//  Copyright (C) 2003  OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
//  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
//  version 2.1 of the License. 
//  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
//  Lesser General Public License for more details. 
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA 
// See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
//  File   : GEOM_Superv.idl
//  Author : Lucien PIGNOLONI

#ifndef __GEOM_SUPERV__
#define __GEOM_SUPERV__

#include "GEOM_Gen.idl"

module GEOM
  interface GEOM_List
  { };

  interface GEOM_Superv : Engines::Component,SALOMEDS::Driver
    // Set current study ID                                      // 
    void SetStudyID (in long theStudyID) ;
    // Create ListOfGO and add items to it                       // 
    GEOM_List CreateListOfGO();
    void AddItemToListOfGO( inout GEOM_List theList, 
			    in GEOM_Object theObject);

    // Create ListOfLong and add items to it                     // 
    GEOM_List CreateListOfLong();
    void AddItemToListOfLong( inout GEOM_List theList, 
			      in long theObject);

    // Create ListOfDouble and add items to it                   // 
    GEOM_List CreateListOfDouble();
    void AddItemToListOfDouble( inout GEOM_List theList, 
				in double theObject);

    // Primitives Construction : BasicOperations                 // 
    GEOM_Object MakePointXYZ (in double theX,
			      in double theY,
			      in double theZ) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePointWithReference (in GEOM_Object theReference,
					in double theX, 
					in double theY, 
					in double theZ) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePointOnCurve (in GEOM_Object theRefCurve,
				  in double theParameter) ;

    GEOM_Object MakeTangentOnCurve (in GEOM_Object theRefCurve,
				     in double theParameter);

    GEOM_Object MakeVectorDXDYDZ (in double theDX,
				  in double theDY,
				  in double theDZ) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeVectorTwoPnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
				  in GEOM_Object thePnt2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeLineTwoPnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
				in GEOM_Object thePnt2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeLineTwoFaces (in GEOM_Object theFace1,
				  in GEOM_Object theFace2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePlaneThreePnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
				   in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
				   in GEOM_Object thePnt3,
				   in double theTrimSize) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePlanePntVec (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
				 in GEOM_Object theVec,
				 in double      theTrimSize) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePlaneFace (in GEOM_Object theFace,
			       in double      theTrimSize) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeMarker (in double theOX , in double theOY , in double theOZ,
			    in double theXDX, in double theXDY, in double theXDZ,
			    in double theYDX, in double theYDY, in double theYDZ) ;

     *  Create a tangent plane to specified face in the point with specified parameters.
     *  Values of parameters should be between 0. and 1.0
     *  \param theFace - face for which tangent plane shuold be built. 
     *  \param theParameterU - value of parameter by U
     *  \param theParameterV - value of parameter Vthe
     *  \param theTrimSize - defines sizes of created face
     *  \return New GEOM_Object, containing the face built on tangent plane.
    GEOM_Object MakeTangentPlaneOnFace(in GEOM_Object theFace,
				       in double theParameterU,
				       in double theParameterV,
				       in double theTrimSize);

    // Primitives Construction : 3DPrimOperations                //
    GEOM_Object MakeBox (in double theX1,
			 in double theY1,
			 in double theZ1,
			 in double theX2,
			 in double theY2,
			 in double theZ2) ; 
    GEOM_Object MakeBoxDXDYDZ (in double theDX, 
			       in double theDY, 
			       in double theDZ) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeBoxTwoPnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1, 
			       in GEOM_Object thePnt2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeCylinderPntVecRH (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
				      in GEOM_Object theAxis,
				      in double      theRadius,
				      in double      theHeight) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeCylinderRH (in double theR, 
				in double theH) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSphere (in double theX,
			    in double theY,
			    in double theZ,
			    in double theRadius) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSphereR (in double theR) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSpherePntR (in GEOM_Object thePnt, 
				in double      theR) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeTorusPntVecRR (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
				   in GEOM_Object theVec,
				   in double      theRMajor,
				   in double      theRMinor) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeTorusRR (in double theRMajor,
			     in double theRMinor) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeConePntVecR1R2H (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
				     in GEOM_Object theAxis,
				     in double      theR1,
				     in double      theR2,
				     in double      theHeight) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeConeR1R2H (in double theR1, 
			       in double theR2, 
			       in double theHeight) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePrismVecH (in GEOM_Object theBase,
			       in GEOM_Object theVec,
			       in double      theH) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePrismVecH2Ways (in GEOM_Object theBase,
				    in GEOM_Object theVec,
				    in double      theH) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePrismTwoPnt (in GEOM_Object theBase,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePrismTwoPnt2Ways (in GEOM_Object theBase,
				      in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				      in GEOM_Object thePoint2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePipe (in GEOM_Object theBase, 
			  in GEOM_Object thePath) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeRevolutionAxisAngle (in GEOM_Object theBase,
					 in GEOM_Object theAxis,
					 in double      theAngle) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeRevolutionAxisAngle2Ways (in GEOM_Object theBase,
					      in GEOM_Object theAxis,
					      in double      theAngle) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFilling (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			     in long theMinDeg, in long theMaxDeg,
			     in double theTol2D, in double theTol3D,
			     in long theNbIter, in boolean theApprox) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeThruSections(in ListOfGO theSeqSections,
				 in boolean theModeSolid,
				 in double thePreci,
                                 in boolean theRuled);

    GEOM_Object MakePipeWithDifferentSections (in ListOfGO theSeqBases,
					       in ListOfGO theLocations,
					       in GEOM_Object thePath,
					       in boolean theWithContact ,
					       in boolean theWithCorrection );
    GEOM_Object MakePipeWithShellSections (in ListOfGO theSeqBases,
					   in ListOfGO theSeqSubBases,
					   in ListOfGO theLocations,
					   in GEOM_Object thePath,
					   in boolean theWithContact ,
					   in boolean theWithCorrection );
    GEOM_Object MakePipeShellsWithoutPath (in ListOfGO theSeqBases,
					   in ListOfGO theLocations );

    // BooleanOperations                                         //
    GEOM_Object MakeBoolean (in GEOM_Object theShape1,
			     in GEOM_Object theShape2,
			     in long        theOperation) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFuse (in GEOM_Object theShape1,
			  in GEOM_Object theShape2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePartition (in GEOM_List   theShapes,
			       in GEOM_List   theTools,
			       in GEOM_List   theKeepInside,
			       in GEOM_List   theRemoveInside,
			       in short       theLimit,
			       in boolean     theRemoveWebs,
			       in GEOM_List   theMaterials,
			       in short       theKeepNonlimitShapes);
    GEOM_Object MakeHalfPartition (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				   in GEOM_Object thePlane) ;

    // InsertOperations                                          //
    GEOM_Object MakeCopy (in GEOM_Object theOriginal) ;
    void Export (in GEOM_Object theObject, in string theFileName, in string theFormatName) ;
    GEOM_Object Import (in string theFileName, in string theFormatName) ;
    void ImportTranslators (out string_array theFormats,
			    out string_array thePatterns) ;
    void ExportTranslators (out string_array theFormats,
			    out string_array thePatterns) ;

    // TransformOperations                                       //
    GEOM_Object TranslateTwoPoints (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				    in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				    in GEOM_Object thePoint2) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateTwoPointsCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
					in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
                                        in GEOM_Object thePoint2) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateDXDYDZ (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				 in double      theDX, 
				 in double      theDY, 
				 in double      theDZ) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateDXDYDZCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				     in double      theDX, 
				     in double      theDY, 
				     in double      theDZ) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateVector (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				 in GEOM_Object theVector) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateVectorCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				     in GEOM_Object theVector) ;
    GEOM_Object TranslateVectorDistance (in GEOM_Object theObject,
					 in GEOM_Object theVector,
					 in double      theDistance,
					 in boolean     theCopy) ;
    GEOM_Object MultiTranslate1D (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				  in GEOM_Object theVector,
				  in double      theStep,
				  in long        theNbTimes) ;
    GEOM_Object MultiTranslate2D (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				  in GEOM_Object theVector1,
				  in double      theStep1,
				  in long        theNbTimes1,
				  in GEOM_Object theVector2,
				  in double      theStep2,
				  in long        theNbTimes2) ;
    GEOM_Object Rotate (in GEOM_Object theObject,
			in GEOM_Object theAxis,
			in double      theAngle) ;
    GEOM_Object RotateCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
			    in GEOM_Object theAxis,
			    in double      theAngle) ;
    GEOM_Object RotateThreePoints (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				   in GEOM_Object theCentPoint,
				   in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				   in GEOM_Object thePoint2);
    GEOM_Object RotateThreePointsCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				       in GEOM_Object theCentPoint,
				       in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				       in GEOM_Object thePoint2);
    GEOM_Object MultiRotate1D (in GEOM_Object theObject,
			       in GEOM_Object theAxis,
			       in long        theNbTimes) ;
    GEOM_Object MultiRotate2D (in GEOM_Object theObject,
			       in GEOM_Object theAxis,
			       in double      theAngle,
			       in long        theNbTimes1,
			       in double      theStep,
			       in long        theNbTimes2) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorPlane (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
			     in GEOM_Object thePlane) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorPlaneCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
				 in GEOM_Object thePlane) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorAxis (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
			    in GEOM_Object theAxis) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorAxisCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
				in GEOM_Object theAxis) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorPoint (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
			     in GEOM_Object thePoint) ;
    GEOM_Object MirrorPointCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint) ;
    GEOM_Object OffsetShape (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
			     in double      theOffset) ;
    GEOM_Object OffsetShapeCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
				 in double      theOffset) ;
    GEOM_Object ScaleShape (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
			    in GEOM_Object thePoint,
			    in double      theFactor) ;
    GEOM_Object ScaleShapeCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject, 
				in GEOM_Object thePoint,
				in double      theFactor) ;
    GEOM_Object PositionShape (in GEOM_Object theObject,
			       in GEOM_Object theStartLCS,
			       in GEOM_Object theEndLCS) ;
    GEOM_Object PositionShapeCopy (in GEOM_Object theObject,
				   in GEOM_Object theStartLCS,
				   in GEOM_Object theEndLCS) ;

    // ShapesOperations                                          //
    GEOM_Object MakeEdge (in GEOM_Object thePnt1, 
			  in GEOM_Object thePnt2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeWire (in GEOM_List theEdgesAndWires) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFace (in GEOM_Object theWire, 
			  in boolean     isPlanarWanted) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFaceWires (in GEOM_List theWires, 
			       in boolean   isPlanarWanted) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeShell (in GEOM_List theFacesAndShells) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSolidShell (in GEOM_Object theShell) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSolidShells (in GEOM_List theShells) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeCompound (in GEOM_List theShapes) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeGlueFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape, 
			       in double theTolerance,
			       in boolean doKeepNonSolids);
    GEOM_List GetGlueFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape, 
			    in double theTolerance);
    GEOM_Object MakeGlueFacesByList (in GEOM_Object theShape, 
				     in double theTolerance,
				     in ListOfGO theFaces,
				     in boolean doKeepNonSolids);
    GEOM_List MakeExplode (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			   in long        theShapeType,
			   in boolean     isSorted) ;
    long NumberOfFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape) ;
    long NumberOfEdges (in GEOM_Object theShape) ;
    GEOM_Object ChangeOrientation (in GEOM_Object theShape) ;

    GEOM_List GetShapesOnShape (in GEOM_Object theCheckShape,
				in GEOM_Object theShape, 
				in short       theShapeType,
				in shape_state theState);
    GEOM_Object GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound (in GEOM_Object theCheckShape,
					    in GEOM_Object theShape, 
					    in short       theShapeType,
					    in shape_state theState);

    // BlocksOperations                                          //
    GEOM_Object MakeQuad4Vertices (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
				   in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
				   in GEOM_Object thePnt3,
				   in GEOM_Object thePnt4) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeQuad (in GEOM_Object theEdge1,
			  in GEOM_Object theEdge2,
			  in GEOM_Object theEdge3,
			  in GEOM_Object theEdge4) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeQuad2Edges (in GEOM_Object theEdge1,
				in GEOM_Object theEdge2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeHexa (in GEOM_Object theFace1,
			  in GEOM_Object theFace2,
			  in GEOM_Object theFace3,
			  in GEOM_Object theFace4,
			  in GEOM_Object theFace5,
			  in GEOM_Object theFace6) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeHexa2Faces (in GEOM_Object theFace1,
				in GEOM_Object theFace2) ;
    GEOM_Object GetPoint (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			  in double      theX,
			  in double      theY,
			  in double      theZ,
			  in double      theEpsilon) ;
    GEOM_Object GetEdge (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			 in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
			 in GEOM_Object thePoint2) ;
    GEOM_Object GetEdgeNearPoint (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				  in GEOM_Object thePoint) ;
    GEOM_Object GetFaceByPoints (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint1,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint2,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint3,
				 in GEOM_Object thePoint4) ;
    GEOM_Object GetFaceByEdges (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				in GEOM_Object theEdge1,
				in GEOM_Object theEdge2) ;
    GEOM_Object GetOppositeFace (in GEOM_Object theBlock,
				 in GEOM_Object theFace) ;
    GEOM_Object GetFaceNearPoint (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				  in GEOM_Object thePoint) ;
    GEOM_Object GetFaceByNormale (in GEOM_Object theBlock,
				  in GEOM_Object theVector) ;
    boolean IsCompoundOfBlocks (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				in long        theMinNbFaces,
				in long        theMaxNbFaces,
				out long       theNbBlocks) ;
    boolean CheckCompoundOfBlocks (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				   out GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors   theErrors) ;
    string PrintBCErrors (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
			  in GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors    theErrors) ;
    GEOM_List ExplodeCompoundOfBlocks (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				       in long        theMinNbFaces,
				       in long        theMaxNbFaces) ;
    GEOM_Object GetBlockNearPoint (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				   in GEOM_Object thePoint) ;
    GEOM_Object GetBlockByParts (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				 in GEOM_List   theParts) ;
    GEOM_List GetBlocksByParts (in GEOM_Object theCompound,
				in GEOM_List   theParts) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeMultiTransformation1D (in GEOM_Object theBlock,
					   in long        theDirFace1,
					   in long        theDirFace2,
					   in long        theNbTimes) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeMultiTransformation2D (in GEOM_Object theBlock,
					   in long        theDirFace1U,
					   in long        theDirFace2U,
					   in long        theNbTimesU,
					   in long        theDirFace1V,
					   in long        theDirFace2V,
					   in long        theNbTimesV) ;

    // CurvesOperations                                          //
    GEOM_Object MakeCirclePntVecR (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
				   in GEOM_Object theVec,
				   in double      theR) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeCircleThreePnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
				    in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
				    in GEOM_Object thePnt3) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeCircleCenter2Pnt (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
   				      in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
				      in GEOM_Object thePnt3) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeEllipse (in GEOM_Object thePnt,
			     in GEOM_Object theVec,
			     in double      theRMajor,
			     in double      theRMinor) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeArc (in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
			 in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
			 in GEOM_Object thePnt3) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeArcCenter (in GEOM_Object theCenter,
                               in GEOM_Object thePnt1,
                               in GEOM_Object thePnt2,
                               in boolean theSense) ;
    GEOM_Object MakePolyline (in GEOM_List thePoints) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSplineBezier (in GEOM_List thePoints) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSplineInterpolation (in GEOM_List thePoints) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeSketcher (in string    theCommand, 
			      in GEOM_List theWorkingPlane) ;
    // LocalOperations                                           //
    GEOM_Object MakeFilletAll (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			       in double      theR) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFilletEdges (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				 in double      theR,
				 in GEOM_List   theEdges) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFilletEdgesR1R2 (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				     in double      theR1,
				     in double      theR2,
				     in GEOM_List   theEdges) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFilletFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				 in double      theR,
				 in GEOM_List   theFaces) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeFilletFacesR1R2 (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				     in double      theR1,
				     in double      theR2,
				     in GEOM_List   theFaces) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferAll (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				in double      theD) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferEdge (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				 in double theD1, in double theD2,
				 in long theFace1, in long theFace2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferEdgeAD (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				   in double theD, in double theAngle,
				   in long theFace1, in long theFace2) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferFaces (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				  in double theD1, in double theD2,
				  in GEOM_List theFaces) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferFacesAD (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				    in double theD, in double theAngle,
				    in GEOM_List theFaces) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferEdges (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				  in double theD1, in double theD2,
				  in GEOM_List theEdges) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeChamferEdgesAD (in GEOM_Object theShape,
				    in double theD, in double theAngle,
				    in GEOM_List theEdges) ;
    GEOM_Object MakeArchimede (in GEOM_Object theShape,
			       in double      theWeight,
			       in double      theWaterDensity,
			       in double      theMeshDeflection) ;
    long GetSubShapeIndex (in GEOM_Object theShape, 
			   in GEOM_Object theSubShape) ;

    // GroupOperations                                           //
    GEOM_Object CreateGroup (in GEOM_Object theMainShape, 
			     in long        theShapeType) ;
    void AddObject (in GEOM_Object theGroup, 
		    in long        theSubShapeId) ;
    void RemoveObject (in GEOM_Object theGroup, 
		       in long        theSubShapeId) ;
    long GetType (in GEOM_Object theGroup) ;
    GEOM_Object  GetMainShape(in GEOM_Object theGroup) ;
    GEOM_List  GetObjects(in GEOM_Object theGroup) ;

