/*! \page python_interface Geometry module Python Interface The %GEOM python package essentially contains: - Python Interface \subpage geompy_page "geomBuilder.py" to import/export, create and transform geometrical objects, manage fields, use measurement tools; - Utility functions within Python module \subpage manipulate_object "geomtools.py" to handle %GEOM items in SALOME study: - add or remove a shape; - display or erase a shape in the viewer; - completely delete a shape (undisplay, unpublish, and destroy it); - manage the selection in the object browser. - \subpage pythonutils_page "Wrapping functions" for %GEOM tools - Python package \subpage struct_elem_visualisation "structelem" that provides functions to create geometrical 3D representations of mechanical models called "structural elements" The functions are distributed in the python package salome.geom. Its documentation is mainly generated from the code of source python files. \note The main package salome contains other sub-packages that are distributed with the other SALOME modules. For example, the KERNEL module provides the python package salome.kernel and SMESH the package salome.smesh. */