// Copyright (C) 2007-2022 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // OCCT Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //======================================================================= //function : GetID //purpose : //======================================================================= const Standard_GUID& GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver::GetID() { static Standard_GUID a3DSketcherDriver("FF2BBB54-5D24-4df3-210B-3A678263EA26"); return a3DSketcherDriver; } //======================================================================= //function : GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver //purpose : //======================================================================= GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver::GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver() { } //======================================================================= //function : Execute //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver::Execute(Handle(TFunction_Logbook)& log) const { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_I3DSketcher aCI (aFunction); TopoDS_Shape aShape; if (aFunction->GetType() == SKETCHER3D_COORDS) { Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aCoordsArray = aCI.GetCoordinates(); int anArrayLength = aCoordsArray->Length(); std::list points; for (int i = 0; i <= (anArrayLength-3); i += 3) { gp_Pnt aPnt = gp_Pnt(aCoordsArray->Value(i+1), aCoordsArray->Value(i+2), aCoordsArray->Value(i+3)); if (points.empty() || aPnt.Distance(points.back()) > gp::Resolution()) points.push_back(aPnt); } if ( points.size() == 1) { // Only Start Point BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex mkVertex (points.back()); aShape = mkVertex.Shape(); } else if ( points.size() > 1) { // Make Wire BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon aMakePoly; std::list::iterator it; for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) { aMakePoly.Add(*it); } if (points.size() > 2 && points.back().X() == points.front().X() && points.back().Y() == points.front().Y() && points.back().Z() == points.front().Z()) aMakePoly.Close(); if (aMakePoly.IsDone()) aShape = aMakePoly.Wire(); } } else if (aFunction->GetType() == SKETCHER3D_COMMAND) { Kernel_Utils::Localizer loc; TCollection_AsciiString aCommand = aCI.GetCommand(); // "3DSketcher:CMD[:CMD[:CMD...]]" // Split the command string to separate CMDs int icmd = 2; TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString aSequence; if (aCommand.Length()) { TCollection_AsciiString aToken = aCommand.Token(":", icmd); while (aToken.Length() > 0) { aSequence.Append(aToken); aToken = aCommand.Token(":", ++icmd); } } int nbEdges = 0; bool isFirstPointSet = false; gp_XYZ p = gp::Origin().XYZ(); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex MV0 (p); TopoDS_Vertex V = TopoDS::Vertex(MV0.Shape()); gp_XYZ p0 = p; TopoDS_Vertex V0 = V; bool doClose = false; BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire MW; int nbCMDs = aSequence.Length(); for (icmd = 1; icmd <= nbCMDs; icmd++) { TCollection_AsciiString aCMD = aSequence.Value(icmd); // Split the CMD into string values TColStd_SequenceOfAsciiString aStrVals; int ival = 1; TCollection_AsciiString aToken = aCMD.Token(" ", ival); while (aToken.Length() > 0) { aStrVals.Append(aToken); aToken = aCMD.Token(" ", ++ival); } // "TT x y z" : Create segment by point at X & Y or set the first point // "T dx dy dz" : Create segment by point with DX & DY // // "OXY angleX angle2 length" : Create segment by two angles and length // "OYZ angleY angle2 length" : Create segment by two angles and length // "OXZ angleX angle2 length" : Create segment by two angles and length // // "WW" : Close Wire (to finish) switch (aStrVals.Value(1).Value(1)) { case 'T': { if (aStrVals.Length() != 4) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); gp_XYZ vp; vp.SetX(aStrVals.Value(2).RealValue()); vp.SetY(aStrVals.Value(3).RealValue()); vp.SetZ(aStrVals.Value(4).RealValue()); if (aStrVals.Value(1) == "TT") { // absolute coordinates if (!isFirstPointSet) { p = vp; BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex MV (p); V = TopoDS::Vertex(MV.Shape()); p0 = p; V0 = V; isFirstPointSet = true; } else { if ((vp - p).SquareModulus() > Precision::Confusion()) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex MV (vp); TopoDS_Vertex VV = TopoDS::Vertex(MV.Shape()); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge ME (V, VV); MW.Add(ME); nbEdges++; p = vp; V = VV; } } } else if (aStrVals.Value(1) == "T") { // relative coordinates if (vp.SquareModulus() > Precision::Confusion()) { vp = p + vp; BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex MV (vp); TopoDS_Vertex VV = TopoDS::Vertex(MV.Shape()); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge ME (V, VV); MW.Add(ME); nbEdges++; p = vp; V = VV; } } else Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); } break; case 'O': { if (aStrVals.Length() != 4) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); char type = aStrVals.Value(1).Value(4); char mode = aStrVals.Value(1).Value(5); double anAngle = aStrVals.Value(2).RealValue() * M_PI/180.0; double anAngle2 = aStrVals.Value(3).RealValue() * M_PI/180.0; double aLength = aStrVals.Value(4).RealValue(); double aHeight = aLength * sin(anAngle2); if (type == 'C') { aHeight = aStrVals.Value(3).RealValue(); anAngle2 = 0.0; } double aProjectedLength = aLength * cos(anAngle2); gp_XYZ vp; vp.SetX(aStrVals.Value(2).RealValue()); vp.SetY(aStrVals.Value(3).RealValue()); vp.SetZ(aStrVals.Value(4).RealValue()); gp_XYZ pref = gp::Origin().XYZ(); if(mode == 'R') pref = p; TCollection_AsciiString aTruncatedCommand = aStrVals.Value(1); aTruncatedCommand.Trunc(3); if (aTruncatedCommand == "OXY") { vp.SetX(pref.X() + aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle)); vp.SetY(pref.Y() + aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle)); vp.SetZ(pref.Z() + aHeight); } else if (aTruncatedCommand == "OYZ") { vp.SetX(pref.X() + aHeight); vp.SetY(pref.Y() + aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle)); vp.SetZ(pref.Z() + aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle)); } else if (aTruncatedCommand == "OXZ") { vp.SetX(pref.X() + aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle)); vp.SetY(pref.Y() + aHeight); vp.SetZ(pref.Z() + aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle)); } else Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); if ((vp - p).SquareModulus() > Precision::Confusion()) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex MV (vp); TopoDS_Vertex VV = TopoDS::Vertex(MV.Shape()); BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge ME (V, VV); MW.Add(ME); nbEdges++; p = vp; V = VV; } } break; case 'W': { if (aStrVals.Length() != 1) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); if (aStrVals.Value(1) == "WW") doClose = true; else Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); } break; default: { Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Bad format of command."); } } } if (doClose && nbEdges > 1 && // as 3D sketcher has only straight edges (p - p0).SquareModulus() > Precision::Confusion()) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge ME (V, V0); MW.Add(ME); nbEdges++; } if (nbEdges > 0) { if (!MW.IsDone()) Standard_ConstructionError::Raise("3D Sketcher error: Wire construction failed."); aShape = MW; } else { if (isFirstPointSet) { aShape = V0; } } } else { } if (aShape.IsNull()) return 0; aFunction->SetValue(aShape); log->SetTouched(Label()); return 1; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns a name of creation operation and names and values of creation parameters */ //================================================================================ bool GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver:: GetCreationInformation(std::string& theOperationName, std::vector& theParams) { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) function = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_I3DSketcher aCI( function ); Standard_Integer aType = function->GetType(); theOperationName = "3DSKETCH"; if (aType == SKETCHER3D_COORDS) { theParams.resize( 1 ); theParams[0].Set( "(X,Y,Z)" ); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aCoordsArray = aCI.GetCoordinates(); int anArrayLength = aCoordsArray->Length(); for (int i = 0; i <= (anArrayLength-3); i += 3) theParams[0] << "( " << aCoordsArray->Value(i+1) << ", " << aCoordsArray->Value(i+2) << ", " << aCoordsArray->Value(i+3) << " ) "; } else if (aType == SKETCHER3D_COMMAND) { AddParam( theParams, "Command", aCI.GetCommand() ); } else { return false; } return true; } IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(GEOMImpl_3DSketcherDriver,GEOM_BaseDriver)