/*! \page create_dividedcylinder_page DividedCylinder The <b>Divided cylinder</b> object is a cylinder divided into \b blocks for easy hexahedral meshing. Two division patterns are available : <ul> <li> A square pattern, which is frequently used; </li> <li> A hexagonal pattern, which ensures a better mesh quality and especially less acute or obtuse angles. </li> </ul> \image html dividedcylinder.png To create a \b DividedCylinder in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Advanced - > DividedCylinder </b> Specify the parameters of the DividedCylinder object creation in the opened dialog box and press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button. Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object. <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeDividedCylinder(R, H, Pattern)</em> <b>Arguments:</b> - \b R - Radius of the cylinder - \b H - Height of the cylinder - \b Pattern - Division pattern \image html dividedcylinder_dlg.png Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_dividedcylinder "Advanced objects". */