILLET_TITLE Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLET_2D_TITLE 2D Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLET_1D_TITLE 1D Fillet Construction GEOM_FILLING Filling GEOM_FILLING_ARG Arguments And Parameters GEOM_FILLING_COMPOUND Input compound GEOM_FILLING_MAX_DEG Max deg GEOM_FILLING_MIN_DEG Min deg GEOM_FILLING_NB_ITER Nb. Iter : GEOM_FILLING_TITLE Filling Surface With Edges GEOM_FILLING_TOL_2D Tol. 2D : GEOM_FILLING_TOL_3D Tol. 3D : GEOM_FREE_BOUNDARIES Free boundaries GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_ERROR Object is not selected GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_MSG Number of free boundaries detected: %1 (%2 closed, %3 open) GEOM_FREE_BOUNDS_TLT Free boundary detection GEOM_FREE_FACES Free faces GEOM_FREE_FACES_TITLE Free faces GEOM_FUSE Fuse GEOM_FUSE_TITLE Fuse Two Objects GEOM_FixFaceSize FixFaceSize GEOM_FixShape FixShape GEOM_GLUE Glue GEOM_GLUE_FACES_TITLE Glue faces GEOM_GLUE_EDGES_TITLE Glue edges GLUE_ERROR_STICKED_SHAPES The tolerance value is too big. Sticked shapes are detected. GEOM_LIMIT_TOLERANCE_TITLE Limit tolerance GEOM_HEIGHT Height : GEOM_HEXAGON Hexagon GEOM_HOLES Holes GEOM_INIT_SHAPE Initial shape GEOM_IDENTICAL_NAMES_SELECT_BY_MOUSE Identical names : select by mouse ! GEOM_IMPORT Imported_Shape GEOM_INCORRECT_INPUT Incorrect Input Data! GEOM_INERTIA_CONSTR Matrix And Moments Of Inertia GEOM_INERTIA_I %1:1 : GEOM_INERTIA_IXYZ IX & IY & IZ : GEOM_INERTIA_TITLE Calculs Of Inertia GEOM_INF_LOADED File %1 loaded. GEOM_INTERNAL_WIRES Internal wires GEOM_INTERPOL Interpolation GEOM_KEEP_OBJECT Keep Object GEOM_LENGTH Length : GEOM_LINE Line GEOM_LINE_TITLE Line Construction GEOM_MAIN_OBJECT Main Object GEOM_MARKER Marker GEOM_MARKER_TITLE Create marker GEOM_MATERIAL_ID Material ID: GEOM_MATERIAL_MATERIAL Material GEOM_MATERIAL_SET << Set GEOM_MATERIAL_SHAPE Shapes GEOM_MATERIAL_TITLE Define materials for Dominant Fuse GEOM_MATRIX Matrix : GEOM_MAX Max : GEOM_MAX_3D_TOLERANCE Max 3D tolerance GEOM_MAX_TOLERANCE Max tolerance GEOM_MEN_ALL_FILES All Files ( * ) GEOM_MEN_ANGLE Angle : GEOM_MEN_COMPONENT Geometry GEOM_MEN_ENTER_ANGLE Enter An Angle In Degrees GEOM_MEN_EXPORT Export GEOM_MEN_IMPORT Import GEOM_MEN_ISOS Select Number Of Isos GEOM_MEN_ISOU Isos U : GEOM_MEN_ISOV Isos V : GEOM_MEN_POPUP_NAME %1 Objects GEOM_MEN_SHADING Shading GEOM_MEN_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading With Edges GEOM_MEN_SKETCHER_X Enter a Length to Set X GEOM_MEN_SKETCHER_Y Enter a Length to Set Y GEOM_MEN_STEP_LABEL Step : GEOM_MEN_TRANSPARENCY Transparency GEOM_MEN_TRANSPARENCY_LABEL Transparency : GEOM_MEN_WIREFRAME Wireframe GEOM_MEN_X X : GEOM_MEN_Y Y : GEOM_MESHING_DEFLECTION Meshing Deflect. : GEOM_MIN Min : GEOM_MINDIST_OBJ Objects And Results GEOM_MINDIST_TITLE Minimun Distance Between Two Objects GEOM_MIRROR Mirror GEOM_MIRROR_TITLE Mirror An Object GEOM_MODE Mode GEOM_MULTIROTATION Multi-Rotation GEOM_MULTIROTATION_DOUBLE Multi Rotation Double GEOM_MULTIROTATION_SIMPLE Multi Rotation Simple GEOM_MULTIROTATION_TITLE Multi-Rotation GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION Multi-Translation GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_DOUBLE Multi Translation Double GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_SIMPLE Multi Translation Simple GEOM_MULTITRANSLATION_TITLE Multi-Translation GEOM_NAME_INCORRECT Object name not found GEOM_NB_BLOCKS_NO_OTHERS There are %1 specified blocks and NO other solids GEOM_NB_BLOCKS_SOME_OTHERS There are %1 specified blocks and some other solids GEOM_NB_TIMES Nb. Times : GEOM_NB_TIMES_U Nb. Times U : GEOM_NB_TIMES_V Nb. Times V : GEOM_NODES Nodes GEOM_NUM_SPLIT_POINTS Number of splitting points GEOM_OBJECT Object GEOM_OBJECT_TYPE Object Type GEOM_OBJECTS Objects GEOM_OBJECT_I Object %1 GEOM_OBJECT_RESULT Object And Result GEOM_OFFSET Offset GEOM_OFFSET_TITLE Offset Surface GEOM_PATTERN Division pattern GEOM_PROJECTION Projection GEOM_PROJECTION_TITLE Projection on Face GEOM_SOURCE_OBJECT Source vertex, edge or wire GEOM_TARGET_OBJECT Target face GEOM_OPERATIONS Operations GEOM_ORIENTATION Orientation GEOM_ORIENTATION_OPT Reverse orientation with normal vectors simulation GEOM_ORIENTATION_TITLE Change Orientation GEOM_PARAMETER Parameter : GEOM_PARAMETERS Parameters GEOM_POINT_ON_EDGE Point on Edge GEOM_POINT_ON_FACE Point on Face GEOM_PARAM_VALUE By parameter GEOM_COORD_VALUE By coordinate GEOM_LENGTH_VALUE By length GEOM_PARTITION Partition GEOM_WRN_PARTITION_RESULT_EMPTY The partition result is empty, please verify the reconstruction limit parameter. GEOM_PARTITION_HALFSPACE Half-space partition GEOM_PARTITION_ORIENTATION Change Orientation GEOM_PARTITION_TITLE Partition Of Object With Tool GEOM_PATH_OBJECT Path Object GEOM_PIPE Pipe GEOM_PIPE_TITLE Pipe Construction GEOM_PIPE_PATH Path GEOM_PIPE_PATH_TITLE Restore Path GEOM_PIPE_LIKE_SHAPE Pipe-like shell or solid GEOM_PIPE_BASE1_OBJECT First base face/wire/edges GEOM_PIPE_BASE2_OBJECT Last base face/wire/edges GEOM_PROFILE Profile GEOM_SEGMENT Segment of straight line GEOM_SELECT_UNPUBLISHED_EDGES Select unpublished edges GEOM_PLANE Plane GEOM_PLANE_MIRROR Plane Mirror GEOM_PLANE_PV Point + Vector GEOM_PLANE_PVC Point + Coordinate Vector GEOM_PLANE_SIZE Size of plane : GEOM_PLANE_TITLE Plane Construction GEOM_POINT Point GEOM_POINT1 Point 1 GEOM_POINT2 Point 2 GEOM_POINT3 Point 3 GEOM_POINTS Points GEOM_POINT_I Point %1 GEOM_POINT_MIRROR Point Mirror GEOM_POINT_TITLE Point Construction GEOM_START_POINT Start Point GEOM_POLYLINE Polyline GEOM_POSITION Location GEOM_POSITION_TITLE Modify the Location of an Object GEOM_PRECISION Precision : GEOM_PROPAGATE Propagate GEOM_PROPAGATE_TITLE Propagate GEOM_PROPERTIES Basic Properties GEOM_PROPERTIES_CONSTR Object And Its Properties GEOM_PROPERTIES_SURFACE Surface is : GEOM_PROPERTIES_TITLE Basic Properties Information GEOM_PROPERTIES_VOLUME Volume is : GEOM_PRP_ABORT Operation aborted GEOM_PRP_COMMAND No command associated with this id = %1. GEOM_PRP_DONE Operation done GEOM_PRP_EXPORT Exporting geometry to %1 ... GEOM_PRP_LOADING Loading %1 ... GEOM_PRP_MIN_DIST Min Distance not computed GEOM_PRP_NOT_FOR_VTK_VIEWER Not allowed in VTK viewer GEOM_PRP_NULLSHAPE Error, null or inappropriate shape ! GEOM_PRP_READY Ready GEOM_PRP_SELECT_EDGE Select edges and click on Apply GEOM_PRP_SELECT_FACE Select faces to suppress and click on Ok/Apply GEOM_PRP_SELECT_FIRST Select main shape first GEOM_PRP_SELECT_SUBSHAPES Select Sub-shapes GEOM_PRP_SHAPE_IN_STUDY Main shape must be in the study before GEOM_QUAD_FACE Quadrangle Face GEOM_QUAD_FACE_TITLE Quadrangle Face Construction GEOM_RADIUS Radius : GEOM_RADIUS_I Radius %1 : GEOM_RADIUS_MAJOR Major radius : GEOM_RADIUS_MINOR Minor radius : GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT Resulting Type GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_EDGE Edge GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_FACE Face GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SHAPE Shape GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SHELL Shell GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_SOLID Solid GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_VERTEX Vertex GEOM_RECONSTRUCTION_LIMIT_WIRE Wire GEOM_REF_POINT Point with reference GEOM_REMOVE_ALL_HOLES Remove all holes GEOM_REMOVE_ALL_INT_WIRES Remove all internal wires GEOM_REMOVE_HOLES_TITLE Suppress holes GEOM_REMOVE_INTERNAL_WIRES_TITLE Suppress internal wires GEOM_REMOVE_WEBS Remove webs GEOM_REQUIRED_DEGREE Required degree GEOM_REQUIRED_NUM_SEGMENTS Required number of segments GEOM_REVERSE Reverse GEOM_REVERSE_DIRECTION Reverse Direction GEOM_REVERSE_PLANE Reverse the plane normal GEOM_REVERSE_U Reverse U GEOM_REVERSE_V Reverse V GEOM_REVERSE_VECTOR Reverse Vector GEOM_REVOLUTION Revolution GEOM_REVOLUTION_TITLE Construction By Revolution GEOM_ROTATION Rotation GEOM_ROTATION_TITLE Rotation Of An Object GEOM_SCALE Scale GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR Scale Factor : GEOM_SCALE_TITLE Scale An Object GEOM_SECTION Section GEOM_SECTION_TITLE Section Of Two Objects GEOM_SELECTED_FACE Selected face GEOM_SELECTED_OBJECTS Selected objects GEOM_SELECTED_SHAPE Selected shape GEOM_SELECTION Selection GEOM_SET_MATERIALS Set materials GEOM_SEWING Sewing GEOM_SEWING_TITLE Topological sewing GEOM_SHAPE Shape GEOM_SHAPEPROCESS_TITLE Shape Processing GEOM_SHAPES Shapes GEOM_SHELL Shell GEOM_SHELLS Shells GEOM_SHELL_TITLE Shell Construction GEOM_SHOW_LENGTH Show length dimensions GEOM_SHOW_ANGLE Show angle dimensions GEOM_SHOW_POINTS_COORD Show start/end point coordinates GEOM_SKETCH Sketch GEOM_SKETCHER_ABS Absolute GEOM_SKETCHER_ADD_PARAMS Additionnal Parameters GEOM_SKETCHER_ANGLE Angle GEOM_SKETCHER_ANGLE2 Angle : GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY Apply GEOM_SKETCHER_ARC Arc GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER Center GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER2 Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_WARNING Warning: End point not on the arc, distance = GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_X X Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_Y Y Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DX DX Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_CENTER_DY DY Center : GEOM_SKETCHER_DEST Destination GEOM_SKETCHER_DIR Direction GEOM_SKETCHER_DX2 DX : GEOM_SKETCHER_DY2 DY : GEOM_SKETCHER_DZ2 DZ : GEOM_SKETCHER_EL Element Type GEOM_SKETCHER_RESTORE Restore GEOM_SKETCHER_LENGTH Length GEOM_SKETCHER_LENGTH2 Length : GEOM_SKETCHER_NONE None (Tangential) GEOM_SKETCHER_PER Perpendicular GEOM_SKETCHER_POINT Point GEOM_SKETCHER_POINT2 Point : GEOM_SKETCHER_END_POINT2 End Point : GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS Radius GEOM_SKETCHER_RADIUS2 Radius : GEOM_SKETCHER_REL Relative GEOM_SKETCHER_SEGMENT Segment GEOM_SKETCHER_SEL Selection GEOM_SKETCHER_TAN Tangent GEOM_SKETCHER_TITLE 2D Sketch Construction GEOM_3DSKETCHER_TITLE 3D Sketch Construction GEOM_SKETCHER_TYPE Type GEOM_SKETCHER_UNDO Undo GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES Values GEOM_SKETCHER_VX2 VX : GEOM_SKETCHER_VXVY VX-VY GEOM_SKETCHER_WPLANE Select a planar face or a plane GEOM_SKETCHER_VY2 VY : GEOM_SKETCHER_X X GEOM_SKETCHER_X2 X : GEOM_SKETCHER_X3 DX : GEOM_SKETCHER_Y Y GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2 Y : GEOM_SKETCHER_Y3 DY : GEOM_SKETCHER_Z2 Z : GEOM_3DSKETCHER 3D Sketcher GEOM_COORDINATES_TYPE Coordinates Type GEOM_CONTROLS Controls GEOM_SOLID Solid GEOM_SOLID_TITLE Solid Construction GEOM_SPHERE Sphere GEOM_SPHERE_CR Center + Radius GEOM_SPHERE_RO Radius At Origin GEOM_SPHERE_TITLE Sphere Construction GEOM_SPLINE Spline GEOM_SPLINE_TITLE Spline Construction GEOM_SQUARE Square GEOM_START Start : GEOM_END End : GEOM_START_LCS Start LCS SELECT_UNPUBLISHED_EDGES Select unpublished edges GEOM_STEP Step : GEOM_STEP_TITLE Step value for GUI constructions GEOM_STEP_U Step U : GEOM_STEP_V Step V : GEOM_STUDY_LOCKED The active study is locked and therefore cannot be modified GEOM_SUBSHAPE_SELECT Select Sub-shapes GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TITLE Sub-shapes Selection GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TYPE Sub-shapes Type GEOM_SUB_SHAPE Sub-shapes GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_FACE_SHELL Face or shell GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTFACE Select the face with hole GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTFACE_END Select end face (if hole traversing) GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTWIRE Select wire on face GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECTWIRE_END Select end wire (if hole traversing) GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_SELECT_HOLES_ON_FACE Select hole(s) on the face GEOM_SUPPRESSHOLE_TITLE Suppress holes GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT Suppress Result GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT_INSIDE Inside GEOM_SUPPRESS_RESULT_OUTSIDE Outside GEOM_SUPRESSFACE Supress Face GEOM_SUPRESSFACE_SELECT Select Faces To Suppress GEOM_SUPRESSFACE_TITLE Suppress Faces In An Object GEOM_SURFACE_CONTINUTY Surface continuity GEOM_SURFACE_MODE Surface mode GEOM_SURFCONE Conical Face GEOM_SURFCYLINDER Cylindrical Face GEOM_SURFSPHERE Spherical Face GEOM_SURFTORUS Toroidal Face GEOM_SameParameter SameParameter GEOM_SplitAngle SplitAngle GEOM_SplitClosedFaces SplitClosedFaces GEOM_SplitContinuity SplitContinuity GEOM_TOLERANCE Tolerance GEOM_LINEAR_TOLERANCE Linear Tolerance GEOM_ANGULAR_TOLERANCE Angular Tolerance GEOM_TOLERANCE_CONSTR Object And Its Tolerances GEOM_TOLERANCE_EDGE Edge : GEOM_TOLERANCE_FACE Face : GEOM_TOLERANCE_TITLE Maximum Tolerance GEOM_TOLERANCE_VERTEX Vertex : GEOM_TOOL_OBJECT Tool Object GEOM_TOOL_OBJECTS Tool Objects GEOM_TORUS Torus GEOM_TORUS_TITLE Torus Construction GEOM_TRANSLATION Translation GEOM_TRANSLATION_COOR Translation With Coordinates GEOM_TRANSLATION_TITLE Translation Of An Object GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE Opaque GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_TITLE Transparency GEOM_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT Transparent GEOM_TRIHEDRON Trihedron GEOM_ToBezier ToBezier GEOM_VALUE Value GEOM_VECTOR Vector GEOM_AXIS_DEFAULT (Z axis by default) GEOM_VECTOR_LENGTH Vector Length : GEOM_VECTOR_TITLE Vector Construction GEOM_VECTOR_U Vector U GEOM_VECTOR_V Vector V GEOM_VERTEX Vertex GEOM_VERTEXES Vertexes GEOM_WATER_DENSITY Water Density : GEOM_WEIGHT Weight : GEOM_WIDTH Width : GEOM_WHATIS Whatis GEOM_WHATIS_OBJECT Object And Its Topological Information GEOM_WHATIS_TITLE Whatis Information GEOM_WIRE Wire GEOM_WIRES Wire(s) GEOM_WIRES_TO_REMOVE Wires to remove GEOM_WIREZ Wires GEOM_WIRE_CONNECT Wire creation from wires/edges connected GEOM_WIRE_TITLE Create A Wire GEOM_WPLANE Working Plane GEOM_WPLANE_FACE Plane, Planar Face or LCS GEOM_WPLANE_ORIGIN Select a plane GEOM_WPLANE_OXY OXY GEOM_WPLANE_OYZ OYZ GEOM_WPLANE_OZX OZX GEOM_WPLANE_TITLE Working Plane Selection GEOM_WPLANE_VECTOR Select 2 vectors GEOM_WPLANE_VX Vector X GEOM_WPLANE_VZ Vector Z GEOM_WRN_RADIUS_NULL Radius is null GEOM_WRN_WARNING Warning WRN_SHAPE_UNCLOSED Unable to create solid from unclosed shape %1 WRN_SHAPE_NOT_SHELL Unable to create solid from shape %1 as it is not a shell WRN_NULL_OBJECT_OR_SHAPE Shape %1 for solid creation is null GEOM_X X : GEOM_Y Y : GEOM_Z Z : GLUE_NEW_OBJ_NAME Glue LIMIT_TOLERANCE_NEW_OBJ_NAME Limit_tolerance MEN_ALL_SEL_ONLY Select All MEN_ARC Arc MEN_ARCHIMEDE Archimede MEN_BASIC Basic MEN_BASIC_PROPS Basic Properties MEN_BLOCKS Blocks MEN_BND_BOX Bounding Box MEN_BOOLEAN Boolean MEN_BOX Box MEN_BUILD Build MEN_FEATURE_DETECTION Shape recognition MEN_PICTURE_IMPORT Import picture in viewer MEN_CHAMFER Chamfer MEN_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change Orientation MEN_CHECK Check Shape MEN_CHECK_COMPOUND Check Compound of Blocks MEN_GET_NON_BLOCKS Get Non Blocks MEN_CHECK_SELF_INTERSECTIONS Detect Self-intersections MEN_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check Free Boundaries MEN_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check Free Faces MEN_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry MEN_CIRCLE Circle MEN_CLIPPING Clipping Range MEN_CLOSE_CONTOUR Close Contour MEN_COMMON Common MEN_COMPOUND Compound MEN_COMPOUND_SEL_ONLY Compound MEN_CONE Cone MEN_CURVE Curve MEN_CUT Cut MEN_CYLINDER Cylinder MEN_RECTANGLE Rectangle MEN_DELETE Delete MEN_DIMENSIONS Dimensions MEN_DISPLAY Show MEN_DISK Disk MEN_DIVIDEDDISK Divided Disk TOP_DIVIDEDDISK Divided Disk STB_DIVIDEDDISK Divided Disk MEN_DIVIDEDCYLINDER Divided Cylinder TOP_DIVIDEDCYLINDER Divided Cylinder STB_DIVIDEDCYLINDER Divided Cylinder MEN_DISPLAY_ALL Show All MEN_DISPLAY_MODE Display Mode MEN_DISPLAY_ONLY Show Only MEN_SHOW_ONLY_CHILDREN Show Only Children MEN_BRING_TO_FRONT Bring To Front TOP_BRING_TO_FRONT Bring To Front STB_BRING_TO_FRONT Bring To Front MEN_CLS_BRING_TO_FRONT Clear Top Level State TOP_CLS_BRING_TO_FRONT Clear Top Level State STB_CLS_BRING_TO_FRONT Clear Top Level State MEN_EDGE Edge MEN_EDGE_SEL_ONLY Edge MEN_EDIT Edit MEN_ELLIPSE Ellipse MEN_ERASE Hide MEN_ERASE_ALL Hide All MEN_EXPLODE Explode MEN_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks MEN_EXPORT Export... MEN_EXTRUSION Extrusion MEN_EXTRUDED_CUT Extruded cut MEN_EXTRUDED_BOSS Extruded boss MEN_FACE Face MEN_FACE_SEL_ONLY Face MEN_FILE File MEN_FILLET Fillet 3D MEN_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D MEN_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D MEN_FILLING Filling MEN_FUSE Fuse MEN_GENERATION Generation MEN_GLUE_FACES Glue Faces MEN_GLUE_EDGES Glue Edges MEN_GROUP Group MEN_GROUP_CREATE Create MEN_GROUP_EDIT Edit MEN_GROUP_UNION Union Groups MEN_GROUP_INTERSECT Intersect Groups MEN_GROUP_CUT Cut Groups MEN_RELOAD_IMPORTED Reload From Disk MEN_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid MEN_IMPORT Import... MEN_INERTIA Inertia MEN_ISOS Isos MEN_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance MEN_LINE Line MEN_LOCAL_CS Local Coordinate System MEN_MASS_CENTER Center of Mass MEN_MEASURES Measures MEN_MIN_DIST Min Distance MEN_MIRROR Mirror Image MEN_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify Location MEN_MUL_ROTATION Multi-Rotation MEN_MUL_TRANSFORM Multi-Transformation MEN_MUL_TRANSLATION Multi-Translation MEN_NEW_ENTITY New Entity MEN_OFFSET Offset Surface MEN_PROJECTION Projection MEN_OPERATIONS Operations MEN_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Origin and Base Vectors MEN_PARTITION Partition MEN_PIPE Extrusion Along Path MEN_PIPE_PATH Restore Path MEN_PLANE Plane MEN_POINT Point MEN_POINT_COORDS Point Coordinates MEN_POINT_ON_EDGE Add Point on Edge MEN_POP_COLOR Color MEN_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group MEN_POP_DISCLOSE_CHILDREN Disclose child items MEN_POP_CONCEAL_CHILDREN Conceal child items MEN_POP_UNPUBLISH_OBJ Unpublish MEN_POP_PUBLISH_OBJ Publish... MEN_POP_ISOS Isos MEN_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient MEN_POP_RENAME Rename MEN_POP_SHADING Shading MEN_POP_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading With Edges MEN_POP_TEXTURE Texture MEN_EDGE_WIDTH Edge Width TOP_EDGE_WIDTH Edge Width STB_EDGE_WIDTH Edge Width MEN_ISOS_WIDTH Isos Width TOP_ISOS_WIDTH Isos Width STB_ISOS_WIDTH Isos Width MEN_LINE_WIDTH Line Width MEN_POP_SETTEXTURE Texture MEN_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency MEN_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe MEN_POP_VECTORS Show Edge Direction MEN_PREFERENCES Preferences MEN_PREFERENCES_GEOM Geometry MEN_PRIMITIVES Primitives MEN_ADVANCED Advanced MEN_PROPAGATE Propagate MEN_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face MEN_REPAIR Repair MEN_REVOLUTION Revolution MEN_ROTATION Rotation MEN_SCALE Scale Transform MEN_SECTION Section MEN_SELECT_ONLY Select Only MEN_SEWING Sewing MEN_SHADING Shading MEN_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading With Edges MEN_SHADING_COLOR Shading Color MEN_SHAPE_PROCESS Shape Processing MEN_SHELL Shell MEN_SHELL_SEL_ONLY Shell MEN_SKETCH 2D Sketch MEN_3DSKETCH 3D Sketch MEN_SOLID Solid MEN_SOLID_SEL_ONLY Solid MEN_SPHERE Sphere MEN_STEP_VALUE Step Value MEN_SUPPERSS_HOLES Suppress Holes MEN_SUPPRESS_FACES Suppress Faces MEN_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Suppress Internal Wires MEN_TOLERANCE Tolerance MEN_TOOLS Tools MEN_TORUS Torus MEN_TRANSFORMATION Transformation MEN_TRANSLATION Translation MEN_VECTOR Vector MEN_VERTEX_SEL_ONLY Vertex MEN_VIEW View MEN_WHAT_IS What is MEN_WIRE Wire MEN_VECTOR_MODE_ON Show Edge Direction MEN_VECTOR_MODE_OFF Hide Edge Direction MEN_WIREFRAME Wireframe MEN_WIRE_SEL_ONLY Wire MEN_WORK_PLANE Working Plane MEN_POP_POINT_MARKER Point Marker MEN_POP_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES Material Properties NAME_LBL Name: NON_GEOM_OBJECTS_SELECTED There are objects selected which do not belong to %1 component. PREF_DEFLECTION Deflection coefficient GEOM_PREF_def_precision Default precision GEOM_PREF_length_precision Length precision GEOM_PREF_angle_precision Angular precision GEOM_PREF_len_tol_precision Length tolerance precision GEOM_PREF_ang_tol_precision Angular tolerance precision GEOM_PREF_weight_precision Weight precision GEOM_PREF_density_precision Density precision GEOM_PREF_parametric_precision Parametric precision GEOM_PREF_param_tol_precision Parametric tolerance precision PREF_AUTO_CREATE Auto create PREF_DISPLAY_MODE Default display mode PREF_FREE_BOUND_COLOR Color of free boundaries PREF_GROUP_ORIGIN_AND_BASE_VECTORS Origin and base vectors PREF_GROUP_OPERATIONS Operations PREF_GROUP_GENERAL General GEOM_PREF_GROUP_PRECISION Input fields precision PREF_GROUP_VERTEX Marker of Points PREF_ISOS_COLOR Color of isolines PREF_TOPLEVEL_COLOR Top level color PREF_TOPLEVEL_DM Top level display mode MEN_KEEP_CURRENT_DM Keep current display mode MEN_SHOW_ADD_WACTOR Show additional wireframe actor PREF_LINE_COLOR Color of edges, vectors, wires PREF_MARKER_SCALE Size PREF_POINT_COLOR Color of points PREF_SHADING_COLOR Default shading color PREF_EDGES_IN_SHADING Edges in shading PREF_STEP_VALUE Step value for spin boxes PREF_TAB_SETTINGS Settings PREF_TYPE_OF_MARKER Type PREF_BASE_VECTORS_LENGTH Length of base vectors PREF_WIREFRAME_COLOR Default wireframe color PREF_MATERIAL Default material PREF_EDGE_WIDTH Edges width PREF_ISOLINES_WIDTH Iso lines width PREF_PREVIEW_EDGE_WIDTH Preview edges width PREF_MEASURES_LINE_WIDTH Measures lines width PROCESS_SHAPE_NEW_OBJ_NAME ProcessShape REMOVE_HOLES_NEW_OBJ_NAME SupressHoles REMOVE_INT_WIRES_NEW_OBJ_NAME RemoveIntWires SEWING_NEW_OBJ_NAME Sewing STB_ALL_SEL_ONLY Select all Objects STB_ARC Create an arc STB_ARCHIMEDE Archimede operation STB_BASIC_PROPS Show basic properties of the shape STB_BND_BOX Compute bounding box of the shape STB_BOX Create a box STB_FEATURE_DETECTION Shape recognition STB_PICTURE_IMPORT Import picture in viewer STB_CHAMFER Create a chamfer STB_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change orientation STB_CHECK Check shape validity STB_CHECK_COMPOUND Check compound of blocks STB_GET_NON_BLOCKS Get non blocks STB_CHECK_SELF_INTERSECTIONS Detect Self-intersections STB_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check free boundaries STB_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check free faces STB_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry STB_CIRCLE Create a circle STB_CLIPPING Clipping range STB_CLOSE_CONTOUR Perform close contour STB_COMMON Common STB_COMPOUND Build a compound STB_COMPOUND_SEL_ONLY Select only a Compounds STB_CONE Create a cone STB_CURVE Create a curve STB_CUT Cut STB_CYLINDER Create a cylinder STB_RECTANGLE Create rectangular face STB_DELETE Delete object STB_DISK Create a disk STB_DISPLAY Show object(s) STB_DISPLAY_ALL Show all STB_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only STB_SHOW_ONLY_CHILDREN Show Only Children STB_EDGE Build an edge STB_EDGE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Edges STB_ELLIPSE Create an ellipse STB_ERASE Hide object(s) STB_ERASE_ALL Hide all STB_EXPLODE Explode STB_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks STB_EXPORT Export geometry to BREP file STB_EXTRUSION Create an extrusion STB_EXTRUDED_CUT Extruded cut STB_EXTRUDED_BOSS Extruded boss STB_FACE Build a face STB_FACE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Faces STB_FILLET Create 3D fillet STB_FILLET_1D Create 1D fillet STB_FILLET_2D Create 2D fillet STB_FILLING Create a filling STB_FUSE Fuse STB_GLUE_FACES Perform glue faces STB_GLUE_EDGES Perform glue edges STB_GROUP_CREATE Create a group STB_GROUP_EDIT Edit a group STB_GROUP_UNION Union Groups STB_GROUP_INTERSECT Intersect Groups STB_GROUP_CUT Cut Groups STB_RELOAD_IMPORTED Reload imported shape from its original place on disk STB_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid STB_IMPORT Import geometry from BREP file STB_INERTIA Compute moments of intertia of the shape STB_ISOS Set number of isolines STB_LINE Create a line STB_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance STB_LOCAL_CS Create a local coordinate system STB_MASS_CENTER Compute center of mass of the shape STB_MIN_DIST Compute minimum distance between two objects STB_MIRROR Mirror a shape STB_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify shape's location STB_MUL_ROTATION Perform multi-rotation STB_MUL_TRANSFORM Perform multi-transformation STB_MUL_TRANSLATION Perform multi-translation STB_OFFSET Offset surface STB_PROJECTION Project a point, an edge or a wire on a face STB_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Create an origin and base Vectors STB_PARTITION Make a partition STB_PIPE Create a shape by extrusion along a path STB_PIPE_PATH Restore path from a pipe-like shape STB_PLANE Create a plane STB_POINT Create a point STB_POINT_COORDS Display point coordinates STB_POINT_ON_EDGE Add point on edge STB_POP_COLOR Color STB_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group STB_POP_UNPUBLISH_OBJ Unpublish object STB_POP_PUBLISH_OBJ Publish object STB_POP_DISCLOSE_CHILDREN Disclose child items STB_POP_CONCEAL_CHILDREN Conceal child items STB_POP_ISOS Isolines STB_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient STB_POP_RENAME Rename STB_POP_SHADING Shading STB_POP_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading With Edges STB_POP_TEXTURE Texture STB_POP_VECTORS Show Edge Direction STB_POP_SETTEXTURE Add a texture STB_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency STB_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe STB_PROPAGATE Propagate STB_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face STB_REVOLUTION Create a revolution STB_ROTATION Rotate a shape STB_SCALE Scale a shape STB_SECTION Section STB_SEWING Perform sewing STB_WIREFRAME Wireframe STB_SHADING Shading STB_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading with edges STB_VECTOR_MODE Change Edge Presentation Mode STB_SHADING_COLOR Set shading color STB_SHAPE_PROCESS Perform shape processing STB_SHELL Build a shell STB_SHELL_SEL_ONLY Select only a Shells STB_SKETCH Create 2D sketch STB_3DSKETCH Create 3D sketch STB_SOLID Build a solid STB_SOLID_SEL_ONLY Select only a Solids STB_SPHERE Create a sphere STB_STEP_VALUE Set step value STB_SUPPERSS_HOLES Perform suppress holes STB_SUPPRESS_FACES Perform suppress faces STB_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Perform suppress internal wires STB_TOLERANCE Compute tolerance of the shape STB_TORUS Create a torus STB_TRANSLATION Translate shape STB_VECTOR Create a vector STB_VERTEX_SEL_ONLY Select only a Points STB_WHAT_IS What is STB_WIRE Build a wire STB_WIRE_SEL_ONLY Select only a Wires STB_WORK_PLANE Create a working plane STB_POP_POINT_MARKER Set Point Marker STB_POP_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES Set Material Properties SUPPRESS_RESULT Suppress Result SUPRESS_FACE_NEW_OBJ_NAME SupressFaces ShHealOper_ErrorExecution_msg Shape Healing algorithm failed ShHealOper_InvalidParameters_msg Incorrect parameters for Shape Healing algorithm ShHealOper_NotError_msg Shape Healing algorithm has done no modification of the original shape TLT_RENAME Rename TOM_O O TOM_O_PLUS + in O TOM_O_POINT . in O TOM_O_STAR * in O TOM_O_X X in O TOM_PLUS + TOM_POINT . TOM_STAR * TOM_X X TOOL_BASIC Basic TOOL_BLOCKS Blocks TOOL_BOOLEAN Boolean operations TOOL_FEATURES Modification TOOL_GENERATION Generation TOOL_PRIMITIVES Primitives TOOL_TRANSFORMATION Transformation TOOL_BUILD Build TOOL_OPERATIONS Operations TOOL_PICTURES Pictures TOOL_ADVANCED Advanced TOOL_MEASURES Measures TOP_ARC Create an arc TOP_ARCHIMEDE Archimede TOP_BASIC_PROPS Basic properties TOP_BND_BOX Bounding box TOP_BOX Create a box TOP_CHAMFER Chamfer TOP_CHANGE_ORIENTATION Change orientation TOP_CHECK Check shape TOP_CHECK_COMPOUND Check compound of blocks TOP_GET_NON_BLOCKS Get non blocks TOP_CHECK_SELF_INTERSECTIONS Detect Self-intersections TOP_CHECK_FREE_BNDS Check free boundaries TOP_CHECK_FREE_FACES Check free faces TOP_CHECK_GEOMETRY Check Geometry TOP_CIRCLE Create a circle TOP_CLIPPING Clipping range TOP_CLOSE_CONTOUR Perform close contour TOP_COMMON Common TOP_COMPOUND Build compound TOP_CONE Create a cone TOP_CURVE Create a curve TOP_CUT Cut TOP_CYLINDER Create a cylinder TOP_DELETE Delete object TOP_RECTANGLE Create rectangular face TOP_DISK Create a disk TOP_DISPLAY Show TOP_DISPLAY_ALL Show all TOP_DISPLAY_ONLY Show only TOP_SHOW_ONLY_CHILDREN Show Only Children TOP_EDGE Build edge TOP_ELLIPSE Create an ellipse TOP_ERASE Hide TOP_ERASE_ALL Hide all TOP_EXPLODE Explode TOP_EXPLODE_BLOCKS Explode on Blocks TOP_EXPORT Export geometry to BREP file TOP_EXTRUSION Create an extrusion TOP_EXTRUDED_BOSS Extruded boss TOP_EXTRUDED_CUT Extruded cut TOP_FACE Build face TOP_FILLET Fillet 3D TOP_FILLET_1D Fillet 1D TOP_FILLET_2D Fillet 2D TOP_FILLING Create a filling TOP_FUSE Fuse TOP_GLUE_FACES Perform glue faces TOP_GLUE_EDGES Perform glue edges TOP_GROUP_CREATE Create a group TOP_GROUP_EDIT Edit a group TOP_GROUP_UNION Union Groups TOP_GROUP_INTERSECT Intersect Groups TOP_GROUP_CUT Cut Groups TOP_HEX_SOLID Hexahedral Solid TOP_IMPORT Import geometry from BREP file TOP_INERTIA Moments of intertia TOP_ISOS Set number of isolines TOP_LINE Create a line TOP_LIMIT_TOLERANCE Limit tolerance TOP_LOCAL_CS Create a local coordinate system TOP_MASS_CENTER Center of mass TOP_MIN_DIST Minimum distance TOP_MIRROR Mirror image TOP_MODIFY_LOCATION Modify location TOP_MUL_ROTATION Multi-Rotation TOP_MUL_TRANSFORM Multi-transformation TOP_MUL_TRANSLATION Multi-Translation TOP_PICTURE_IMPORT Import picture in viewer TOP_FEATURE_DETECTION Shape recognition TOP_OFFSET Offset surface TOP_PROJECTION Projection TOP_ORIGIN_AND_VECTORS Create an origin and base Vectors TOP_PARTITION Partition TOP_PIPE Extrusion along path TOP_PIPE_PATH Restore path TOP_PLANE Create a plane TOP_POINT Create a point TOP_POINT_COORDS Point coordinates TOP_POINT_ON_EDGE Add point on edge TOP_POP_COLOR Color TOP_POP_CREATE_GROUP Create Group TOP_POP_UNPUBLISH_OBJ Unpublish object TOP_POP_PUBLISH_OBJ Publish object TOP_POP_DISCLOSE_CHILDREN Disclose child items TOP_POP_CONCEAL_CHILDREN Conceal child items TOP_POP_ISOS Isolines TOP_POP_DEFLECTION Deflection Coefficient TOP_POP_RENAME Rename TOP_POP_SHADING Shading TOP_POP_SHADING_WITH_EDGES Shading With Edges TOP_POP_SETTEXTURE Texture TOP_POP_TRANSPARENCY Transparency TOP_POP_WIREFRAME Wireframe TOP_PROPAGATE Propagate TOP_Q_FACE Quadrangle Face TOP_REVOLUTION Create a revolution TOP_ROTATION Rotation TOP_SCALE Scale transform TOP_SECTION Section TOP_SEWING Perform sewing TOP_SHADING Shading TOP_SHADING_COLOR Set shading color TOP_SHAPE_PROCESS Perform shape processing TOP_SHELL Build shell TOP_SKETCH 2D sketch TOP_3DSKETCH 3D sketch TOP_SOLID Build solid TOP_SPHERE Create a sphere TOP_STEP_VALUE Set step value TOP_SUPPERSS_HOLES Perform suppress holes TOP_SUPPRESS_FACES Perform suppress faces TOP_SUPPRESS_INT_WIRES Perform suppress internal wires TOP_TOLERANCE Tolerance TOP_TORUS Create a torus TOP_TRANSLATION Translation TOP_VECTOR Create a vector TOP_WHAT_IS What is TOP_WIRE Build wire TOP_WORK_PLANE Create a working plane TOP_POP_POINT_MARKER Point Marker TOP_POP_MATERIAL_PROPERTIES Material Properties WRN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Sorry, this functionality is not yet implemented _S_ (s) NOT_FOUND_ANY Not a single entity has been found GEOM_FACE_I Face %1 GEOM_CONSTANT_RADIUS Radius : GEOM_R1 R1 : GEOM_R2 R2 : GEOM_BOTHWAY Both Directions GEOM_NORMALE Normal To A Face GEOM_VECTOR_NORMALE Vector_Normal GEOM_LINE1 Line 1 GEOM_LINE2 Line 2 GEOM_D D : GEOM_CHAMFER_EDGE Chamfer On Edge common with 2 Faces SELECTED_EDGE Selected Edges GEOM_NORMALE_TITLE Create Normal To A Face GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_TITLE Angle Between Two Straight Edges/Lines/Vectors GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_ANGLE Angle GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_OBJ Objects And Results GEOM_MEASURE_ANGLE_IS Angle in degrees : GEOM_LINE_INTERSECTION Point On Lines Intersection GEOM_KEEP_NONLIMIT_SHAPES Keep shapes of lower type GEOM_NO_SELF_INTERSECTION No sub-shapes intersection (Compounds only) GEOM_CENTER_2POINTS Center and two points GEOM_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES_TITLE Remove extra edges GEOM_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Object to remove extra edges GEOM_RMEE_UNION_FACES Union faces, laying on common surface REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES_NEW_OBJ_NAME NoExtraEdges TOP_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove extra edges MEN_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove Extra Edges STB_REMOVE_EXTRA_EDGES Remove extra edges GEOM_FUSE_EDGES_TITLE Fuse Collinear Edges within a Wire GEOM_FUSE_EDGES Fuse edges FUSE_EDGES_NEW_OBJ_NAME FuseEdges TOP_FUSE_EDGES Fuse collinear edges within a wire MEN_FUSE_EDGES Fuse Collinear Edges within a Wire STB_FUSE_EDGES Fuse collinear edges within a wire TOP_NORMALE Normal to a face MEN_NORMALE Normal to a Face STB_NORMALE Compute normal to the face TOP_MEASURE_ANGLE Angle MEN_MEASURE_ANGLE Angle STB_MEASURE_ANGLE Compute angle between two lines or linear edges TOP_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color MEN_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto Color STB_POP_AUTO_COLOR Auto color TOP_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color MEN_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable Auto Color STB_POP_DISABLE_AUTO_COLOR Disable auto color GEOM_RESULT_NAME_GRP Result name GEOM_RESULT_NAME_LBL Name GEOM_FILLING_APPROX Approximation GEOM_FILLING_METHOD Method GEOM_FILLING_DEFAULT Default (standard behaviour) GEOM_FILLING_USEORI Use edges orientation GEOM_FILLING_AUTO Auto-correct edges orientation GEOM_WRN_NO_APPROPRIATE_SELECTION No appropriate objects selected GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_ESHAPE Shape for exploding GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_CSHAPE Solid for checking GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_STATE State GEOM_KIND_OF_SHAPE Kind of Shape : GEOM_CLOSED Closed GEOM_UNCLOSED Opened GEOM_CLOSEDUNCLOSED Not defined, Closed or Opened. Possibly, error occured. GEOM_DISK_CIRCLE Disk GEOM_DISK_ELLIPSE Elliptical face GEOM_PLANAR_FACE Planar Face GEOM_PLANAR_EDGE_WIRE Wire with Planar Edges GEOM_POLYGON Polygon GEOM_POLYHEDRON Polyhedron GEOM_NORMAL Normal direction GEOM_DIRECTION Direction GEOM_UPARAMETER U-parameter : GEOM_VPARAMETER V-parameter : GEOM_X_I X%1 : GEOM_Y_I Y%1 : GEOM_Z_I Z%1 : GEOM_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE_TITLE Get shapes on shape GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_X Scale Factor X : GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_Y Scale Factor Y : GEOM_SCALE_FACTOR_Z Scale Factor Z : GEOM_STATE_IN IN GEOM_STATE_OUT OUT GEOM_STATE_ON ON GEOM_STATE_ONIN ONIN GEOM_STATE_ONOUT ONOUT GEOM_STATE_INOUT INOUT TOP_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape MEN_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get Shapes on Shape STB_GET_SHAPES_ON_SHAPE Get shapes on shape TOP_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get shared shapes MEN_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get Shared Shapes STB_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Get shared shapes GEOM_PUBLISH_RESULT_GRP Advanced options GEOM_RESTORE_SUB_SHAPES Set presentation parameters and sub-shapes from arguments GEOM_RSS_ADD_FREFIX Add prefix to names of restored sub-shapes GEOM_PREVIEW Preview GEOM_ALL_IMPORT_FILES All supported formats ( %1 ) GEOM_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE Unsupported format for the file GEOM_UNKNOWN_IMPORT_ERROR Unknown error GEOM_IMPORT_ERRORS Import operation has finished with errors: EXPORT_IGES_HETEROGENEOUS_COMPOUND This compound cannot be exported in IGES format without loss, because it contains entities, that must be saved in different modes. It is vertices, edges and wires on the one hand and shells and solids on the other hand. GEOM_PUBLISH_NAMED_SHAPES Create groups for named shapes (if there are any)? GEOM_SCALE_DIMENSIONS Take into account the units (%1) embedded to the file? Ignoring units will cause model scaling (as dimensions are supposed to be specified in meters). GEOM_ADVANCED Advanced shape: type %1 GEOM_ADVANCED_202 Divided Disk GEOM_ADVANCED_203 Divided Cylinder GEOM_PRECISION_HINT Input value precision can be adjusted using '%1' parameter in Geometry module preferences. TOP_PIPETSHAPE Create Pipe TShape MEN_PIPETSHAPE Pipe TShape STB_PIPETSHAPE Create new Pipe TShape object GEOM_ADVANCED_201 Pipe TShape HALF_LENGTH_MAIN_PIPE Main pipe half length HALF_LENGTH_INCIDENT_PIPE Incident pipe half length CIRCULAR_QUARTER_PIPE Circular quarter of pipe THICKNESS Thickness FLANGE Flange CHAMFER_OR_FILLET Chamfer or fillet CHAMFER Chamfer FILLET Fillet JUNCTION_FACE_1 Junction 1 JUNCTION_FACE_2 Junction 2 JUNCTION_FACE_3 Junction 3 GEOM_PLUGINS_OTHER Other SHOW_ONLY_SELECTED Show only selected HIDE_SELECTED Hide selected SHOW_ALL_SUB_SHAPES Show all sub-shapes GEOM_SELECT_IMAGE Select image... BasicGUI_CurveDlg GEOM_IS_CLOSED Build a closed edge GEOM_BUILD_CLOSED_WIRE Build a closed wire GEOM_IS_REORDER Reorder vertices taking into account distances GEOM_CURVE_CRMODE Creation Mode GEOM_CURVE_SELECTION By Selection GEOM_CURVE_ANALITICAL Analytical BasicGUI_ParamCurveWidget GEOM_PCURVE_TITLE Curve parameters GEOM_PCURVE_X X(t) equation GEOM_PCURVE_Y Y(t) equation GEOM_PCURVE_Z Z(t) equation GEOM_PCURVE_MIN Min t GEOM_PCURVE_MAX Max t GEOM_PCURVE_STEP Step GEOM_PCURVE_NBSTEP Number of steps BasicGUI_EllipseDlg GEOM_VECTOR_MAJOR Major Axis ORIGIN_DEFAULT Origin by default X_AXIS_DEFAULT X axis by default Z_AXIS_DEFAULT Z axis by default BasicGUI_MarkerDlg CAPTION Local CS Construction DX Dx DY Dy DZ Dz LCS_NAME LocalCS LOCALCS Local coordinate system ORIGIN Coordinates of origin VEC_PARALLEL Coordinate system axes cannot be parallel XDIR X axis direction YDIR Y axis direction BlocksGUI_BlockDlg FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_2 Face 2 FACE_3 Face 3 FACE_4 Face 4 FACE_5 Face 5 FACE_6 Face 6 BlocksGUI_ExplodeDlg NB_FACES_MAX Max. nb. faces NB_FACES_MIN Min. nb. faces BlocksGUI_QuadFaceDlg EDGE_1 Edge 1 EDGE_2 Edge 2 EDGE_3 Edge 3 EDGE_4 Edge 4 VERTEX_1 Vertex 1 VERTEX_2 Vertex 2 VERTEX_3 Vertex 3 VERTEX_4 Vertex 4 BlocksGUI_TrsfDlg FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_1U Face 1 U FACE_1V Face 1 V FACE_2 Face 2 FACE_2U Face 2 U FACE_2V Face 2 V EntityGUI_SketcherDlg CANNOT_CLOSE It is impossible to close sketch Number of sketch points too small EntityGUI_FeatureDetectorDlg GEOM_DETECT_TITLE Feature Detection GEOM_SCALING Scaling GEOM_PNT1 Top left corner GEOM_PNT2 Top right corner GEOM_CORNER Detected_corners GEOM_CORNERS Corners GEOM_CONTOURS Contours GEOM_FEATURES Features GEOM_DETECT_ZONE Select a detection zone (default is whole picture) GEOM_DETECT_OUTPUT Output type GEOM_PICTURE Picture GEOM_COLOR_FILTER Filtering sample GEOM_VIEW View GEOM_FRONT Front (Y-Z) GEOM_TOP Top (X-Y) GEOM_LEFT Left (X-Z) EntityGUI_PictureImportDlg GEOM_PICTURE Picture GEOM_FILE File name GEOM_IMPORT_PICT_TITLE Import picture in viewer EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg NO_SUBSHAPES_SELECTED Please, select one or more sub-shapes GroupGUI NO_GROUP Please, select a group to edit GroupGUI_BooleanDlg GEOM_UNION Union GEOM_UNION_TITLE Union Groups GEOM_INTERSECT Intersect GEOM_INTERSECT_TITLE Intersect Groups GEOM_CUT Cut GEOM_CUT_TITLE Cut Groups GEOM_GROUPS Groups GEOM_MAIN_GROUPS Main Groups GEOM_TOOL_GROUPS Tool Groups GroupGUI_GroupDlg ADD Add CREATE_GROUP_TITLE Create Group EDIT_GROUP_TITLE Edit Group EMPTY_LIST Please, select one or more sub-shapes to put into the group EMPTY_NAME Please, specify a non-empty group name GROUP_NAME Group Name GROUP_PREFIX Group MAIN_SHAPE Main Shape MAIN_SUB_SHAPES Main Shape And Sub-shapes NO_GROUP Please, select a group to edit NO_MAIN_OBJ Please, select a main shape REMOVE Remove SELECT_ALL Select All SHAPE_SEL_RESTR Main Shape Selection restriction SHAPE_TYPE Shape Type NO_RESTR No restriction GEOM_PARTS_OF_SHAPE2 Geometrical parts of the Second Shape SUBSHAPES_OF_SHAPE2 Only Sub-shapes of the Second Shape SECOND_SHAPE Second Shape MeasureGUI_1Sel1TextView1Check_QTD CHECK_SHAPE_GEOMETRY Check also geometry MeasureGUI_PointDlg CAPTION Point Coordinates COORDINATES Point and its coordinates POINT Point X X Y Y Z Z OperationGUI_ChamferDlg D D FACE_1 Face 1 FACE_2 Face 2 SELECTED_FACES Selected faces OperationGUI_FilletDlg SELECTED_EDGES Selected edges SELECTED_FACES Selected faces RepairGUI_FreeBoundDlg CAPTION Check free boundaries FREE_BOUND Free boundaries NUMBER_CLOSED Number of closed free boundaries: NUMBER_OPEN Number of open free boundaries: RepairGUI_GlueDlg FACES_FOR_GLUING_ARE_DETECTED There are %1 face(s) that can be glued. They are coloured on the screen with red colour. Please close this message box and select faces for gluing EDGES_FOR_GLUING_ARE_DETECTED There are %1 edge(s) that can be glued. They are coloured on the screen with red colour. Please close this message box and select edges for gluing GLUE_FACES Glue faces GLUE_EDGES Glue edges SELECT_FACES Select Faces SELECT_EDGES Select Edges GLUE_ALL_EDGES Glue all coincident edges THERE_ARE_NO_FACES_FOR_GLUING There are no faces for gluing THERE_ARE_NO_EDGES_FOR_GLUING There are no edges for gluing RepairGUI_ShapeProcessDlg ERROR_NO_OBJECTS Please, select a geometrical object for Shape Processing. ERROR_NO_OPERATORS Please, select at least one Shape Process operation to proceed. TIME_CONSUMING Enabling this option may result in a very time-consuming operation for some input shapes. Would you like to continue? GEOMToolsGUI_DeleteDlg GEOM_REALLY_DELETE Do you really want to delete %1 object(s)? GEOM_REALLY_DELETE_ALL Do you really want to delete all objects? GEOM_DELETE_OBJECTS Delete objects GEOMToolsGUI_DeflectionDlg GEOM_DEFLECTION_TLT Select Deflection of Shape GEOM_DEFLECTION Deflection : GEOMToolsGUI_LineWidthDlg GEOM_LINE_WIDTH Line width: GEOMToolsGUI_MarkerDlg SET_MARKER_TLT Set Point Marker STANDARD_MARKER Standard CUSTOM_MARKER Custom TYPE Type: SCALE Scale: CUSTOM Texture: BROWSE Browse... OK_BTN &OK CANCEL_BTN &Cancel HELP_BTN &Help LOAD_TEXTURE_TLT Load Texture GEOMToolsGUI_MaterialPropertiesDlg MATERIAL_PROPERTIES_TLT Color and Material Properties REFLECTION_0 Ambient REFLECTION_1 Diffuse REFLECTION_2 Specular REFLECTION_3 Emissive ENABLED Enabled SHININESS Shininess: PHYSICAL Physical ADD_MATERIAL Add material DELETE_MATERIAL Remove material RENAME_MATERIAL Rename material CURRENT_MATERIAL [ Current ] CURRENT_COLOR Color CUSTOM_MATERIAL Custom material QUE_CREATE_NEW_MATERIAL Changing properties of pre-defined material is not allowed. Do you want to create new material? QUE_REMOVE_MATERIAL Remove material %1? OK_BTN &OK CANCEL_BTN &Cancel HELP_BTN &Help OperationGUI_GetSharedShapesDlg GEOM_SHARED_SHAPES_TITLE Get Shared Shapes GEOM_GET_SHARED_SHAPES Shared shapes GEOM_SHARED_SHAPES_INPUT Input data MSG_SHARED_SHAPES_TOO_FEW_SHAPES To few shapes selected. GEOM_SHARED_SHAPE Shared_%1 AdvancedGUI_PipeTShapeDlg GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_TITLE Pipe TShape Construction GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE PipeTShape GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_MPIPE Main pipe GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_R Radius GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_W Width GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_L Half-length GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_IPIPE Incident pipe GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER Chamfer GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER_H Height GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_CHAMFER_W Width GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_FILLET Fillet GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_HEX Prepare for hex mesh GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION Set position GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P1 Junction P1 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P2 Junction P2 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_P3 Junction P3 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_LBL_L1 New L1 GEOM_PIPE_TSHAPE_POSITION_LBL_L2 New L2 GEOMToolsGUI_PublishDlg GEOM_PUBLISH_OBJECTS_TLT Publish Objects OBJECT_NAME Name OBJECT_ENTRY Entry UNSELECT_ALL U&nselect All SELECT_ALL Select &All GEOM_PUBLISH_BTN &Publish GEOM_PUBLISH_CLOSE_BTN P&ublish And Close ImportExportGUI_ExportXAODlg GEOM_EXPORTXAO_TITLE Export XAO GEOM_EXPORTXAO ExportXAO GEOM_EXPORTXAO_EXPORTINGSHAPE Exporting Shape GEOM_EXPORTXAO_FILENAME File Name GEOM_EXPORTXAO_LGROUPS List of groups GEOM_EXPORTXAO_LFIELDS List of fields @default TOP_EXPORTXAO ExportXAO MEN_EXPORTXAO ExportXAO STB_EXPORTXAO ExportXAO GEOM_IMPORTEXPORT_204 ExportXAO