
\page bounding_box_page Bounding Box

Shows the dimensions of the bounding box for the selected
geometrical object. Creates corresponding shape (box) on "Apply".

\image html measures5.png

\note To take into account any possible shape distortion  
that affects the resulting bounding box, the algorithm enlarges 
the bounding box to the maximum deflection value of 
faces (by iterating through all faces of a shape).
This functionallity is implemented in such a way to have 
a satisfactory performance.

\n <b>TUI Commands:</b> <em>[Xmin,Xmax, Ymin,Ymax, Zmin,Zmax] = geompy.BoundingBox(Shape)</em>,
<em>BBox = geompy.MakeBoundingBox(Shape)</em>, where \em Shape
is the shape for which a bounding box is computed.

See also a \ref tui_bounding_box_page "TUI example".
