/*! \page projection_operation_page Projection To produce a <b>Projection</b> in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>Operations - > Transformation - > Projection</b> This operation makes normal projection of one shape to another. There are 3 types of projection different by types of operands. Firstly, you can project <b>Source vertex, edge or wire</b> on a given <b>Target face</b>. \image html projection_dlg.png Secondly, you can project <b>Source vertex</b> on a given <b>Target wire</b>. \image html projection_dlg1.png Thirdly, you can project <b>Source vertex</b> on a given <b>Target edge</b>. \image html projection_dlg2.png \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Advanced options". \note This dialog supports navigation through the selectable objects (in OCC 3D viewer only): - Scroll mouse wheel with pressed \em Ctrl key or press \em "S", \em "P" keys when input focus is in the viewer to navigate between selectable objects. - Press left mouse button to select an appropriate object to the dialog box. . For more details, please refer to the \em "Functionality common for OCC and VTK viewers" chapter of the GUI module's documentation. <b>Example:</b> \image html projection_preview.png "The curve (in red) and its projection on the cylindric surface" <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeProjection(Source, Target),</em> \n where \em Source is a shape which has to be projected, \em Target is a shape, on which the \em Source shape will be projected. The \em Result will be a \em GEOM_Object. Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_projection "Transformation Operations". */