\page create_smoothingsurface_page Smoothing Surface
To create a Smoothing Surface in the Main Menu select New Entity - >
Advanced - > SmoothingSurface
To create a surface it is necessary to specify the \b Name of the surface, the list of \b Points
from which it is approximated and some plate approximation parameters such as: Max nbr of
Bezier pieces, Max BSpline surface degree and Max plate criterion value.
And then press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button.
\note The dialog accepts compounds of points as well as single nodes.
The result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object(Surface).
TUI Command: geompy.MakeSmoothingSurface(thelPoints, theNbMax, theDegMax, theDMax), where:
- \em thelPoints list of points. Compounds of points are accepted as well
- \em theNbMax maximum number of Bezier pieces in the resulting surface
- \em theDegMax maximum degree of the resulting BSpline surface
- \em theDMax specifies maximum value of the GeomPlate_PlateG0Criterion criterion
\image html smoothingsurface_dlg.png
\image html smoothingsurface.png
Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of
\ref tui_creation_smoothingsurface "Advanced objects".