// Copyright (C) 2007-2015 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Depth of self-intersection check (see BOPAlgo_CheckerSI::SetLevelOfCheck() for more details) // Default value for BOPAlgo_CheckerSI gives very long computation when checking face-to-face intersections; // here check level is decreased to more appropriate value to avoid problems with performance). #define BOP_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_LEVEL 4 //======================================================================= //function : GetID //purpose : //======================================================================= const Standard_GUID& GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver::GetID() { static Standard_GUID aPartitionDriver("FF1BBB22-5D14-4df2-980B-3A668264EA16"); return aPartitionDriver; } //======================================================================= //function : GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver //purpose : //======================================================================= GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver::GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver() { } //======================================================================= //function : SimplifyCompound //purpose : //======================================================================= static void PrepareShapes (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, Standard_Integer theType, TopTools_ListOfShape& theSimpleList) { if (theType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS || theShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_COMPOUND) { theSimpleList.Append(theShape); return; } // explode compound on simple shapes to allow their intersections TopoDS_Iterator It (theShape, Standard_True, Standard_True); TopTools_MapOfShape mapShape; for (; It.More(); It.Next()) { if (mapShape.Add(It.Value())) { TopoDS_Shape curSh = It.Value(); PrepareShapes(curSh, theType, theSimpleList); } } } static void CheckSelfIntersection(const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) { BOPAlgo_CheckerSI aCSI; // checker of self-interferences BOPCol_ListOfShape aList; aList.Append(theShape); aCSI.SetLevelOfCheck(BOP_SELF_INTERSECTIONS_LEVEL); aCSI.SetArguments(aList); aCSI.Perform(); if (aCSI.ErrorStatus() || aCSI.DS().Interferences().Extent() > 0) { StdFail_NotDone::Raise("Partition operation will not be performed, because argument shape is self-intersected"); } } //======================================================================= //function : Execute //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver::Execute(TFunction_Logbook& log) const { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_IPartition aCI (aFunction); Standard_Integer aType = aFunction->GetType(); const Standard_Boolean isCheckSelfInte = aCI.GetCheckSelfIntersection(); TopoDS_Shape aShape; GEOMAlgo_Splitter PS; TopTools_DataMapOfShapeShape aCopyMap; TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfTransientTransient aMapTShapes; if (aType == PARTITION_PARTITION || aType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS) { Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aShapes = aCI.GetShapes(); Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aTools = aCI.GetTools(); Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aKeepIns = aCI.GetKeepIns(); Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aRemIns = aCI.GetRemoveIns(); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aMaterials = aCI.GetMaterials(); //skl Standard_Boolean DoRemoveWebs = !aMaterials.IsNull(); unsigned int ind; //unsigned int ind, nbshapes = 0; //nbshapes += aShapes->Length() + aTools->Length(); //nbshapes += aKeepIns->Length() + aRemIns->Length(); //TopTools_MapOfShape ShapesMap(nbshapes), ToolsMap(nbshapes); TopTools_MapOfShape ShapesMap, ToolsMap; // add object shapes that are in ListShapes; for (ind = 1; ind <= aShapes->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aShapes->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); if (aShape_i.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("In Partition a shape is null"); } // Check self-intersection. if (isCheckSelfInte && aType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS) { CheckSelfIntersection(aShape_i); } TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_copy; TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aShape_i, aMapTShapes, aShape_i_copy); // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i, aShape_i_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i_copy, aShape_i_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aShape_i_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aShape_i_inds.FindKey(ie), aShape_i_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } // TopTools_ListOfShape aSimpleShapes; //PrepareShapes(aShape_i, aType, aSimpleShapes); PrepareShapes(aShape_i_copy, aType, aSimpleShapes); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSimpleIter (aSimpleShapes); for (; aSimpleIter.More(); aSimpleIter.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSimpleSh = aSimpleIter.Value(); if (ShapesMap.Add(aSimpleSh)) { PS.AddArgument(aSimpleSh); //skl if (DoRemoveWebs) { //skl if (aMaterials->Length() >= ind) //skl PS.SetMaterial(aSimpleSh, aMaterials->Value(ind)); //skl } } } } // add tool shapes that are in ListTools and not in ListShapes; for (ind = 1; ind <= aTools->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aTools->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); if (aShape_i.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("In Partition a tool shape is null"); } // Check self-intersection. if (isCheckSelfInte && aType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS) { CheckSelfIntersection(aShape_i); } // //BRepBuilderAPI_Copy aCopyTool (aShape_i); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_copy; TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aShape_i, aMapTShapes, aShape_i_copy); //if (aCopyTool.IsDone()) // aShape_i_copy = aCopyTool.Shape(); //else // Standard_NullObject::Raise("Bad shape detected"); // // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i, aShape_i_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i_copy, aShape_i_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aShape_i_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aShape_i_inds.FindKey(ie), aShape_i_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } // TopTools_ListOfShape aSimpleShapes; //PrepareShapes(aShape_i, aType, aSimpleShapes); PrepareShapes(aShape_i_copy, aType, aSimpleShapes); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSimpleIter (aSimpleShapes); for (; aSimpleIter.More(); aSimpleIter.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSimpleSh = aSimpleIter.Value(); if (!ShapesMap.Contains(aSimpleSh) && ToolsMap.Add(aSimpleSh)) { PS.AddTool(aSimpleSh); } } } // add shapes that are in ListKeepInside, as object shapes; for (ind = 1; ind <= aKeepIns->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aKeepIns->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); if (aShape_i.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("In Partition a Keep Inside shape is null"); } // //BRepBuilderAPI_Copy aCopyTool (aShape_i); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_copy; TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aShape_i, aMapTShapes, aShape_i_copy); //if (aCopyTool.IsDone()) // aShape_i_copy = aCopyTool.Shape(); //else // Standard_NullObject::Raise("Bad shape detected"); // // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i, aShape_i_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i_copy, aShape_i_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aShape_i_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aShape_i_inds.FindKey(ie), aShape_i_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } // TopTools_ListOfShape aSimpleShapes; //PrepareShapes(aShape_i, aType, aSimpleShapes); PrepareShapes(aShape_i_copy, aType, aSimpleShapes); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSimpleIter (aSimpleShapes); for (; aSimpleIter.More(); aSimpleIter.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSimpleSh = aSimpleIter.Value(); if (!ToolsMap.Contains(aSimpleSh) && ShapesMap.Add(aSimpleSh)) PS.AddArgument(aSimpleSh); } } // add shapes that are in ListRemoveInside, as object shapes; for (ind = 1; ind <= aRemIns->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aRemIns->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); if (aShape_i.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("In Partition a Remove Inside shape is null"); } // //BRepBuilderAPI_Copy aCopyTool (aShape_i); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_copy; TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aShape_i, aMapTShapes, aShape_i_copy); //if (aCopyTool.IsDone()) // aShape_i_copy = aCopyTool.Shape(); //else // Standard_NullObject::Raise("Bad shape detected"); // // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShape_i_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i, aShape_i_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aShape_i_copy, aShape_i_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aShape_i_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aShape_i_inds.FindKey(ie), aShape_i_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } // TopTools_ListOfShape aSimpleShapes; //PrepareShapes(aShape_i, aType, aSimpleShapes); PrepareShapes(aShape_i_copy, aType, aSimpleShapes); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSimpleIter (aSimpleShapes); for (; aSimpleIter.More(); aSimpleIter.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSimpleSh = aSimpleIter.Value(); if (!ToolsMap.Contains(aSimpleSh) && ShapesMap.Add(aSimpleSh)) PS.AddArgument(aSimpleSh); } } PS.SetLimitMode(aCI.GetKeepNonlimitShapes()); PS.SetLimit((TopAbs_ShapeEnum)aCI.GetLimit()); PS.Perform(); //skl PS.Compute(); //skl PS.SetRemoveWebs(!DoRemoveWebs); //skl PS.Build((TopAbs_ShapeEnum) aCI.GetLimit()); /*skl // suppress result outside of shapes in KInsideMap for (ind = 1; ind <= aKeepIns->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aKeepIns->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); PS.KeepShapesInside(aShape_i); } // suppress result inside of shapes in RInsideMap for (ind = 1; ind <= aRemIns->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aRemIns->Value(ind)); TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = aRefShape->GetValue(); PS.RemoveShapesInside(aShape_i); } */ } else if (aType == PARTITION_HALF) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = aCI.GetShape(); Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefPlane = aCI.GetPlane(); TopoDS_Shape aShapeArg = aRefShape->GetValue(); TopoDS_Shape aPlaneArg = aRefPlane->GetValue(); if (aShapeArg.IsNull() || aPlaneArg.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("In Half Partition a shape or a plane is null"); } TopoDS_Shape aShapeArg_copy; TopoDS_Shape aPlaneArg_copy; { TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aShapeArg, aMapTShapes, aShapeArg_copy); //BRepBuilderAPI_Copy aCopyTool (aShapeArg); //if (aCopyTool.IsDone()) // aShapeArg_copy = aCopyTool.Shape(); //else // Standard_NullObject::Raise("Bad shape detected"); // // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShapeArg_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aShapeArg_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aShapeArg, aShapeArg_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aShapeArg_copy, aShapeArg_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aShapeArg_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aShapeArg_inds.FindKey(ie), aShapeArg_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } } { TNaming_CopyShape::CopyTool(aPlaneArg, aMapTShapes, aPlaneArg_copy); //BRepBuilderAPI_Copy aCopyTool (aPlaneArg); //if (aCopyTool.IsDone()) // aPlaneArg_copy = aCopyTool.Shape(); //else // Standard_NullObject::Raise("Bad shape detected"); // // fill aCopyMap for history TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aPlaneArg_inds; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aPlaneArg_copy_inds; TopExp::MapShapes(aPlaneArg, aPlaneArg_inds); TopExp::MapShapes(aPlaneArg_copy, aPlaneArg_copy_inds); Standard_Integer nbInds = aPlaneArg_inds.Extent(); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbInds; ie++) { aCopyMap.Bind(aPlaneArg_inds.FindKey(ie), aPlaneArg_copy_inds.FindKey(ie)); } } // add object shapes that are in ListShapes; TopTools_ListOfShape aSimpleShapes; TopTools_MapOfShape aShapesMap; PrepareShapes(aShapeArg_copy, aType, aSimpleShapes); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aSimpleIter (aSimpleShapes); for (; aSimpleIter.More(); aSimpleIter.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSimpleSh = aSimpleIter.Value(); if (aShapesMap.Add(aSimpleSh)) { PS.AddArgument(aSimpleSh); } } // add tool shapes that are in ListTools and not in ListShapes; PS.AddTool(aPlaneArg_copy); //PS.AddTool(aPlaneArg); //skl PS.Compute(); PS.Perform(); //PS.SetRemoveWebs(Standard_False); //PS.Build(aShapeArg.ShapeType()); } else { } aShape = PS.Shape(); if (aShape.IsNull()) { // Mantis issue 22009 if (PS.ErrorStatus() == 100 && PS.Tools().Extent() == 0 && PS.Arguments().Extent() == 1) aShape = PS.Arguments().First(); else return 0; } //Alternative case to check not valid partition IPAL21418 TopoDS_Iterator It (aShape, Standard_True, Standard_True); int nbSubshapes = 0; for (; It.More(); It.Next()) nbSubshapes++; if (!nbSubshapes) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("Partition aborted : non valid shape result"); //end of IPAL21418 if ( !GEOMUtils::CheckShape(aShape, true) && !GEOMUtils::FixShapeTolerance(aShape) ) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("Partition aborted : non valid shape result"); aFunction->SetValue(aShape); // Fill history to be used by GetInPlace functionality TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aResIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aShape, aResIndices); // Map: source_shape/images of source_shape in Result const BOPCol_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aMR = PS.ImagesResult(); //const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aMR = PS.ImagesResult(); // history for all argument shapes // be sure to use aCopyMap TDF_LabelSequence aLabelSeq; aFunction->GetDependency(aLabelSeq); Standard_Integer nbArg = aLabelSeq.Length(); for (Standard_Integer iarg = 1; iarg <= nbArg; iarg++) { TDF_Label anArgumentRefLabel = aLabelSeq.Value(iarg); Handle(GEOM_Object) anArgumentObject = GEOM_Object::GetReferencedObject(anArgumentRefLabel); TopoDS_Shape anArgumentShape = anArgumentObject->GetValue(); TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anArgumentIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(anArgumentShape, anArgumentIndices); Standard_Integer nbArgumentEntities = anArgumentIndices.Extent(); // Find corresponding label in history TDF_Label anArgumentHistoryLabel = aFunction->GetArgumentHistoryEntry(anArgumentRefLabel, Standard_True); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbArgumentEntities; ie++) { TopoDS_Shape anEntity = anArgumentIndices.FindKey(ie); // be sure to use aCopyMap here if (aCopyMap.IsBound(anEntity)) anEntity = aCopyMap.Find(anEntity); // if (!aMR.Contains(anEntity)) continue; const BOPCol_ListOfShape& aModified = aMR.FindFromKey(anEntity); //const TopTools_ListOfShape& aModified = aMR.FindFromKey(anEntity); Standard_Integer nbModified = aModified.Extent(); if (nbModified > 0) { // Mantis issue 0021182 int ih = 1; BOPCol_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itM (aModified); for (; itM.More() && nbModified > 0; itM.Next(), ++ih) { if (!aResIndices.Contains(itM.Value())) { nbModified = 0; } } } if (nbModified > 0) { TDF_Label aWhatHistoryLabel = anArgumentHistoryLabel.FindChild(ie, Standard_True); Handle(TDataStd_IntegerArray) anAttr = TDataStd_IntegerArray::Set(aWhatHistoryLabel, 1, nbModified); int ih = 1; BOPCol_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itM (aModified); //TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itM (aModified); for (; itM.More(); itM.Next(), ++ih) { int id = aResIndices.FindIndex(itM.Value()); anAttr->SetValue(ih, id); } } } } log.SetTouched(Label()); return 1; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns a name of creation operation and names and values of creation parameters */ //================================================================================ bool GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver:: GetCreationInformation(std::string& theOperationName, std::vector& theParams) { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) function = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_IPartition aCI( function ); Standard_Integer aType = function->GetType(); theOperationName = "PARTITION"; switch ( aType ) { case PARTITION_PARTITION: case PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS: AddParam( theParams, "Objects", aCI.GetShapes() ); AddParam( theParams, "Tool objects", aCI.GetTools() ); { Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) objSeq = aCI.GetKeepIns(); if ( !objSeq.IsNull() && objSeq->Length() > 0 ) AddParam( theParams, "Objects to keep inside", objSeq ); objSeq = aCI.GetRemoveIns(); if ( !objSeq.IsNull() && objSeq->Length() > 0 ) AddParam( theParams, "Objects to remove inside", objSeq ); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) intSeq = aCI.GetMaterials(); if ( !intSeq.IsNull() && intSeq->Length() > 0 ) AddParam( theParams, "Materials", aCI.GetMaterials() ); } AddParam( theParams, "Resulting type", (TopAbs_ShapeEnum) aCI.GetLimit()); AddParam( theParams, "Keep shapes of lower type", aCI.GetKeepNonlimitShapes()); AddParam( theParams, "No object intersections", ( aType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS )); if (aType == PARTITION_NO_SELF_INTERSECTIONS) { AddParam( theParams, "Check self-intersections", aCI.GetCheckSelfIntersection()); } break; case PARTITION_HALF: AddParam( theParams, "Object", aCI.GetShape() ); AddParam( theParams, "Plane", aCI.GetPlane() ); break; default: return false; } return true; } IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_HANDLE (GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver,GEOM_BaseDriver); IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (GEOMImpl_PartitionDriver,GEOM_BaseDriver);