// WebHelp 5.10.001 var garrSortChar=new Array(); var gaFtsStop=new Array(); var gaFtsStem=new Array(); var gbWhLang=false; garrSortChar[0] = 0; garrSortChar[1] = 1; garrSortChar[2] = 2; garrSortChar[3] = 3; garrSortChar[4] = 4; garrSortChar[5] = 5; garrSortChar[6] = 6; garrSortChar[7] = 7; garrSortChar[8] = 8; garrSortChar[9] = 40; garrSortChar[10] = 41; garrSortChar[11] = 42; garrSortChar[12] = 43; garrSortChar[13] = 44; garrSortChar[14] = 9; garrSortChar[15] = 10; garrSortChar[16] = 11; garrSortChar[17] = 12; garrSortChar[18] = 13; garrSortChar[19] = 14; garrSortChar[20] = 15; garrSortChar[21] = 16; garrSortChar[22] = 17; garrSortChar[23] = 18; garrSortChar[24] = 19; garrSortChar[25] = 20; garrSortChar[26] = 21; garrSortChar[27] = 22; garrSortChar[28] = 23; garrSortChar[29] = 24; garrSortChar[30] = 25; garrSortChar[31] = 26; garrSortChar[32] = 38; garrSortChar[33] = 45; garrSortChar[34] = 46; garrSortChar[35] = 47; garrSortChar[36] = 48; garrSortChar[37] = 49; garrSortChar[38] = 50; garrSortChar[39] = 33; garrSortChar[40] = 51; garrSortChar[41] = 52; garrSortChar[42] = 53; garrSortChar[43] = 88; garrSortChar[44] = 54; garrSortChar[45] = 34; garrSortChar[46] = 55; garrSortChar[47] = 56; garrSortChar[48] = 115; garrSortChar[49] = 119; garrSortChar[50] = 121; garrSortChar[51] = 123; garrSortChar[52] = 125; garrSortChar[53] = 126; garrSortChar[54] = 127; garrSortChar[55] = 128; garrSortChar[56] = 129; garrSortChar[57] = 130; garrSortChar[58] = 57; garrSortChar[59] = 58; garrSortChar[60] = 89; garrSortChar[61] = 90; garrSortChar[62] = 91; garrSortChar[63] = 59; garrSortChar[64] = 60; garrSortChar[65] = 131; garrSortChar[66] = 148; garrSortChar[67] = 150; garrSortChar[68] = 154; garrSortChar[69] = 158; garrSortChar[70] = 168; garrSortChar[71] = 171; garrSortChar[72] = 173; garrSortChar[73] = 175; garrSortChar[74] = 185; garrSortChar[75] = 187; garrSortChar[76] = 189; garrSortChar[77] = 191; garrSortChar[78] = 193; garrSortChar[79] = 197; garrSortChar[80] = 214; garrSortChar[81] = 216; 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garrSortChar[247] = 96; garrSortChar[248] = 197; garrSortChar[249] = 230; garrSortChar[250] = 230; garrSortChar[251] = 230; garrSortChar[252] = 230; garrSortChar[253] = 246; garrSortChar[254] = 227; garrSortChar[255] = 250; gaFtsStop[0] = "a"; gaFtsStop[1] = "about"; gaFtsStop[2] = "after"; gaFtsStop[3] = "against"; gaFtsStop[4] = "all"; gaFtsStop[5] = "also"; gaFtsStop[6] = "among"; gaFtsStop[7] = "an"; gaFtsStop[8] = "and"; gaFtsStop[9] = "are"; gaFtsStop[10] = "as"; gaFtsStop[11] = "at"; gaFtsStop[12] = "be"; gaFtsStop[13] = "became"; gaFtsStop[14] = "because"; gaFtsStop[15] = "been"; gaFtsStop[16] = "between"; gaFtsStop[17] = "but"; gaFtsStop[18] = "by"; gaFtsStop[19] = "can"; gaFtsStop[20] = "come"; gaFtsStop[21] = "do"; gaFtsStop[22] = "during"; gaFtsStop[23] = "each"; gaFtsStop[24] = "early"; gaFtsStop[25] = "for"; gaFtsStop[26] = "form"; gaFtsStop[27] = "found"; gaFtsStop[28] = "from"; gaFtsStop[29] = "had"; gaFtsStop[30] = "has"; gaFtsStop[31] = "have"; gaFtsStop[32] = "he"; gaFtsStop[33] = "her"; gaFtsStop[34] = "his"; gaFtsStop[35] = "however"; gaFtsStop[36] = "in"; gaFtsStop[37] = "include"; gaFtsStop[38] = "into"; gaFtsStop[39] = "is"; gaFtsStop[40] = "it"; gaFtsStop[41] = "its"; gaFtsStop[42] = "late"; gaFtsStop[43] = "later"; gaFtsStop[44] = "made"; gaFtsStop[45] = "many"; gaFtsStop[46] = "may"; gaFtsStop[47] = "me"; gaFtsStop[48] = "med"; gaFtsStop[49] = "more"; gaFtsStop[50] = "most"; gaFtsStop[51] = "near"; gaFtsStop[52] = "no"; gaFtsStop[53] = "non"; gaFtsStop[54] = "not"; gaFtsStop[55] = "of"; gaFtsStop[56] = "on"; gaFtsStop[57] = "only"; gaFtsStop[58] = "or"; gaFtsStop[59] = "other"; gaFtsStop[60] = "over"; gaFtsStop[61] = "several"; gaFtsStop[62] = "she"; gaFtsStop[63] = "some"; gaFtsStop[64] = "such"; gaFtsStop[65] = "than"; gaFtsStop[66] = "that"; gaFtsStop[67] = "the"; gaFtsStop[68] = "their"; gaFtsStop[69] = "then"; gaFtsStop[70] = "there"; gaFtsStop[71] = "these"; gaFtsStop[72] = "they"; gaFtsStop[73] = "this"; gaFtsStop[74] = "through"; gaFtsStop[75] = "to"; gaFtsStop[76] = "under"; gaFtsStop[77] = "until"; gaFtsStop[78] = "use"; gaFtsStop[79] = "was"; gaFtsStop[80] = "we"; gaFtsStop[81] = "were"; gaFtsStop[82] = "when"; gaFtsStop[83] = "where"; gaFtsStop[84] = "which"; gaFtsStop[85] = "who"; gaFtsStop[86] = "with"; gaFtsStop[87] = "you"; gaFtsStem[0] = "ed"; gaFtsStem[1] = "es"; gaFtsStem[2] = "er"; gaFtsStem[3] = "e"; gaFtsStem[4] = "s"; gaFtsStem[5] = "ingly"; gaFtsStem[6] = "ing"; gaFtsStem[7] = "ly"; // as javascript 1.3 support unicode instead of ISO-Latin-1 // need to transfer come code back to ISO-Latin-1 for compare purpose // Note: Different Language(Code page) maybe need different array: var gaUToC=new Array(); gaUToC[8364]=128; gaUToC[8218]=130; gaUToC[402]=131; gaUToC[8222]=132; gaUToC[8230]=133; gaUToC[8224]=134; gaUToC[8225]=135; gaUToC[710]=136; gaUToC[8240]=137; gaUToC[352]=138; gaUToC[8249]=139; gaUToC[338]=140; gaUToC[381]=142; gaUToC[8216]=145; gaUToC[8217]=146; gaUToC[8220]=147; gaUToC[8221]=148; gaUToC[8226]=149; gaUToC[8211]=150; gaUToC[8212]=151; gaUToC[732]=152; gaUToC[8482]=153; gaUToC[353]=154; gaUToC[8250]=155; gaUToC[339]=156; gaUToC[382]=158; gaUToC[376]=159; var gsBiggestChar=""; function getBiggestChar() { if(gsBiggestChar.length==0) { if(garrSortChar.length<256) gsBiggestChar=String.fromCharCode(255); else { var nBiggest=0; var nBigChar=0; for(var i=0;i<=255;i++) { if(garrSortChar[i]>nBiggest) { nBiggest=garrSortChar[i]; nBigChar=i; } } gsBiggestChar=String.fromCharCode(nBigChar); } } return gsBiggestChar; } function getCharCode(str,i) { var code=str.charCodeAt(i) if(code>256) { code=gaUToC[code]; } return code; } function compare(strText1,strText2) { if(garrSortChar.length<256) { var strt1=strText1.toLowerCase(); var strt2=strText2.toLowerCase(); if(strt1<strt2) return -1; if(strt1>strt2) return 1; return 0; } else { for(var i=0;i<strText1.length&&i<strText2.length;i++) { if(garrSortChar[getCharCode(strText1,i)]<garrSortChar[getCharCode(strText2,i)]) return -1; if(garrSortChar[getCharCode(strText1,i)]>garrSortChar[getCharCode(strText2,i)]) return 1; } if(strText1.length<strText2.length) return -1; if(strText1.length>strText2.length) return 1; return 0; } } gbWhLang=true;