\page geometry_preferences_page Geometry preferences
In the \b Geometry module you can set preferences for visualisation of
geometrical figures, which can be used in later sessions with this module.
There is also a special group of preferences controlling input
precision for floating-point data.
\image html pref15.png
To redefine any color click on the corresponding line to access to
the Select Color dialog box.
- General
- Default display mode - allows to choose between wireframe, shading or
shading with edges.
- Default shading color - allows to select default shading
- Edges in shading - allows to select default edges color in shading mode.
- Default wireframe color - allows to select default
wireframe color (to be applied to any lines not being free boundaries
or isolated lines).
- Color of free boundaries - allows to select default color for free boundaries.
- Color of edges, vectors and wires - allows to select
default color for edges, vectors and wires (isolated lines).
- Color of points - allows to select default color for
- Color of isolines - allows to select default color for
- Step value for spin boxes - allows to define the increment
of values set in spin boxes.
- Deflection coefficient - allows to define default deflection
coefficient for lines and surfaces. A smaller coefficient provides
better quality of a shape in the viewer.
- Show predefined materials in popup menu - allows to customize the displaying of popup menu with list of
predefined materials.
- Default material - allows to define default material.
- Subshapes color for editing a group - allows to select default color for subshapes in a group.
- Edges width - allows to define default width of the edges.
- Isolines width - allows to define default width of the isolines.
- Preview edges width - allows to define width of the edges for preview.
- Measures line width - allows to define lines width of measurements tools.
- Automatic bring to front - when the option is on, the objects selected by the user automatically become "top-level".
- Dimensions (Measurements)
- Color - allows to define color for persistent dimension presentations.
- Line width - allows to define pixel width of dimension lines.
- Font height - allows to define height of dimension text.
- Length of arrows - allows to define length of dimension arrows.
- Length measurement units - allows to define units of measurement for lengths dimensions.
- Angle measurement units - allows to define units of measurement for angles dimensions.
- Show units of measurements - when this option is on, the measurement units are added as prefix to value label of dimension.
- Default flyout length - allows to define default flyout length used when creating the dimensions. The length can be interactively changed after creation by moving the flyouts.
- Number of isolines - allows to specify the number of isolines along Along U and Along V coordinate axes. They are shown on each selected face. For example:
\image html isos.png
This preference is not related with Create Isoline operation.
By default Along U and Along V are null and isolines are not drawn.
- Input fields precision
- Length precision - allows to adjust input precision of coordinates and dimensions.
- Angular precision - allows to adjust input precision of angles.
- Length tolerance precision - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of coordinates and dimensions.
- Angular tolerance precision - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance of angles.
- Weight precision - allows to adjust input precision of weight and mass.
- Density precision - allows to a just input precision of density.
- Parametric precision - allows to adjust input precision of parametric values.
- Parametric tolerance precision - allows to adjust input precision of tolerance in parametric space.
- Marker of Points
- Type - allows to select the symbol for representation of
points (cross, asterisk, etc.).
- Size - allows to define the size of the marker from 1
(smallest) to 7 (largest).
- Origin and base vectors
- Length of base vectors - allows to define the length
of base vectors.
- Auto create - allows to automatically create a point
of origin and three base vectors of the rectangular coordinate
system immediately after the module activation.
- Scalar bar for field presentation
- X position - allows to define the parametric X position of the scalar bar.
- Y position - allows to define the parametric Y position of the scalar bar.
- Width - allows to define the parametric width of the scalar bar.
- Height - allows to define the parametric height of the scalar bar.
- Text height - allows to define the font height of the scalar bar labels.
- Number of intervals - allows to define the number of scalar bar intervals.
- Operations
- Preview - allows to customize the displaying preview by default.
Also you can set preferences for visualisation of Dependency Tree in 2D Viewer.
\image html pref_dep_tree.png
- General
- Hierarchy type - allows to choose between display only ascendants tree,
display only descendants tree or display both ascendants and descendants trees.
- Possibility to move nodes - allows to customize the moving nodes by default.
- Color
- Background color - allows to select default background color.
- Default node color - allows to select default node color.
- Main node color - allows to select default main node color.
- Unpublished node color - allows to select default node color
for unpublished objects.
- Selected node color - allows to select default selected node color.
- Default arrow color - allows to select default arrow color.
- Highlighted arrow color - allows to select default highlighted
arrow color.
- Selected arrow color - allows to select default selected
arrow color.