// Copyright (C) 2013-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // Author : Frederic Pons (OpenCascade) #include #include "XAO_XaoExporter.hxx" #include "XAO_Xao.hxx" #include "XAO_Geometry.hxx" #include "XAO_Group.hxx" #include "XAO_Field.hxx" #include "XAO_Step.hxx" #include "XAO_XaoUtils.hxx" #ifdef WIN32 # define _separator_ '\\' #else # define _separator_ '/' #endif namespace XAO { const xmlChar* C_TAG_XAO = (xmlChar*)"XAO"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_XAO_AUTHOR = (xmlChar*)"author"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_XAO_VERSION = (xmlChar*)"version"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_GEOMETRY = (xmlChar*)"geometry"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_GEOMETRY_NAME = (xmlChar*)"name"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_SHAPE = (xmlChar*)"shape"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_SHAPE_FORMAT = (xmlChar*)"format"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_SHAPE_FILE = (xmlChar*)"file"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_TOPOLOGY = (xmlChar*)"topology"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_VERTICES = (xmlChar*)"vertices"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_VERTEX = (xmlChar*)"vertex"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_EDGES = (xmlChar*)"edges"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_EDGE = (xmlChar*)"edge"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_FACES = (xmlChar*)"faces"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_FACE = (xmlChar*)"face"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_SOLIDS = (xmlChar*)"solids"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_SOLID = (xmlChar*)"solid"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_COUNT = (xmlChar*)"count"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX = (xmlChar*)"index"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_ELT_NAME = (xmlChar*)"name"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE = (xmlChar*)"reference"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_GROUPS = (xmlChar*)"groups"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_GROUP = (xmlChar*)"group"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_GROUP_NAME = (xmlChar*)"name"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_GROUP_DIM = (xmlChar*)"dimension"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_ELEMENT = (xmlChar*)"element"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_ELEMENT_INDEX = (xmlChar*)"index"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_VALUE = (xmlChar*)"value"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_VALUE_COMPONENT = (xmlChar*)"component"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_FIELDS = (xmlChar*)"fields"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_FIELD = (xmlChar*)"field"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_FIELD_NAME = (xmlChar*)"name"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_FIELD_TYPE = (xmlChar*)"type"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_FIELD_DIMENSION = (xmlChar*)"dimension"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_COMPONENTS = (xmlChar*)"components"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_COMPONENT = (xmlChar*)"component"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_COMPONENT_COLUMN = (xmlChar*)"column"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_COMPONENT_NAME = (xmlChar*)"name"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_STEPS = (xmlChar*)"steps"; const xmlChar* C_TAG_STEP = (xmlChar*)"step"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_STEP_NUMBER = (xmlChar*)"number"; const xmlChar* C_ATTR_STEP_STAMP = (xmlChar*)"stamp"; } using namespace XAO; namespace { xmlDocPtr exportXMLDoc(Xao* xaoObject, const std::string& shapeFileName); void exportGeometry(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xao, const std::string& shapeFileName); void exportGeometricElements(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlNodePtr topology, XAO::Dimension dim, const xmlChar* colTag, const xmlChar* eltTag); void exportGroups(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao); void exportFields(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao); void exportStep(Step* step, Field* field, xmlNodePtr nodeSteps); void parseXMLDoc(xmlDocPtr doc, Xao* xaoObject); void parseXaoNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xaoNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseGeometryNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr geometryNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseShapeNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr shapeNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseTopologyNode(xmlNodePtr topologyNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseVerticesNode(xmlNodePtr verticesNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseEdgesNode(xmlNodePtr edgesNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseFacesNode(xmlNodePtr facesNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseSolidsNode(xmlNodePtr solidsNode, Geometry* geometry); void parseGroupsNode(xmlNodePtr groupsNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseGroupNode(xmlNodePtr groupNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseFieldsNode(xmlNodePtr fieldsNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseFieldNode(xmlNodePtr fieldNode, Xao* xaoObject); void parseStepNode(xmlNodePtr stepNode, Field* field); void parseStepElementNode(xmlNodePtr eltNode, Step* step); std::string readStringProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute, bool required, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& exception = std::string("")); int readIntegerProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute, bool required, int defaultValue, const std::string& exception = std::string("")); std::string readStringProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute, bool required, const std::string& defaultValue, const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */) { xmlChar* strAttr = xmlGetProp(node, attribute); if (strAttr == NULL) { if (required) { if (exception.size() > 0) throw XAO_Exception(exception.c_str()); throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Line " << node->line << ": " << "Property " << (char*)attribute << " is required."); } return defaultValue; } std::string res = (char*)strAttr; xmlFree(strAttr); return res; } int readIntegerProp(xmlNodePtr node, const xmlChar* attribute, bool required, int defaultValue, const std::string& exception /*= std::string() */) { xmlChar* strAttr = xmlGetProp(node, attribute); if (strAttr == NULL) { if (required) { if (exception.size() > 0) throw XAO_Exception(exception.c_str()); throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Line " << node->line << ": " << "Property " << (char*)attribute << " is required."); } return defaultValue; } int res = XaoUtils::stringToInt((char*)strAttr); xmlFree(strAttr); return res; } xmlDocPtr exportXMLDoc(Xao* xaoObject, const std::string& shapeFileName) { // Creating the Xml document xmlDocPtr masterDocument = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); xmlNodePtr xao = xmlNewNode(0, C_TAG_XAO); xmlDocSetRootElement(masterDocument, xao); xmlNewProp(xao, C_ATTR_XAO_VERSION, BAD_CAST xaoObject->getVersion().c_str()); xmlNewProp(xao, C_ATTR_XAO_AUTHOR, BAD_CAST xaoObject->getAuthor().c_str()); if (xaoObject->getGeometry() != NULL) { exportGeometry(xaoObject->getGeometry(), masterDocument, xao, shapeFileName); } exportGroups(xaoObject, xao); exportFields(xaoObject, xao); return masterDocument; } void exportGeometricElements(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlNodePtr topology, XAO::Dimension dim, const xmlChar* colTag, const xmlChar* eltTag) { xmlNodePtr vertices = xmlNewChild(topology, 0, colTag, 0); xmlNewProp(vertices, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoGeometry->countElements(dim)).c_str()); GeometricElementList::iterator it = xaoGeometry->begin(dim); for (; it != xaoGeometry->end(dim); it++) { int index = it->first; GeometricElement elt = it->second; xmlNodePtr vertex = xmlNewChild(vertices, 0, eltTag, 0); xmlNewProp(vertex, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(index).c_str()); xmlNewProp(vertex, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, BAD_CAST elt.getName().c_str()); xmlNewProp(vertex, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, BAD_CAST elt.getReference().c_str()); } } void exportGeometry(Geometry* xaoGeometry, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xao, const std::string& shapeFileName) { // Geometric part xmlNodePtr geometry = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_GEOMETRY, 0); xmlNewProp(geometry, C_ATTR_GEOMETRY_NAME, BAD_CAST xaoGeometry->getName().c_str()); xmlNodePtr shape = xmlNewChild(geometry, 0, C_TAG_SHAPE, 0); xmlNewProp(shape, C_ATTR_SHAPE_FORMAT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::shapeFormatToString(xaoGeometry->getFormat()).c_str()); if (shapeFileName == "") { // export the shape in the XAO file std::string txtShape = xaoGeometry->getShapeString(); xmlNodePtr cdata = xmlNewCDataBlock(doc, BAD_CAST txtShape.c_str(), txtShape.size()); xmlAddChild(shape, cdata); } else { // export the shape in an external file xmlNewProp(shape, C_ATTR_SHAPE_FILE, BAD_CAST shapeFileName.c_str()); xaoGeometry->writeShapeFile(shapeFileName); } xmlNodePtr topology = xmlNewChild(geometry, 0, C_TAG_TOPOLOGY, 0); exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::VERTEX, C_TAG_VERTICES, C_TAG_VERTEX); exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::EDGE, C_TAG_EDGES, C_TAG_EDGE); exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::FACE, C_TAG_FACES, C_TAG_FACE); exportGeometricElements(xaoGeometry, topology, XAO::SOLID, C_TAG_SOLIDS, C_TAG_SOLID); } void exportGroups(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao) { xmlNodePtr groups = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_GROUPS, 0); xmlNewProp(groups, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoObject->countGroups()).c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < xaoObject->countGroups(); i++) { //Group* grp = (*it); Group* grp = xaoObject->getGroup(i); xmlNodePtr group = xmlNewChild(groups, 0, C_TAG_GROUP, 0); xmlNewProp(group, C_ATTR_GROUP_NAME, BAD_CAST grp->getName().c_str()); xmlNewProp(group, C_ATTR_GROUP_DIM, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::dimensionToString(grp->getDimension()).c_str()); xmlNewProp(group, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(grp->count()).c_str()); for (std::set::iterator it = grp->begin(); it != grp->end(); ++it) { int grpElt = (*it); xmlNodePtr elt = xmlNewChild(group, 0, C_TAG_ELEMENT, 0); xmlNewProp(elt, C_ATTR_ELEMENT_INDEX, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(grpElt).c_str()); } } } void exportFields(Xao* xaoObject, xmlNodePtr xao) { xmlNodePtr fields = xmlNewChild(xao, 0, C_TAG_FIELDS, 0); xmlNewProp(fields, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(xaoObject->countFields()).c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < xaoObject->countFields(); i++) { Field* field = xaoObject->getField(i); xmlNodePtr nodeField = xmlNewChild(fields, 0, C_TAG_FIELD, 0); xmlNewProp(nodeField, C_ATTR_FIELD_NAME, BAD_CAST field->getName().c_str()); xmlNewProp(nodeField, C_ATTR_FIELD_TYPE, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::fieldTypeToString(field->getType()).c_str()); xmlNewProp(nodeField, C_ATTR_FIELD_DIMENSION, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::dimensionToString(field->getDimension()).c_str()); int nbComponents = field->countComponents(); xmlNodePtr components = xmlNewChild(nodeField, 0, C_TAG_COMPONENTS, 0); xmlNewProp(components, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(nbComponents).c_str()); for (int j = 0; j < nbComponents; j++) { xmlNodePtr nodeComponent = xmlNewChild(components, 0, C_TAG_COMPONENT, 0); xmlNewProp(nodeComponent, C_ATTR_COMPONENT_COLUMN, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(j).c_str()); xmlNewProp(nodeComponent, C_ATTR_COMPONENT_NAME, BAD_CAST field->getComponentName(j).c_str()); } int nbSteps = field->countSteps(); xmlNodePtr nodeSteps = xmlNewChild(nodeField, 0, C_TAG_STEPS, 0); xmlNewProp(nodeSteps, C_ATTR_COUNT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(nbSteps).c_str()); for (stepIterator itStep = field->begin(); itStep != field->end(); itStep++) { Step* step = *itStep; exportStep(step, field, nodeSteps); } } } void exportStep(Step* step, Field* /*field*/, xmlNodePtr nodeSteps) { xmlNodePtr nodeStep = xmlNewChild(nodeSteps, 0, C_TAG_STEP, 0); xmlNewProp(nodeStep, C_ATTR_STEP_NUMBER, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(step->getStep()).c_str()); if (step->getStamp() >= 0) { xmlNewProp(nodeStep, C_ATTR_STEP_STAMP, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(step->getStamp()).c_str()); } for(int i = 0; i < step->countElements(); ++i) { xmlNodePtr nodeElt = xmlNewChild(nodeStep, 0, C_TAG_ELEMENT, 0); xmlNewProp(nodeElt, C_ATTR_ELEMENT_INDEX, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(i).c_str()); for (int j = 0; j < step->countComponents(); ++j) { std::string content = step->getStringValue(i, j); xmlNodePtr nodeValue = xmlNewChild(nodeElt, NULL, C_TAG_VALUE, BAD_CAST content.c_str()); xmlNewProp(nodeValue, C_ATTR_VALUE_COMPONENT, BAD_CAST XaoUtils::intToString(j).c_str()); } } } void parseXMLDoc(xmlDocPtr doc, Xao* xaoObject) { // Get the root element node xmlNodePtr root = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); if (xmlStrcmp(root->name , C_TAG_XAO) != 0) throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO file: invalid format XAO node not found"); parseXaoNode(doc, root, xaoObject); xmlFreeDoc(doc); // free document //xmlCleanupParser(); // free globals //vsr: xmlCleanupParser should not be called from the application } void parseXaoNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr xaoNode, Xao* xaoObject) { std::string version = readStringProp(xaoNode, C_ATTR_XAO_VERSION, false, ""); if (version != "") xaoObject->setVersion(version); std::string author = readStringProp(xaoNode, C_ATTR_XAO_AUTHOR, false, ""); xaoObject->setAuthor(author); for (xmlNodePtr node = xaoNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_GEOMETRY) == 0) parseGeometryNode(doc, node, xaoObject); else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_GROUPS) == 0) parseGroupsNode(node, xaoObject); else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FIELDS) == 0) parseFieldsNode(node, xaoObject); } } void parseGeometryNode(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr geometryNode, Xao* xaoObject) { // get the shape and topo nodes xmlNodePtr shapeNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr topoNode = NULL; for (xmlNodePtr node = geometryNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_SHAPE) == 0) shapeNode = node; else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_TOPOLOGY) == 0) topoNode = node; } std::string name = readStringProp(geometryNode, C_ATTR_GEOMETRY_NAME, false, ""); std::string strFormat = readStringProp(shapeNode, C_ATTR_SHAPE_FORMAT, true, ""); XAO::Format shapeFormat = XaoUtils::stringToShapeFormat(strFormat); Geometry* geometry = Geometry::createGeometry(shapeFormat, name); parseShapeNode(doc, shapeNode, geometry); parseTopologyNode(topoNode, geometry); xaoObject->setGeometry(geometry); } void parseShapeNode(xmlDocPtr /*doc*/, xmlNodePtr shapeNode, Geometry* geometry) { if (geometry->getFormat() == XAO::BREP) { std::string strFile = readStringProp(shapeNode, C_ATTR_SHAPE_FILE, false, ""); if (strFile != "") { geometry->readShapeFile(strFile); } else { // read brep from node content xmlChar* data = xmlNodeGetContent(shapeNode->children); if (data == NULL) throw XAO_Exception("Missing BREP"); geometry->setShapeString((char*)data); xmlFree(data); } } else { throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Shape format not supported: " << XaoUtils::shapeFormatToString(geometry->getFormat())); } } void parseTopologyNode(xmlNodePtr topologyNode, Geometry* geometry) { for (xmlNodePtr node = topologyNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_VERTICES) == 0) parseVerticesNode(node, geometry); else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_EDGES) == 0) parseEdgesNode(node, geometry); else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FACES) == 0) parseFacesNode(node, geometry); else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_SOLIDS) == 0) parseSolidsNode(node, geometry); } } void parseVerticesNode(xmlNodePtr verticesNode, Geometry* geometry) { int count = readIntegerProp(verticesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1); geometry->setCountVertices(count); for (xmlNodePtr node = verticesNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_VERTEX) == 0) { int index = readIntegerProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1); std::string name = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, false, ""); std::string reference = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, true, ""); geometry->setVertex(index, name, reference); } } } void parseEdgesNode(xmlNodePtr edgesNode, Geometry* geometry) { int count = readIntegerProp(edgesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1); geometry->setCountEdges(count); for (xmlNodePtr node = edgesNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_EDGE) == 0) { int index = readIntegerProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1); std::string name = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, false, ""); std::string reference = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, true, ""); geometry->setEdge(index, name, reference); } } } void parseFacesNode(xmlNodePtr facesNode, Geometry* geometry) { int count = readIntegerProp(facesNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1); geometry->setCountFaces(count); for (xmlNodePtr node = facesNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FACE) == 0) { int index = readIntegerProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1); std::string name = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, false, ""); std::string reference = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, true, ""); geometry->setFace(index, name, reference); } } } void parseSolidsNode(xmlNodePtr solidsNode, Geometry* geometry) { int count = readIntegerProp(solidsNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1); geometry->setCountSolids(count); for (xmlNodePtr node = solidsNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_SOLID) == 0) { int index = readIntegerProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1); std::string name = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_NAME, false, ""); std::string reference = readStringProp(node, C_ATTR_ELT_REFERENCE, true, ""); geometry->setSolid(index, name, reference); } } } void parseGroupsNode(xmlNodePtr groupsNode, Xao* xaoObject) { for (xmlNodePtr node = groupsNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_GROUP) == 0) { parseGroupNode(node, xaoObject); } } } void parseGroupNode(xmlNodePtr groupNode, Xao* xaoObject) { std::string strDimension = readStringProp(groupNode, C_ATTR_GROUP_DIM, true, ""); XAO::Dimension dim = XaoUtils::stringToDimension(strDimension); Group* group = xaoObject->addGroup(dim); std::string name = readStringProp(groupNode, C_ATTR_GROUP_NAME, false, ""); group->setName(name); for (xmlNodePtr node = groupNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_ELEMENT) == 0) { int index = readIntegerProp(node, C_ATTR_ELEMENT_INDEX, true, -1); group->add(index); } } } void parseFieldsNode(xmlNodePtr fieldsNode, Xao* xaoObject) { for (xmlNodePtr node = fieldsNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_FIELD) == 0) { parseFieldNode(node, xaoObject); } } } void parseFieldNode(xmlNodePtr fieldNode, Xao* xaoObject) { std::string strDimension = readStringProp(fieldNode, C_ATTR_FIELD_DIMENSION, true, ""); XAO::Dimension dim = XaoUtils::stringToDimension(strDimension); std::string strType = readStringProp(fieldNode, C_ATTR_FIELD_TYPE, true, ""); XAO::Type type = XaoUtils::stringToFieldType(strType); // we need to get the number of components first to create the field xmlNodePtr componentsNode = NULL; xmlNodePtr stepsNode = NULL; for (xmlNodePtr node = fieldNode->children; node; node = node->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_COMPONENTS) == 0) componentsNode = node; else if (xmlStrcmp(node->name, C_TAG_STEPS) == 0) stepsNode = node; } // ensure that the components node is defined if (componentsNode == NULL) { throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Line " << fieldNode->line << ": " << "No components defined for field."); } // create the field int nbComponents = readIntegerProp(componentsNode, C_ATTR_COUNT, true, -1); Field* field = xaoObject->addField(type, dim, nbComponents); // parse the components for (xmlNodePtr compNode = componentsNode->children; compNode; compNode = compNode->next) { std::string compName= readStringProp(compNode, C_ATTR_COMPONENT_NAME, false, ""); if (compName.size() > 0) { int col = readIntegerProp(compNode, C_ATTR_COMPONENT_COLUMN, true, -1); field->setComponentName(col, compName); } } // set the name std::string name = readStringProp(fieldNode, C_ATTR_FIELD_NAME, false, ""); if (name.size() > 0) field->setName(name); // read the steps if (stepsNode != 0) { for (xmlNodePtr stepNode = stepsNode->children; stepNode; stepNode = stepNode->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(stepNode->name, C_TAG_STEP) == 0) { parseStepNode(stepNode, field); } } } } void parseStepNode(xmlNodePtr stepNode, Field* field) { int stepNumber = readIntegerProp(stepNode, C_ATTR_STEP_NUMBER, true, -1); Step* step = field->addNewStep(stepNumber); int stepStamp = readIntegerProp(stepNode, C_ATTR_STEP_STAMP, false, -1); if (stepStamp != -1) { step->setStamp(stepStamp); } for (xmlNodePtr eltNode = stepNode->children; eltNode; eltNode = eltNode->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(eltNode->name, C_TAG_ELEMENT) == 0) { parseStepElementNode(eltNode, step); } } } void parseStepElementNode(xmlNodePtr eltNode, Step* step) { int index = readIntegerProp(eltNode, C_ATTR_ELT_INDEX, true, -1); for (xmlNodePtr valNode = eltNode->children; valNode; valNode = valNode->next) { if (xmlStrcmp(valNode->name, C_TAG_VALUE) == 0) { int component = readIntegerProp(valNode, C_ATTR_VALUE_COMPONENT, true, -1); xmlChar* data = xmlNodeGetContent(valNode->children); std::string value; if (data != NULL) { value = (char*)data; } else if (step->getType() != XAO::STRING) { throw XAO_Exception(MsgBuilder() << "Line " << valNode->line << ": no content for value."); } step->setStringValue(index, component, value); } } } } bool XaoExporter::saveToFile(Xao* xaoObject, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& shapeFileName) { xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject, shapeFileName); xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(fileName.c_str(), doc, "UTF-8", 1); // format = 1 for node indentation xmlFreeDoc(doc); return true; } const std::string XaoExporter::saveToXml(Xao* xaoObject) { xmlDocPtr doc = exportXMLDoc(xaoObject, ""); xmlChar *xmlbuff; int buffersize; //xmlDocDumpFormatMemory(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, 1); // format = 1 for node indentation // save with encoding to correspond to "saveToFile" and provide the same file size xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc, &xmlbuff, &buffersize, "UTF-8", 1); // format = 1 for node indentation xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupGlobals(); return (char*)xmlbuff; } bool XaoExporter::readFromFile(const std::string& fileName, Xao* xaoObject) { // parse the file and get the DOM int options = XML_PARSE_HUGE | XML_PARSE_NOCDATA; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadFile(fileName.c_str(), NULL, options); if (doc == NULL) { throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO file"); } parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject); return true; } bool XaoExporter::setXML(const std::string& xml, Xao* xaoObject) { int options = XML_PARSE_HUGE | XML_PARSE_NOCDATA; xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadDoc(BAD_CAST xml.c_str(), "", NULL, options); if (doc == NULL) { throw XAO_Exception("Cannot read XAO stream"); } parseXMLDoc(doc, xaoObject); return true; }