/*! \page center_mass_page Center of Mass This operation calculates and returns the coordinates of the gravity center for the selected geometrical object. \image html measures3.png Press \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to publish the \b Point in the study. \note This dialog supports navigation through the selectable objects (in OCC 3D viewer only): - Scroll mouse wheel with pressed \em Ctrl key or press \em "S", \em "P" keys when input focus is in the viewer to navigate between selectable objects. - Press left mouse button to select an appropriate object to the dialog box. . For more details, please refer to the \em "Functionality common for OCC and VTK viewers" chapter of the GUI module's documentation. <b>TUI Command:</b> <em> geompy.MakeCDG(Shape),</em> where \em Shape is the shape for which a center of gravity is computed. See also a \ref tui_center_of_mass_page "TUI example". */