Building geometrical objects

In GEOM you can create basic and advanced geometrical objects (2D & 3D elements) using the following building functions:





To use Explode:


In the main menu select New Entity > Explode.




Description: Returns a list of subshapes (vertices, edges, wires etc.) of the given shape.


Result : List of GEOM_Objects.


TUI Command:


Arguments: 1 SHAPE + 1 type of SubShape.


Dialog Box:




To use building functions:


In the main menu select New Entity > Build submenu.




Description: Creates an edge.


Result: GEOM_Object (EDGE).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeEdge(Vertex1, Vertex2), where Vertex1 and Vertex2 are correspondingly the first and the last vertex of the edge.


Arguments: Name + 2 vertices.


Dialog Box:








Description: Creates a wire.


Result: GEOM_Object (WIRE).


TUI Command : geompy.MakeWire(ListOfShape), where ListOfShape is a list of edges and/or wires from which the wire to be constructed.


Arguments: Name + List of connected wires or edges..


Dialog Box:








Description: Creates a face.


Result: GEOM_Object (FACE).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeFace(Wire, WantPlanarFace), where Wire is a wire and if boolean parameter WantPlanarFace is planar then only a planar face or no face is constructed.


Arguments: Name + 1 wire.


Dialog Box:








Description: Creates a shell.


Result: GEOM_Object (SHELL).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeShell(ListOfShape), where ListOfShape is a list of faces and (or) shells from which the shell is constructed.


Arguments: Name + List of faces having connected edges.


Dialog Box:








Description: Creates a solid - closed geometrical 3D element.


Result: GEOM_Object (SOLID).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeSolid(ListOfShape), where ListOfShape is a list of shells from which the solid is constructed.


Arguments: Name + A closed shell or a list of shells.


Dialog Box:






Description: Creates a compound.


Result: GEOM_Object (COMPOUND).


TUI Command: geompy.MakeCompound(ListOfShape), where ListOfShape is a list of shapes from which the compound is constructed.


Arguments: Name + List of shapes.


Dialog Box:


