/*! \page partition_page Partition \n To produce a \b Partition in the Main Menu select Operations - > Partition \n This operation builds a compound by intersection of several shapes with a set of tool objects or with a plane. \n The \b Result will be any \b GEOM_Object.

Intersection of two shapes.

\image html partition1.png \n Arguments: Name + 2 lists of shapes (the shapes from the first list will be intersected with the shapes from the second list) + Resulting Type of shape. \n As far as the intersection of two objects can produce any type of geometrical objects, Resulting type box allows choosing the preferrable result, i.e. a solid, a shell, a list of faces, etc. \nResulting type has to be equal or lower than the type of the \em Objects. In other words, if the \em Objects don't contain any shape of this type, Partition fails. Keep shapes of lower type checkbox manages standalone shapes of type other than the \em Limit. If it is checked, lower dimension objects will be preserved, else they will be lost. \n For example, you do a partition of a box (Solid) and a face (Face) without any tool. If you choose Resulting Type "Solid", you will obtain a compound of two solids (let's the box will be splitted by the face on two parts), but if you will also check Keep shapes of lower type checkbox, you will obtain a compound of two solids and one face (the face will have a hole where the original face lays inside the box, see corresponding \ref partition_picture_3 "picture" below). \n Advanced option: \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Set presentation parameters and subshapes from arguments". \n TUI Command: geompy.MakePartition(ListOfShapes, ListOfTools, ListOfKeepInside, ListOfRemoveInside, Limit, RemoveWebs, ListOfMaterials, KeepNonlimitShapes), where where \em ListOfShapes is a list of shapes to be intersected, \em ListOfTools is a list of shapes to intersect the shapes from ListOfShapes, \em Limit is a Type of resulting shapes and \em KeepNonlimitShapes is a flag that allows to preserve standalone shapes of low dimension (than Limit) in the result. \n Since the implementation of a new version of PartitionAlgo other parameters are ignored by the current functionality and remain there only to support the old scripts.

Intersection of a Shape and a Plane.

\image html partition2.png \n Arguments: Name + a list of shapes which will be intersected + 1 cutting plane. \n Advanced option: \ref restore_presentation_parameters_page "Set presentation parameters and subshapes from arguments". \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeHalfPartition(Shapes, Plane), where \em Shapes are a list of Shapes to be intersected and \em Plane is a Tool shape, to intersect the \em Shapes. \n Example: \image html partitionsn1.png "Box intersected by a plane" \image html partitionsn2.png "Result of intersection" \anchor partition_picture_3 \image html partitionsn3.png "Result of intersection of a box and a plane (both as \em Objects, no tools) with Resulting type \em Solid and checked \em Keep \em shapes \em of \em lower \em type" Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_partition "Basic Operations". */