/*! \page min_distance_page Min. Distance Returns the minimum distance between two geometrical objects and the coordinates of the vector of distance and shows the vector in the viewer. \n On \b Apply or Apply and Close it creates a set of closest points of the shapes. TUI Commands: \naDist = geompy.MinDistance(Shape1, Shape2), \n[aDist, DX, DY, DZ] = geompy.MinDistanceComponents(Shape1, Shape2), \n[nbSols, (x11, y11, z11, x21, y21, z21, ...)] = geompy.ClosestPoints(Shape1, Shape2), where \em Shape1 and \em Shape2 are shapes between which the minimal distance is computed. See also a \ref tui_min_distance_page "TUI example". \image html distance.png */