// Copyright (C) 2007-2019 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include "GEOM_WireframeFace.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include vtkStandardNewMacro(GEOM_WireframeFace); GEOM_WireframeFace::GEOM_WireframeFace(): Discret(15) { NbIso[0] = 1; NbIso[1] = 1; this->SetNumberOfInputPorts(0); } GEOM_WireframeFace::~GEOM_WireframeFace() { } int GEOM_WireframeFace::RequestData(vtkInformation *vtkNotUsed(request), vtkInformationVector **vtkNotUsed(inputVector), vtkInformationVector *outputVector) { vtkInformation *outInfo = outputVector->GetInformationObject(0); vtkPolyData *aPolyData = vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast( outInfo->Get(vtkDataObject::DATA_OBJECT())); aPolyData->Allocate(); vtkPoints* aPts = vtkPoints::New(); aPolyData->SetPoints(aPts); aPts->Delete(); TFaceSet::Iterator anIter(myFaceSet); for(; anIter.More(); anIter.Next()){ const TopoDS_Face& aFace = anIter.Value(); OCC2VTK(aFace,aPolyData,aPts,NbIso,Discret); } return 1; } void GEOM_WireframeFace::SetNbIso(const int theNb[2]) { if ( theNb[0] == NbIso[0] && theNb[1] == NbIso[1]) return; NbIso[0] = theNb[0]; NbIso[1] = theNb[1]; Modified(); } void GEOM_WireframeFace::GetNbIso(int &theNbU,int &theNbV) { theNbU = NbIso[0]; theNbV = NbIso[1]; } void GEOM_WireframeFace:: OCC2VTK(const TopoDS_Face& theFace, vtkPolyData* thePolyData, vtkPoints* thePts, const int theNbIso[2], const int theDiscret) { TopoDS_Face aFace = theFace; aFace.Orientation(TopAbs_FORWARD); CreateIso(aFace,theNbIso,theDiscret,thePolyData,thePts); } void GEOM_WireframeFace:: CreateIso(const TopoDS_Face& theFace, const int theNbIso[2], const int theDiscret, vtkPolyData* thePolyData, vtkPoints* thePts) { GEOMUtils::Hatcher aHatcher(theFace); aHatcher.Init(theNbIso[0], theNbIso[1]); aHatcher.Perform(); if (aHatcher.IsDone()) { // Push iso lines in vtk kernel CreateIso(aHatcher, Standard_True, theDiscret, thePolyData, thePts); CreateIso(aHatcher, Standard_False, theDiscret, thePolyData, thePts); } } void GEOM_WireframeFace:: CreateIso(const GEOMUtils::Hatcher &theHatcher, const Standard_Boolean IsUIso, const int theDiscret, vtkPolyData *thePolyData, vtkPoints *thePts) { Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) anIndices; Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfReal) aParams; if (IsUIso) { // U-isolines anIndices = theHatcher.GetUIndices(); aParams = theHatcher.GetUParams(); } else { // V-isolines anIndices = theHatcher.GetVIndices(); aParams = theHatcher.GetVParams(); } if (anIndices.IsNull() == Standard_False && aParams.IsNull() == Standard_False) { const GeomAbs_IsoType aType = (IsUIso ? GeomAbs_IsoU : GeomAbs_IsoV); Standard_Integer anIsoInd = anIndices->Lower(); for (; anIsoInd <= anIndices->Upper(); anIsoInd++) { const Standard_Integer aHatchingIndex = anIndices->Value(anIsoInd); if (aHatchingIndex != 0) { const Standard_Real aParam = aParams->Value(anIsoInd); const Standard_Integer aNbDomains = theHatcher.GetNbDomains(aHatchingIndex); if (aNbDomains >= 0) { Standard_Integer anIDom = 1; Standard_Real aV1; Standard_Real aV2; for (; anIDom <= aNbDomains; anIDom++) { if (theHatcher.GetDomain(aHatchingIndex, anIDom, aV1, aV2)) { CreateIso_(theHatcher.GetFace(), aType, aParam, aV1, aV2, theDiscret, thePolyData, thePts); } } } } } } } void GEOM_WireframeFace:: CreateIso_(const TopoDS_Face& theFace, GeomAbs_IsoType theIsoType, Standard_Real Par, Standard_Real T1, Standard_Real T2, const int theDiscret, vtkPolyData* thePolyData, vtkPoints* thePts) { Standard_Real U1, U2, V1, V2, stepU=0., stepV=0.; Standard_Integer j; gp_Pnt P; TopLoc_Location aLoc; const Handle(Geom_Surface)& S = BRep_Tool::Surface(theFace,aLoc); if(!S.IsNull()){ BRepAdaptor_Surface S(theFace,Standard_False); GeomAbs_SurfaceType SurfType = S.GetType(); GeomAbs_CurveType CurvType = GeomAbs_OtherCurve; Standard_Integer Intrv, nbIntv; Standard_Integer nbUIntv = S.NbUIntervals(GeomAbs_CN); Standard_Integer nbVIntv = S.NbVIntervals(GeomAbs_CN); TColStd_Array1OfReal TI(1,Max(nbUIntv, nbVIntv)+1); if(theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoU){ S.VIntervals(TI, GeomAbs_CN); V1 = Max(T1, TI(1)); V2 = Min(T2, TI(2)); U1 = Par; U2 = Par; stepU = 0; nbIntv = nbVIntv; }else{ S.UIntervals(TI, GeomAbs_CN); U1 = Max(T1, TI(1)); U2 = Min(T2, TI(2)); V1 = Par; V2 = Par; stepV = 0; nbIntv = nbUIntv; } S.D0(U1,V1,P); MoveTo(P,thePts); for(Intrv = 1; Intrv <= nbIntv; Intrv++){ if(TI(Intrv) <= T1 && TI(Intrv + 1) <= T1) continue; if(TI(Intrv) >= T2 && TI(Intrv + 1) >= T2) continue; if(theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoU){ V1 = Max(T1, TI(Intrv)); V2 = Min(T2, TI(Intrv + 1)); stepV = (V2 - V1) / theDiscret; }else{ U1 = Max(T1, TI(Intrv)); U2 = Min(T2, TI(Intrv + 1)); stepU = (U2 - U1) / theDiscret; } switch (SurfType) { case GeomAbs_Plane : break; case GeomAbs_Cylinder : case GeomAbs_Cone : if(theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoV){ for(j = 1; j < theDiscret; j++){ U1 += stepU; V1 += stepV; S.D0(U1,V1,P); DrawTo(P,thePolyData,thePts); } } break; case GeomAbs_Sphere : case GeomAbs_Torus : case GeomAbs_OffsetSurface : case GeomAbs_OtherSurface : for(j = 1; j < theDiscret; j++){ U1 += stepU; V1 += stepV; S.D0(U1,V1,P); DrawTo(P,thePolyData,thePts); } break; case GeomAbs_BezierSurface : case GeomAbs_BSplineSurface : for(j = 1; j <= theDiscret/2; j++){ Standard_Real aStep = (theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoV) ? stepU*2. : stepV*2.; CreateIso__(S, theIsoType, U1, V1, aStep, thePolyData, thePts); U1 += stepU*2.; V1 += stepV*2.; } break; case GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion : case GeomAbs_SurfaceOfRevolution : if((theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoV && SurfType == GeomAbs_SurfaceOfRevolution) || (theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoU && SurfType == GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion)) { if(SurfType == GeomAbs_SurfaceOfExtrusion) break; for(j = 1; j < theDiscret; j++){ U1 += stepU; V1 += stepV; S.D0(U1,V1,P); DrawTo(P,thePolyData,thePts); } }else{ CurvType = (S.BasisCurve())->GetType(); switch(CurvType){ case GeomAbs_Line : break; case GeomAbs_Circle : case GeomAbs_Ellipse : for (j = 1; j < theDiscret; j++) { U1 += stepU; V1 += stepV; S.D0(U1,V1,P); DrawTo(P,thePolyData,thePts); } break; case GeomAbs_Parabola : case GeomAbs_Hyperbola : case GeomAbs_BezierCurve : case GeomAbs_BSplineCurve : case GeomAbs_OtherCurve : for(j = 1; j <= theDiscret/2; j++){ Standard_Real aStep = (theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoV) ? stepU*2. : stepV*2.; CreateIso__(S, theIsoType, U1, V1, aStep, thePolyData, thePts); U1 += stepU*2.; V1 += stepV*2.; } break; } } } } S.D0(U2,V2,P); DrawTo(P,thePolyData,thePts); } } void GEOM_WireframeFace:: CreateIso__(const BRepAdaptor_Surface& theSurface, GeomAbs_IsoType theIsoType, Standard_Real& theU, Standard_Real& theV, Standard_Real theStep, vtkPolyData* thePolyData, vtkPoints* thePts) { gp_Pnt Pl, Pr, Pm; if (theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoU) { theSurface.D0(theU, theV, Pl); theSurface.D0(theU, theV + theStep/2., Pm); theSurface.D0(theU, theV + theStep, Pr); } else { theSurface.D0(theU, theV, Pl); theSurface.D0(theU + theStep/2., theV, Pm); theSurface.D0(theU + theStep, theV, Pr); } static Standard_Real ISO_RATIO = 1.001; if (Pm.Distance(Pl) + Pm.Distance(Pr) <= ISO_RATIO*Pl.Distance(Pr)) { DrawTo(Pr,thePolyData,thePts); } else { if (theIsoType == GeomAbs_IsoU) { CreateIso__(theSurface, theIsoType, theU, theV, theStep/2, thePolyData, thePts); Standard_Real aLocalV = theV + theStep/2 ; CreateIso__(theSurface, theIsoType, theU, aLocalV , theStep/2, thePolyData, thePts); } else { CreateIso__(theSurface, theIsoType, theU, theV, theStep/2, thePolyData, thePts); Standard_Real aLocalU = theU + theStep/2 ; CreateIso__(theSurface, theIsoType, aLocalU , theV, theStep/2, thePolyData, thePts); } } }