/*! \page shape_recognition_page Shape recognition from a picture \note This functionality is not fully operational yet. It is provided for testing purpose and because it might already be helpful in some situations. This tool allows you to create geometrical shapes automatically out from pictures elements by performing shape recognition algorithms. Contours or Corners can be built. \b Example: Detection of the cost line on a nautical chart \image html contour_detection_example2.png To use the Shape recogition tool:
  1. \ref import_picture_page "Import a picture" in the view
  2. Select New Entity -> Shape Recognition or click on \image html feature_detect.png
Then you can choose to create either contours or corners out from this picture. \n To create Contours :
  1. In the Picture field select a previously imported picture.
  2. Click on \image html occ_view_camera_dump.png
  3. Find a zone in the picture which color is representative of the zone you want to find the frontier of. Draw a rectangle on it to take a Snapshot.
  4. Apply
  5. The \b Result will be a \b Compound of \b Edges or \b Wires from which you can explode the desired edges or wires. \image html feature_detection_dlg.png Output type : \note It's better to use the \b Spline output type unless you want to find the frontier of a polygon (rectangle ...)
\n To create Corners :
  1. In the Picture field select a previously imported picture.
  2. Apply
  3. The \b Result will be a \b Compound of \b Vertices \image html feature_detection_dlg2.png