// Copyright (C) 2007-2010 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File: GEOMAlgo_Builder_2.cxx // Author: Peter KURNEV #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void UpdateCandidates(const Standard_Integer , const Standard_Integer , NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfIndexedMapOfInteger& ); //======================================================================= //function : FillImagesFaces //purpose : //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillImagesFaces() { myErrorStatus=0; // FillIn2DParts(); BuildSplitFaces(); FillSameDomainFaces(); FillImagesFaces1(); FillInternalVertices(); } //======================================================================= // function: FillIn2DParts // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillIn2DParts() { const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; NMTDS_InterfPool* pIP=pPF->IP(); BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=pIP->SSInterferences(); NMTTools_CommonBlockPool& aCBP=pPF->ChangeCommonBlockPool(); // Standard_Integer j, nSpIn, nSpSc, aNbCurves; Standard_Integer aNbS, nF, aNbCBP, n1, n2, aNbFFs, aNbSpIn; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TopTools_ListOfShape aLSpIn; TopoDS_Face aF; NMTTools_ListIteratorOfListOfCommonBlock aItCB; BOPTools_ListIteratorOfListOfPaveBlock aItPB; // myInParts.Clear(); // aNbFFs=aFFs.Extent(); aNbCBP=aCBP.Extent(); // aNbS=aDS.NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (nF=1; nF<=aNbS; ++nF) { if (aDS.GetShapeType(nF)!=TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } // aF=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF)); // aMFence.Clear(); aLSpIn.Clear(); // // 1. In Parts for (j=1; j<=aNbCBP; ++j) { NMTTools_ListOfCommonBlock& aLCB=aCBP(j); aItCB.Initialize(aLCB); for (; aItCB.More(); aItCB.Next()) { NMTTools_CommonBlock& aCB=aItCB.Value(); if (aCB.IsPaveBlockOnFace(nF)) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPB1=aCB.PaveBlock1(); nSpIn=aPB1.Edge(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpIn=aDS.Shape(nSpIn); if (aMFence.Add(aSpIn)){ aLSpIn.Append(aSpIn); } } } } // // 2. Section Parts for (j=1; j<=aNbFFs; ++j) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFF=aFFs(j); aFF.Indices(n1, n2); if (!(n1==nF || n2==nF)) { continue; } BOPTools_SequenceOfCurves& aSC=aFF.Curves(); aNbCurves=aSC.Length(); if (!aNbCurves) { continue; } // const BOPTools_Curve& aBC=aSC(1); const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPB=aBC.NewPaveBlocks(); aItPB.Initialize(aLPB); for (; aItPB.More(); aItPB.Next()) { const BOPTools_PaveBlock& aPBSc=aItPB.Value(); nSpSc=aPBSc.Edge(); const TopoDS_Shape& aSpSc=aDS.Shape(nSpSc); if (aMFence.Add(aSpSc)){ aLSpIn.Append(aSpSc); } } } aNbSpIn=aLSpIn.Extent(); if (aNbSpIn) { myInParts.Add(aF, aLSpIn); } }//for (nF=1; nF<=aNbS; ++nF) { } //======================================================================= // function: BuildSplitFaces // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::BuildSplitFaces() { const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; NMTDS_InterfPool* pIP=pPF->IP(); BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=pIP->SSInterferences(); IntTools_Context& aCtx= pPF->ChangeContext(); // Standard_Boolean bToReverse, bIsClosed, bIsDegenerated; Standard_Integer i, aNb, aNbF, nF; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMFP; TopExp_Explorer anExp; TopoDS_Face aFF; TopoDS_Edge aSp, aEE; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aIt; TopAbs_Orientation anOriF, anOriE; // mySplitFaces.Clear(); // // 1. Select Faces to process (MFP) aNb=aDS.NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aF=aDS.Shape(i); if (aF.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } if (!aMFence.Add(aF)) { continue; } // if (myInParts.Contains(aF)) { aMFP.Add(i); continue; } // anExp.Init(aF, TopAbs_EDGE); for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aE=anExp.Current(); if (myImages.HasImage(aE)) { aMFP.Add(i); break; } } // //=== { Standard_Integer aNbFFs, aNbSE, j, n1, n2; // aNbFFs=aFFs.Extent(); for (j=1; j<=aNbFFs; ++j) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFFj=aFFs(j); aFFj.Indices(n1, n2); if (!(n1==i || n2==i)) { continue; } // const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLSE=aFFj.SharedEdges(); aNbSE=aLSE.Extent(); if (aNbSE) { aMFP.Add(i); break; } } } //=== // }// for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) // // 2. ProcessFaces aNbF=aMFP.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbF; ++i) { nF=aMFP(i); const TopoDS_Face& aF=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF)); anOriF=aF.Orientation(); aFF=aF; aFF.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); // aMFence.Clear(); // // 2.1. Fill WES GEOMAlgo_WireEdgeSet aWES; aWES.SetFace(aFF); // // 2.1.1. Add Split parts anExp.Init(aFF, TopAbs_EDGE); for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) { const TopoDS_Edge& aE=TopoDS::Edge(anExp.Current()); anOriE=aE.Orientation(); // if (!myImages.HasImage(aE)) { if (anOriE==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { aEE=aE; aEE.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aWES.AddStartElement(aEE); aEE.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); aWES.AddStartElement(aEE); } else { aWES.AddStartElement(aE); } continue; } // bIsDegenerated=BRep_Tool::Degenerated(aE); bIsClosed=BRep_Tool::IsClosed(aE, aF); // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLIE=myImages.Image(aE); aIt.Initialize(aLIE); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { aSp=TopoDS::Edge(aIt.Value()); // if (bIsDegenerated) { aSp.Orientation(anOriE); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); continue; } // if (anOriE==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); continue; } // if (bIsClosed){ if (aMFence.Add(aSp)) { // if (!BRep_Tool::IsClosed(aSp, aF)){ BOPTools_Tools3D::DoSplitSEAMOnFace(aSp, aF); } // aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); } continue; }// if (aMFence.Add(aSp)) // aSp.Orientation(anOriE); bToReverse=BOPTools_Tools3D::IsSplitToReverse1(aSp, aE, aCtx); if (bToReverse) { aSp.Reverse(); } aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); }// for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { }// for (; anExp.More(); anExp.Next()) { // // 2.1.2. Add In2D Parts if (myInParts.Contains(aF)) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLE=myInParts.FindFromKey(aF); aIt.Initialize(aLE); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { aSp=TopoDS::Edge(aIt.Value()); // aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); // aSp.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); aWES.AddStartElement(aSp); } } // // 2.2. Build images Faces TopTools_ListOfShape aLFR; GEOMAlgo_ShapeSet aS1, aS2; // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aSE=aWES.StartElements(); aS1.Add(aSE); aS2.Add(aFF, TopAbs_EDGE); if (aS1.IsEqual(aS2)) { aLFR.Append(aF); } else { GEOMAlgo_BuilderFace aBF; // aBF.SetFace(aFF); aBF.SetContext(aCtx); aBF.SetShapes(aSE); // <-DEB aBF.Perform(); // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF=aBF.Areas(); aIt.Initialize(aLF); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { TopoDS_Shape& aFR=aIt.Value(); if (anOriF==TopAbs_REVERSED) { aFR.Orientation(TopAbs_REVERSED); } aLFR.Append(aFR); } } // // 2.3. Collect draft images Faces mySplitFaces.Bind(aF, aLFR); }//for (i=1; i<=aNbF; ++i) } //======================================================================= // function: FillSameDomainFaces // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillSameDomainFaces() { Standard_Boolean bIsSDF, bHasImage1, bHasImage2; Standard_Integer i, j, aNbFF, nF1, nF2, aNbPBInOn, aNbC, aNbSE; Standard_Integer aNbF1, aNbF2, i2s, aNbSD; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TopTools_ListOfShape aLSempty; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItF1, aItF2; NMTTools_ListOfCoupleOfShape aLCS; // const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; NMTDS_InterfPool* pIP=pPF->IP(); BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=pIP->SSInterferences(); IntTools_Context& aCtx= pPF->ChangeContext(); // // //mySameDomainShapes.Clear(); // // 1. For each FF find among images of faces // all pairs of same domain faces (SDF) [=> aLCS] aNbFF=aFFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbFF; ++i) { BOPTools_SSInterference& aFF=aFFs(i); aFF.Indices(nF1, nF2); // const TopoDS_Face& aF1=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF1)); const TopoDS_Face& aF2=TopoDS::Face(aDS.Shape(nF2)); // // if there are no in/on 2D split parts the faces nF1, nF2 // can not be SDF const BOPTools_ListOfPaveBlock& aLPBInOn=aFF.PaveBlocks(); aNbPBInOn=aLPBInOn.Extent(); // //=== const TColStd_ListOfInteger& aLSE=aFF.SharedEdges(); aNbSE=aLSE.Extent(); if (!aNbPBInOn && !aNbSE) { continue; } //=== // // if there is at least one section edge between faces nF1, nF2 // they can not be SDF BOPTools_SequenceOfCurves& aSC=aFF.Curves(); aNbC=aSC.Length(); if (aNbC) { continue; } // // the faces are suspected to be SDF. // Try to find SDF among images of nF1, nF2 aMFence.Clear(); // //XXXXXXXXXXXXXf bHasImage1=mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF1); bHasImage2=mySplitFaces.HasImage(aF2); // const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF1r=(bHasImage1)? mySplitFaces.Image(aF1) : aLSempty; const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF2r=(bHasImage2)? mySplitFaces.Image(aF2) : aLSempty; // TopTools_DataMapOfIntegerShape aMIS; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aItLI; NMTDS_BoxBndTreeSelector aSelector; NMTDS_BoxBndTree aBBTree; NCollection_UBTreeFiller aTreeFiller(aBBTree); // aNbF1=aLF1r.Extent(); aNbF2=aLF2r.Extent(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF1=(aNbF1DS(); // aNb=aDS.NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (i=1; i<=aNb; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape& aS=aDS.Shape(i); if (aS.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } // if (!mySplitFaces.HasImage(aS)) { continue; } // aF=TopoDS::Face(aS); // aLFx.Clear(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLF=mySplitFaces.Image(aF); aIt.Initialize(aLF); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { aFSp=TopoDS::Face(aIt.Value()); if (!mySameDomainShapes.Contains(aFSp)) { aLFx.Append(aFSp); } else { const TopoDS_Shape& aSx=mySameDomainShapes.FindFromKey(aFSp); aFSD=TopoDS::Face(aSx); iSense=GEOMAlgo_Tools3D::Sense(aFSp, aFSD); if (iSense<0) { aFSD.Reverse(); } aLFx.Append(aFSD); } } if (!myImages.HasImage(aF)) { aNbLFx=aLFx.Extent(); if (aNbLFx==1) { const TopoDS_Shape& aFx=aLFx.First(); if (aF.IsSame(aFx)) { continue; } } myImages.Bind(aF, aLFx); } } } //======================================================================= // function: FillInternalVertices // purpose: //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::FillInternalVertices() { const NMTDS_ShapesDataStructure& aDS=*myPaveFiller->DS(); NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; NMTDS_InterfPool* pIP=pPF->IP(); IntTools_Context& aCtx= pPF->ChangeContext(); // /*BOPTools_CArray1OfSSInterference& aFFs=*/pIP->SSInterferences(); BOPTools_CArray1OfVSInterference& aVFs=pIP->VSInterferences(); BOPTools_CArray1OfESInterference& aEFs=pIP->ESInterferences(); const NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfIndexedMapOfInteger& aMAV=pPF->AloneVertices(); // Standard_Boolean bHasImage; Standard_Integer i, j, nF, aNbS, nV, nVSD, n1, n2, iFlag; Standard_Integer aNbVFs, aNbAVF, aNbEFs, aNbVC, aNbE, aNbV; Standard_Real aU1, aU2, aTol; NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfIndexedMapOfInteger aMFMV; TopTools_MapOfShape aMFence; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aIt, aItV; BRep_Builder aBB; // // 1. Collect face-vertex candidates [aMFMV] // // 1.1. VFs aNbVFs=aVFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbVFs; ++i) { const BOPTools_VSInterference& aVS=aVFs(i); aVS.Indices(n1, n2); nF=n2; nV=n1; if (aDS.Shape(n1).ShapeType()==TopAbs_FACE) { nF=n1; nV=n2; } nVSD=pPF->FindSDVertex(nV); if (nVSD) { nV=nVSD; } // UpdateCandidates(nF, nV, aMFMV); } // // 1.2 EFs aNbEFs=aEFs.Extent(); for (i=1; i<=aNbEFs; ++i) { const BOPTools_ESInterference& aEF=aEFs(i); aEF.Indices(n1, n2); nV=aEF.NewShape(); if (!nV) { continue; } const TopoDS_Shape& aSnew=aDS.Shape(nV); if (aSnew.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_VERTEX) { continue; } // nF=(aDS.Shape(n1).ShapeType()==TopAbs_FACE) ? n1 : n2; nVSD=pPF->FindSDVertex(nV); if (nVSD) { nV=nVSD; } UpdateCandidates(nF, nV, aMFMV); } // aNbS=aDS.NumberOfShapesOfTheObject(); for (nF=1; nF<=aNbS; ++nF) { const TopoDS_Shape& aF=aDS.Shape(nF); // if (aF.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_FACE) { continue; } if (!aMFence.Add(aF)) { continue; } // const TopoDS_Face& aFF=TopoDS::Face(aF); aTol=BRep_Tool::Tolerance(aFF); // // 1.3 FFs if (aMAV.Contains(nF)) { const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMAVF=aMAV.FindFromKey(nF); aNbAVF=aMAVF.Extent(); for (j=1; j<=aNbAVF; ++j) { nV=aMAVF(j); nVSD=pPF->FindSDVertex(nV); if (nVSD) { nV=nVSD; } // UpdateCandidates(nF, nV, aMFMV); } } // // 1.4 Internal vertices of the face nF BooleanOperations_OnceExplorer aExp(aDS); aExp.Init(nF, TopAbs_VERTEX); for (; aExp.More(); aExp.Next()) { nV=aExp.Current(); const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aDS.Shape(nV); if (aV.Orientation()==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { nVSD=pPF->FindSDVertex(nV); if (nVSD) { nV=nVSD; } // UpdateCandidates(nF, nV, aMFMV); } } // // 2. Process face nF if (!aMFMV.Contains(nF)) { continue; } // const TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMVC=aMFMV.FindFromKey(nF); aNbVC=aMVC.Extent(); if (!aNbVC) { continue; } // // 2.1 Refine candidates TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMVE; TopTools_ListOfShape aLV; // bHasImage=myImages.HasImage(aF); if (bHasImage) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLFx=myImages.Image(aF); aIt.Initialize(aLFx); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aFx=aIt.Value(); TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(aFx, TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE, aMVE); } } else { Standard_Boolean bFaceToProcess; // TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(aF, TopAbs_VERTEX, TopAbs_EDGE, aMVE); bFaceToProcess=Standard_False; for (j=1; j<=aNbVC; ++j) { nV=aMVC(j); const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aDS.Shape(nV); if (!aMVE.Contains(aV)) { bFaceToProcess=!bFaceToProcess; break; } } if (!bFaceToProcess) { continue; } }// else // for (j=1; j<=aNbVC; ++j) { nV=aMVC(j); const TopoDS_Shape& aV=aDS.Shape(nV); if (aMVE.Contains(aV)) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLE=aMVE.FindFromKey(aV); aNbE=aLE.Extent(); if (aNbE) { continue; } } aLV.Append(aV); } // aNbV=aLV.Extent(); if (aNbV) { // 3. Try to put vertices into the face(s) aItV.Initialize(aLV); for (; aItV.More(); aItV.Next()) { TopoDS_Vertex aV=TopoDS::Vertex(aItV.Value()); aV.Orientation(TopAbs_INTERNAL); // bHasImage=myImages.HasImage(aF); if (bHasImage) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLFx=myImages.Image(aF); aIt.Initialize(aLFx); for (; aIt.More(); aIt.Next()) { TopoDS_Face aFx=TopoDS::Face(aIt.Value()); // update classifier IntTools_FClass2d& aClsf=aCtx.FClass2d(aFx); aClsf.Init(aFx, aTol); // iFlag=aCtx.ComputeVS (aV, aFx, aU1, aU2); if (!iFlag) { aBB.Add(aFx, aV); break; } } } else { const TopoDS_Face& aFx=TopoDS::Face(aF); // update classifier IntTools_FClass2d& aClsf=aCtx.FClass2d(aFx); aClsf.Init(aFx, aTol); // iFlag=aCtx.ComputeVS (aV, aFx, aU1, aU2); if (!iFlag) { TopoDS_Face aFz; // GEOMAlgo_Tools3D::CopyFace(aFx, aFz); aBB.Add(aFz, aV); myImages.Bind(aF, aFz); } } }// for (; aItV.More(); aItV.Next()) { }// if (aNbV) { }// for (nF=1; nF<=aNb; ++nF) { } //======================================================================= // function: UpdateCandidates // purpose: //======================================================================= void UpdateCandidates(const Standard_Integer theNF, const Standard_Integer theNV, NMTTools_IndexedDataMapOfIndexedMapOfInteger& theMFMV) { if (theMFMV.Contains(theNF)) { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger& aMV=theMFMV.ChangeFromKey(theNF); aMV.Add(theNV); } else { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMV; aMV.Add(theNV); theMFMV.Add(theNF, aMV); } } /* { TopoDS_Compound aCx; BRep_Builder aBBx; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItx; // aBBx.MakeCompound(aCx); aBBx.Add(aCx, aFF); aItx.Initialize(aSE); for (; aItx.More(); aItx.Next()) { TopoDS_Shape& aEx=aItx.Value(); aBBx.Add(aCx, aEx); } int a=0; } */