
\page create_3dsketcher_page 3D Sketcher

3D Sketcher allows creating a closed or unclosed 3D wire from a list of points.

To create a 3D Sketch, select in the main menu <em>New Entity -> Basic -> 3D Sketch</em>.

\image html 3dsketch2.png

In this dialog it is possible to define the coordinates of the points.

The position of each point can be defined by \b  Absolute coordinates X, Y, Z or
by \b Relative coordinates DX, DY, DZ with respect to the previous Applied point.
The type of coordinates can be selected by the <b>Coordinates Type</b>
radio buttons.

To add the point in the list of points and to proceed with the
definition of the next point, click <b>Apply</b> button. \b Undo and
\b Redo buttons, respectively, remove or restore the last point in the list.

\n <b>"Sketch Validation"</b> button applies the wire, built by the
user, "as is".
\n <b>"Sketch Closure"</b> closes the Sketch by a straight line from
the start to the end point and applies it. 

To make a closed wire using the TUI command, the first and the last point should 
have the same coordinates.

The Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object.

<b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.Make3DSketcher( [ PointsList ] )</em>
This algorithm creates a wire from the list of real values, which define XYZ 
coordinates of points.


\image html 3dsketch1.png

Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of the use of
\ref tui_3dsketcher_page "3D Sketcher".