/*! \page view_geom_obj_page Overview \n Newly created geometrical objects are automatically displayed in the <b>OCC 3D Viewer</b>. \n <b>OCC 3D Viewer</b> is described in the documentation on <b>GUI module</b>. \n After the object has appeared in the Viewer, you can select it with left mouse click to change its presentation parameters and access to other useful options by right-clicking on the selected object. \image html dialog.png <ul> <li><b>Rename</b> - allows to change the name of the geometric object.</li> <li><b>Delete</b> - irreversibly deletes the selected object from the viewer and from the Object Browser.</li> <li>\ref display_mode_page "Display Mode" - allows to select between Wireframe and Shading presentation.</li> <li>\ref color_page "Color" - allows to change the filling color in the standard <b>Select Color</b> menu.</li> <li>\ref transparency_page "Transparency" - allows to change the transparency of geometrical objects.</li> <li>\ref isolines_page "Isos" - allows to change the number of isolines displayed within a shape.</li> <li><b>Hide</b> - allows to hide the selected geometrical object from the viewer. TUI Command : <em>sg.EraseOnly(ID)</em> \n \image html image18.gif </li> <li><b>Hide all</b> - allows to hide all objects from the viewer. TUI Command: <em>sg.EraseAll()</em> \n \image html image26.gif </li> <li><b>Display Only</b> - allows to display only the selected geometrical object. TUI Command: <em>sg.DisplayOnly(ID)</em> \n \image html image33.gif </li> <li><b>Update</b> - refreshes the presentation of your geometrical object in the Object Browser, applying all recent changes.</li> <li><b>Dump view</b> - exports an object from the viewer in bmp, png, jpg or jpeg image format.</li> <li><b>Change background</b> - allows to redefine the background color. By default it is black. \n\n Some of these functionalities are available through right-clicking on the viewer background: \image html image2.jpg <br></li> <li><b>Select Only</b> provides a filter for exclusive selection of objects of a certain type.</li> </ul> */