// GEOM GEOMGUI : GUI for Geometry component // // Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg.cxx // Author : Lucien PIGNOLONI, Open CASCADE S.A.S. // #include "EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //================================================================================= // class : EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg // purpose : Constructs a EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg which is a child of 'parent', with the // name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. // The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to // TRUE to construct a modal dialog. //================================================================================= EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg( GeometryGUI* theGeometryGUI, QWidget* parent, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags fl ) : GEOMBase_Skeleton( theGeometryGUI, parent, modal, fl ) { QPixmap image0( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_SUBSHAPE" ) ) ); QPixmap image1( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) ); setWindowTitle( tr( "GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TITLE" ) ); /***************************************************************/ mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SUB_SHAPE" ) ); mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setIcon( image0 ); mainFrame()->RadioButton2->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ); mainFrame()->RadioButton2->close(); mainFrame()->RadioButton3->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ); mainFrame()->RadioButton3->close(); GroupPoints = new DlgRef_1Sel1Check1List( centralWidget() ); GroupPoints->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_ARGUMENTS" ) ); GroupPoints->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_MAIN_OBJECT" ) ); GroupPoints->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SUBSHAPE_TYPE" ) ); GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SUBSHAPE_SELECT" ) ); GroupPoints->PushButton1->setIcon( image1 ); GroupPoints->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() ); layout->setMargin( 0 ); layout->setSpacing( 6 ); layout->addWidget( GroupPoints ); /***************************************************************/ setHelpFileName( "explode.htm" ); Init(); } //================================================================================= // function : ~EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg() // purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources //================================================================================= EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::~EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg() { } //================================================================================= // function : Init() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::Init() { /* init variables */ myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints->LineEdit1; myObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(); myWithShape = true; /* type for sub shape selection */ GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Compound" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Compsolid" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Solid" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Shell" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Face" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Wire" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Edge" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Vertex" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Shape" ); if ( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow()->getViewManager()->getType() != OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() ) GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setEnabled( false ); /* signals and slots connections */ connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( DeactivateActiveDialog() ) ); connect( buttonOk(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) ); connect( buttonApply(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) ); connect( GroupPoints->PushButton1, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( SetEditCurrentArgument() ) ); connect( GroupPoints->LineEdit1, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this, SLOT( LineEditReturnPressed() ) ); connect( GroupPoints->ComboBox1, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( ComboTextChanged() ) ); connect( GroupPoints->CheckButton1, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( SubShapeToggled() ) ); connect( ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )->selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged( )), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) ); updateButtonState(); SelectionIntoArgument(); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnOk() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::ClickOnOk() { if ( ClickOnApply() ) ClickOnCancel(); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnApply() // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::ClickOnApply() { SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->putInfo( "" ); /* Explode all sub shapes */ if ( isAllSubShapes() ) { /* More than 30 subshapes : ask confirmation */ unsigned int nb = NumberOfSubShapes( myShape, shapeType() ); if ( nb > 30 ) { const QString caption = tr( "GEOM_CONFIRM" ); const QString text = tr( "GEOM_CONFIRM_INFO" ).arg( nb ); const QString button0 = tr( "GEOM_BUT_EXPLODE" ); const QString button1 = tr( "GEOM_BUT_CANCEL" ); if ( QMessageBox::warning( this, caption, text, button0, button1 ) != 0 ) return false; /* aborted */ } } return onAccept(); } //================================================================================= // function : SelectionIntoArgument() // purpose : Called when selection as changed or other case // : used only by SelectButtonC1A1 (LineEditC1A1) //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::SelectionIntoArgument() { if ( !isAllSubShapes() ) return; ResetStateOfDialog(); QString aString = ""; /* name of selection */ int nbSel = GEOMBase::GetNameOfSelectedIObjects( selectedIO(), aString, true ); if( nbSel != 1 ) return; TopoDS_Shape S; Handle(SALOME_InteractiveObject) IO = firstIObject(); if ( !IO->hasEntry() ) { SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->putInfo( tr( "GEOM_PRP_SHAPE_IN_STUDY" ) ); updateButtonState(); return; } if ( !GEOMBase::GetTopoFromSelection( selectedIO(), S ) || S.IsNull() || S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_VERTEX ) { updateButtonState(); return; } Standard_Boolean testResult; myObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( IO, testResult ); if ( !testResult || myObject->_is_nil() ) { updateButtonState(); return; } myShape = S; GroupPoints->LineEdit1->setText( aString ); int SelectedShapeType = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->currentIndex(); int count = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(); if ( myWithShape ) count = count - 1; int i = 0; // Solving PAL5590 if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ) { unsigned int nb = NumberOfSubShapes(myShape, TopAbs_COMPOUND); if ( nb > 0 ) i++; } while ( i <= myShape.ShapeType() ) { GroupPoints->ComboBox1->removeItem( 0 ); i++; } if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ) { if ( myWithShape == false ) { GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Shape" ); myWithShape = true; } } else { if ( myWithShape == true ) { GroupPoints->ComboBox1->removeItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count() - 1 ); myWithShape = false; } } int count1 = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(); if ( myWithShape ) count1 = count1 - 1; if ( SelectedShapeType > myShape.ShapeType() ) { if ( SelectedShapeType == 8 ) { if ( myShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_COMPOUND ) { GroupPoints->ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); ComboTextChanged(); } } else GroupPoints->ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex( count1 - count + SelectedShapeType ); } else { GroupPoints->ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); ComboTextChanged(); } updateButtonState(); } //================================================================================= // function : SetEditCurrentArgument() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::SetEditCurrentArgument() { GroupPoints->LineEdit1->setFocus(); myEditCurrentArgument = GroupPoints->LineEdit1; GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setChecked( false ); SubShapeToggled(); SelectionIntoArgument(); } //================================================================================= // function : LineEditReturnPressed() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::LineEditReturnPressed() { QLineEdit* send = (QLineEdit*)sender(); if ( send == GroupPoints->LineEdit1 ) SetEditCurrentArgument(); else return; GEOMBase_Skeleton::LineEditReturnPressed(); } //================================================================================= // function : DeactivateActiveDialog() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::DeactivateActiveDialog() { if ( mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->isEnabled() ) { GEOMBase_Skeleton::DeactivateActiveDialog(); } } //================================================================================= // function : ActivateThisDialog() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::ActivateThisDialog() { GEOMBase_Skeleton::ActivateThisDialog(); connect( ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication( ) ) )->selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) ) ; SubShapeToggled(); updateButtonState(); } //================================================================================= // function : enterEvent() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::enterEvent( QEvent* ) { if ( !mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->isEnabled() ) ActivateThisDialog(); } //================================================================================= // function : ResetStateOfDialog() // purpose : Completely reset the state of method including local context //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::ResetStateOfDialog() { myObject = GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(); myShape.Nullify(); myEditCurrentArgument->setText( "" ); int SelectedShapeType = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->currentIndex(); int count = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(); if ( myWithShape ) count = count - 1; /* type for sub shape selection */ GroupPoints->ComboBox1->clear(); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Compound" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Compsolid" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Solid" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Shell" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Face" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Wire" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Edge" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Vertex" ); GroupPoints->ComboBox1->insertItem( GroupPoints->ComboBox1->count(), "Shape" ); myWithShape = true; GroupPoints->ComboBox1->setCurrentIndex( 8 - count + SelectedShapeType ); ComboTextChanged(); updateButtonState(); } //================================================================================= // function : SubShapeToggled() // purpose : Allow user selection of all or only selected sub shapes // : Called when 'CheckButton1' state change //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::SubShapeToggled() { if ( isAllSubShapes() ) globalSelection( GEOM_ALLSHAPES ); else localSelection( myObject, shapeType() ); } //================================================================================= // function : ComboTextChanged() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::ComboTextChanged() { /* Select sub shapes mode not checked */ updateButtonState(); SubShapeToggled(); } //================================================================================= // function : NumberOfSubShapes() // purpose : //================================================================================= unsigned int EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::NumberOfSubShapes( const TopoDS_Shape& S, const int shapeType ) const { if ( S.IsNull() ) return 0; unsigned int index = 0; TopTools_MapOfShape M; if ( S.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND && ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum(shapeType) == TopAbs_SHAPE || TopAbs_ShapeEnum(shapeType) == TopAbs_COMPSOLID || TopAbs_ShapeEnum(shapeType) == TopAbs_COMPOUND ) ) { TopoDS_Iterator It( S, Standard_True, Standard_True ); for ( ; It.More(); It.Next() ) { if ( M.Add( It.Value() ) ) { if ( TopAbs_ShapeEnum( shapeType ) == TopAbs_SHAPE || TopAbs_ShapeEnum( shapeType ) == It.Value().ShapeType() ) { index++; } } } } else { TopExp_Explorer Exp ( S, TopAbs_ShapeEnum( shapeType ) ); for ( ; Exp.More(); Exp.Next() ) { if ( M.Add( Exp.Current() ) ) { index++; } } } M.Clear(); return index; } //================================================================================= // function : updateButtonState // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::updateButtonState() { if ( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow()->getViewManager()->getType() != OCCViewer_Viewer::Type() || myObject->_is_nil() || shapeType() == TopAbs_SHAPE || shapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND ) { GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setChecked( false ); GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setEnabled( false ); } else GroupPoints->CheckButton1->setEnabled( true ); } //================================================================================= // function : isAllSubShapes // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::isAllSubShapes() const { return !GroupPoints->CheckButton1->isChecked() || !GroupPoints->CheckButton1->isEnabled(); } //================================================================================= // function : shapeType // purpose : //================================================================================= int EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::shapeType() const { int type = GroupPoints->ComboBox1->currentIndex(); if ( myObject->_is_nil() ) return type; // Solving PAL5590 type += myShape.ShapeType() + 1; if ( myShape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND && NumberOfSubShapes( myShape, TopAbs_COMPOUND ) > 0 ) { type--; } return type; } //================================================================================= // function : createOperation // purpose : //================================================================================= GEOM::GEOM_IOperations_ptr EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::createOperation() { return getGeomEngine()->GetIShapesOperations( getStudyId() ); } //================================================================================= // function : isValid // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::isValid( QString& msg ) { bool isOk = false; if ( !myObject->_is_nil() ) { if ( isAllSubShapes() ) isOk = true; else if ( IObjectCount() == 1 ) { Standard_Boolean aResult = Standard_False; GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( firstIObject(), aResult ); if ( aResult && !anObj->_is_nil() ) { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMapIndex; ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )->selectionMgr()->GetIndexes( firstIObject(), aMapIndex ); isOk = aMapIndex.Extent() > 0; if ( !isOk ) msg += tr( "NO_SUBSHAPES_SELECTED" ); } } } return isOk; } //================================================================================= // function : execute // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::execute( ObjectList& objects ) { GEOM::ListOfGO_var aList = GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations::_narrow( getOperation() )->MakeExplode( myObject, shapeType(), true ); if ( !aList->length() ) return false; // Throw away sub-shapes not selected by user if not in preview mode // and manual selection is active if ( !isAllSubShapes() ) { if ( IObjectCount() == 1 ) { Standard_Boolean aResult = Standard_False; GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( firstIObject(), aResult ); if ( aResult && !anObj->_is_nil() ) { TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMapIndex; ( (SalomeApp_Application*)( SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication() ) )->selectionMgr()->GetIndexes( firstIObject(), aMapIndex ); GEOM::GEOM_ILocalOperations_var aLocOp = getGeomEngine()->GetILocalOperations( getStudyId() ); for ( int i = 0, n = aList->length(); i < n; i++ ) if ( aMapIndex.Contains( aLocOp->GetSubShapeIndex( myObject, aList[i] ) ) ) objects.push_back( GEOM::GEOM_Object::_duplicate( aList[i] ) ); } } } else for ( int i = 0, n = aList->length(); i < n; i++ ) objects.push_back( GEOM::GEOM_Object::_duplicate( aList[i] ) ); return objects.size(); } //================================================================ // Function : getFather // Purpose : Get father object for object to be added in study // ( called with addInStudy method ) //================================================================ GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::getFather( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr ) { return myObject; } const char* EntityGUI_SubShapeDlg::getNewObjectName() const { return ""; }