/*! \page whatis_page What Is ? This operation provides the list of types and quantities of all topological entities, composing the selected geometrical object. \image html measures8.png \n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.WhatIs(Shape),</em> where \em Shape is a shape from which a description is returned. \n <b>Kind of Shape</b> field characterizes the whole shape. If there is no additional information about the shape, <b>Basic Properties</b> button is disabled, otherwise it provides information about center and dimensions of the shape. \image html measures8a.png \n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.KindOfShape(Shape),</em> where \em Shape is a shape from which a description is returned. See also a \ref tui_whatis_page "TUI example". */