/*! \page create_3dsketcher_page 3D Sketcher 3D Sketcher allows creating a closed or unclosed 3D wire from a list of points. To create a 3D Sketch, select in the main menu New Entity -> 3D Sketch. \image html 3dsketch2.png The position of each coordinates can be defined by absolute coordinates X, Y, Z or by relative coordinates DX, DY, DZ with respect to the previous Applied point. Type of coordinates can be selected by the Coordinates Type radio buttons. \n "Sketch Validation" button applies the whole wire. \n "Sketch Closure" button connects the first and the last points closing the contour and applies the closed wire. To make a closed wire using the TUI command, the first and the last point shoul have the same coordinates. The Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object. TUI Command: geompy.Make3DSketcher( [ PointsList ] ) This algorithm creates a wire, from the list of real values which define XYZ coordinates of points. Example: \image html 3dsketch1.png Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_3dsketcher_page "3D Sketcher". */