/*! \page tui_test_others_page GEOM_TestOthers.py \anchor swig_TestOthers <br><h2>GEOM_TestOthers.py</h2> \dontinclude GEOM_TestOthers.py \skipline import os \anchor swig_Import_Export \until print "OK" \until id_w3 \anchor swig_MakeFaces \until id_f12 \until TestExportImport \anchor swig_OrientationChange \until id_Orientation \anchor swig_MakeCommon \until id_Section \anchor swig_Partition \until id_Partition \anchor swig_MakeMultiRotation \until id_MultiRot2D \anchor swig_MakeFilletAll \until id_MakeFilletAll \anchor swig_MakeChamferAll \until id_MakeChamferAll \anchor swig_MakeChamfer \until id_MakeChamfer \anchor swig_NumberOf \until Bad number of shapes \anchor swig_MakeBlockExplode \until id_MakeBlockExplode \anchor swig_CheckCompoundOfBlocks \until The Box is VALID \anchor swig_GetSame \until id_Cone_ss \anchor swig_CreateGroup \until id_CreateGroup \anchor swig_AddObject \until Now contains \anchor swig_UnionList \until Now contains \anchor swig_RemoveObject \until Now contains \anchor swig_DifferenceList \until Now contains \anchor swig_GetObjectIDs \until print " ", ObjectID \anchor swig_GetMainShape \until BoxCopy \anchor swig_DifferenceIDs \until Now contains \anchor swig_UnionIDs \until print " ", ObjectID \anchor swig_GetType \until Type of elements \until freeFaces, "freeFaces" \anchor swig_RemoveExtraEdges \until "freeFacesWithoutExtra" \anchor swig_GetSharedShapes \until "sharedEdge_" \anchor swig_CheckAndImprove \until "blocksComp" \anchor swig_Propagate \until "propagation chain" \anchor swig_GetPoint \until blocksComp (-50, -50, -50) \anchor swig_GetVertexNearPoint \until near (40, 40, 40) \anchor swig_GetEdge \until by two points \anchor swig_GetEdgeNearPoint \until edge near point \anchor swig_GetBlockByParts \until "b0 image" \anchor swig_GetShapesNearPoint \until faces near point \anchor swig_GetShapesOnPlane \until Face on Plane \anchor swig_GetShapesOnPlaneIDs \until Group of faces \anchor swig_GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation \until Edge on Plane \anchor swig_GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocationIDs \until group_edges_on_pln, grname \anchor swig_GetShapesOnCylinder \until Edge out of Cylinder \anchor swig_GetShapesOnCylinderIDs \until Group of edges \anchor swig_GetShapesOnCylinderWithLocation \until Edge out of \anchor swig_GetShapesOnCylinderWithLocationIDs \until Group of edges \anchor swig_GetShapesOnSphere \until Vertex on Sphere \anchor swig_GetShapesOnSphereIDs \until Group of vertices \anchor swig_GetShapesOnQuadrangle \until Error in GetShapesOnQuadrangle \anchor swig_GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs \until Group of vertices \anchor swig_GetShapesOnBox \until "Error in GetShapesOnBox()" \anchor swig_GetShapesOnBoxIDs \until Group of faces \anchor swig_GetShapesOnShape \until "Error in GetShapesOnShape()" \anchor swig_GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound \until (as compound) \anchor swig_GetShapesOnShapeIDs \until "Error in GetShapesOnShapeIDs()" \anchor swig_GetInPlace \until #END */