/*! \page extension_operation_page Extension of an Edge or a Face \n To produce an \b Extension in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Extension \n This operation resizes an \b Edge by means of first and last parameters modification or a \b Face by means of modification of minimal and maximal U- and V-Parameters. \n \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Advanced options". The type of extension is defined using the radio buttons. Firstly it is possible to resize an \b Edge. \n TUI Command: geompy.ExtendEdge(theEdge, theMin, theMax), where \em theEdge the input edge to be resized, \em theMin the minimal parameter value, \em theMax the maximal parameter value. \n Arguments: Name + Object (Edge) + 2 values (Min and Max Parameters). \image html extension1.png "Extension of an Edge" \n Example: \image html extend_edge_example.png "Original edge (white) and extended edge" \note The input Edge parameters range is [0, 1]. If \b theMin parameter is negative, the input Edge is extended, otherwise it is shrinked by \b theMin parameter. If \b theMax is greater than 1, the Edge is extended, otherwise it is shrinked by \btheMax parameter. Secondly it is possible to resize a \b Face. \n TUI Command: geompy.ExtendFace(theFace, theUMin, theUMax, theVMin, theVMax), where \em theFace the input face to be resized, \em theUMin the minimal U-Parameter value, \em theUMax the maximal U-Parameter value, \em theVMin the minimal V-Parameter value, \em theVMax the maximal V-Parameter value. \n Arguments: Name + Object (Face) + 4 values (Min and Max U- and V-Parameters). \image html extension2.png "Extension of a Face" \n Example: \image html extend_face_example.png "The original face (gray) and a result face shrinked along U-Direction and extended along V-Direction" \note The input Face U- and V-Parameters range is [0, 1]. If \b theUMin parameter is negative, the input Face is extended, otherwise it is shrinked along U-Direction by \b theUMin parameter. If theUMax is greater than 1, the Face is extended, otherwise it is shrinked along U-Direction by \b theUMax parameter. So as for \b theVMin, \b theVMax and V-Direction of the input Face. Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_extend "Extension Operations". */