// Copyright (C) 2007-2023 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.hxx" #include "GEOMAlgo_ListIteratorOfListOfCoupleOfShapes.hxx" #include "GEOMAlgo_CoupleOfShapes.hxx" #include "GEOMAlgo_ListOfCoupleOfShapes.hxx" #include "utilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MSG_BAD_TOLERANCE "Tolerance is too big" #define MSG_BAD_ARG_SHAPE "Argument shape is not a compound of hexahedral solids" //======================================================================= //function : GEOMImpl_GlueDriver //purpose : //======================================================================= GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GEOMImpl_GlueDriver() { } //======================================================================= //function : GetID //purpose : //======================================================================= const Standard_GUID& GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GetID() { static Standard_GUID aGlueDriver("FF1BBB63-5D14-4df2-980B-3A668264EA16"); return aGlueDriver; } //======================================================================= //function : GlueFacesWithWarnings //purpose : //======================================================================= /* TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueFacesWithWarnings (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids, TCollection_AsciiString& theWarning) const { Standard_Integer iErr, iWrn; TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer aGluer; aGluer.SetShape(theShape); aGluer.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGluer.SetCheckGeometry(Standard_True); aGluer.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); aGluer.Perform(); iErr = aGluer.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 2: Standard_Failure::Raise("No vertices found in source shape"); break; case 3: case 4: Standard_Failure::Raise(MSG_BAD_TOLERANCE " or " MSG_BAD_ARG_SHAPE); break; case 5: Standard_Failure::Raise("Source shape is Null"); break; case 6: Standard_Failure::Raise("Result shape is Null"); break; case 100: Standard_Failure::Raise(MSG_BAD_TOLERANCE); break; case 101: case 102: Standard_Failure::Raise(MSG_BAD_ARG_SHAPE); break; case 200: Standard_Failure::Raise("Error occurred during check of geometric coincidence"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } iWrn = aGluer.WarningStatus(); if (iWrn) { switch (iWrn) { case 1: { Standard_Integer nbAlone = aGluer.AloneShapes(); theWarning = TCollection_AsciiString(nbAlone); theWarning += " solid(s) can not be glued by faces"; } break; default: // description of all warnings see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer.cxx theWarning = "Warning in GEOMAlgo_Gluer with code "; theWarning += TCollection_AsciiString(iWrn); break; } } aRes = aGluer.Result(); // SKL 18.01.2010 - patch for 20662 Handle(ShapeFix_Shape) aSfs = new ShapeFix_Shape(aRes); aSfs->SetPrecision(Precision::Confusion()); aSfs->Perform(); aRes = aSfs->Shape(); // Fill history to be used by GetInPlace functionality TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aResIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aRes, aResIndices); Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); // history for all argument shapes TDF_LabelSequence aLabelSeq; aFunction->GetDependency(aLabelSeq); Standard_Integer nbArg = aLabelSeq.Length(); for (Standard_Integer iarg = 1; iarg <= nbArg; iarg++) { TDF_Label anArgumentRefLabel = aLabelSeq.Value(iarg); Handle(GEOM_Object) anArgumentObject = GEOM_Object::GetReferencedObject(anArgumentRefLabel); TopoDS_Shape anArgumentShape = anArgumentObject->GetValue(); TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anArgumentIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(anArgumentShape, anArgumentIndices); Standard_Integer nbArgumentEntities = anArgumentIndices.Extent(); // Find corresponding label in history TDF_Label anArgumentHistoryLabel = aFunction->GetArgumentHistoryEntry(anArgumentRefLabel, Standard_True); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbArgumentEntities; ie++) { TopoDS_Shape anEntity = anArgumentIndices.FindKey(ie); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aModified = aGluer.Modified(anEntity); Standard_Integer nbModified = aModified.Extent(); if (nbModified > 0) { TDF_Label aWhatHistoryLabel = anArgumentHistoryLabel.FindChild(ie, Standard_True); Handle(TDataStd_IntegerArray) anAttr = TDataStd_IntegerArray::Set(aWhatHistoryLabel, 1, nbModified); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itM (aModified); for (int im = 1; itM.More(); itM.Next(), ++im) { int id = aResIndices.FindIndex(itM.Value()); anAttr->SetValue(im, id); } } } } return aRes; } //======================================================================= //function : GlueFaces //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueFaces (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids) { TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer aGluer; aGluer.SetShape(theShape); aGluer.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGluer.SetCheckGeometry(Standard_True); aGluer.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); aGluer.Perform(); Standard_Integer iErr = aGluer.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 2: Standard_Failure::Raise("No vertices found in source shape"); break; case 5: Standard_Failure::Raise("Source shape is Null"); break; case 6: Standard_Failure::Raise("Result shape is Null"); break; case 200: Standard_Failure::Raise("Error occurred during check of geometric coincidence"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } Standard_Integer iWrn = aGluer.WarningStatus(); if (iWrn) { switch (iWrn) { case 1: MESSAGE("Some shapes can not be glued by faces"); break; default: // description of all warnings see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer.cxx MESSAGE("Warning in GEOMAlgo_Gluer with code " << iWrn); break; } } aRes = aGluer.Result(); return aRes; } //======================================================================= //function : GlueFacesByList //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueFacesByList (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids, const TopTools_MapOfShape& aFaces) { TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer1 aGluer; GEOMAlgo_ListIteratorOfListOfCoupleOfShapes aItCS; GEOMAlgo_CoupleOfShapes aCS; GEOMAlgo_ListOfCoupleOfShapes aLCS; aGluer.SetShape(theShape); aGluer.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGluer.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); aGluer.Perform(); Standard_Integer iErr = aGluer.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) return aRes; TopTools_ListOfShape listShape; const GEOMAlgo_ListOfCoupleOfShapes& aLCSG = aGluer.GluedFaces(); // Access to faces aItCS.Initialize(aLCSG); for (; aItCS.More(); aItCS.Next()) { const GEOMAlgo_CoupleOfShapes& aCSG = aItCS.Value(); const TopoDS_Shape& aF1 = aCSG.Shape1(); const TopoDS_Shape& aF2 = aCSG.Shape2(); if (aFaces.Contains(aF1) || aFaces.Contains(aF2)) continue; aCS.SetShapes(aF1,aF2); aLCS.Append(aCS); } //cout<<"aLCS.Extent() = "<0) { aGluer.SetFacesToUnglue(aLCS); aGluer.UnglueFaces(); iErr = aGluer.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) return aRes; } aRes = aGluer.Result(); return aRes; } */ //======================================================================= //function : GlueFaces //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueFaces (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids, TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape *pMapModif) { TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 aGA; // 1. Initialization aGA.SetArgument(theShape); aGA.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGA.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); // 2. Detect interfered shapes aGA.Detect(); //Standard_Integer iWrnDetect = aGA.WarningStatus(); //if (iWrnDetect == 2) { // Standard_Failure::Raise("GLUE_ERROR_STICKED_SHAPES"); //} Standard_Integer iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } // 3. Set shapes to glue. If the operator is absent, the whole gluing will be done //aGA.SetShapesToGlue(aMSG); // 4. Gluing aGA.Perform(); iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } Standard_Integer iWrn = aGA.WarningStatus(); if (iWrn) { switch (iWrn) { case 1: MESSAGE("No shapes to glue"); break; default: // description of all warnings see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx MESSAGE("Warning in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code " << iWrn); break; } } // 5. Result aRes = aGA.Shape(); if (pMapModif) { // Fill the map of modified shapes. TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aMapSubShapes; TopExp::MapShapes(theShape, aMapSubShapes); pMapModif->Clear(); const Standard_Integer aNbShapes = aMapSubShapes.Extent(); Standard_Integer i; for (i = 1; i <= aNbShapes; ++i) { const TopoDS_Shape &aSubShape = aMapSubShapes.FindKey(i); const TopTools_ListOfShape &aModif = aGA.Modified(aSubShape); if (!aModif.IsEmpty()) { pMapModif->Bind(aSubShape, aModif); } } } return aRes; } //======================================================================= //function : GlueWithWarnings //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueWithWarnings (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const TopAbs_ShapeEnum theShapeType, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids, TCollection_AsciiString& theWarning) const { TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 aGA; // 1. Initialization aGA.SetArgument(theShape); aGA.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGA.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); // 2. Detect interfered shapes aGA.Detect(); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Mar 13 14:07:12 2012f Standard_Integer iWrnDetect = aGA.WarningStatus(); if (iWrnDetect == 2) { Standard_Failure::Raise("GLUE_ERROR_STICKED_SHAPES"); } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Mar 13 14:07:14 2012t Standard_Integer iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } if (theShapeType != TopAbs_FACE) { // 3. Fill shapes to glue aMSG TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMSG; const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aMSD = aGA.ShapesDetected(); TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aItMSD; aItMSD.Initialize(aMSD); for (; aItMSD.More(); aItMSD.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSx = aItMSD.Key(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLSD = aItMSD.Value(); if (aSx.ShapeType() == theShapeType) { aMSG.Bind(aSx, aLSD); } } // 4. Set shapes to glue. If the operator is absent, the whole gluing will be done aGA.SetShapesToGlue(aMSG); } // 5. Gluing aGA.Perform(); iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } Standard_Integer iWrn = aGA.WarningStatus(); if (iWrn) { switch (iWrn) { case 1: theWarning = "No shapes to glue"; break; default: // description of all warnings see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx theWarning = "Warning in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "; theWarning += TCollection_AsciiString(iWrn); break; } } // 6. Result aRes = aGA.Shape(); // 7. Fill history to be used by GetInPlace functionality TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape aResIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aRes, aResIndices); Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); // history for all argument shapes TDF_LabelSequence aLabelSeq; aFunction->GetDependency(aLabelSeq); Standard_Integer nbArg = aLabelSeq.Length(); for (Standard_Integer iarg = 1; iarg <= nbArg; iarg++) { TDF_Label anArgumentRefLabel = aLabelSeq.Value(iarg); Handle(GEOM_Object) anArgumentObject = GEOM_Object::GetReferencedObject(anArgumentRefLabel); TopoDS_Shape anArgumentShape = anArgumentObject->GetValue(); TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anArgumentIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(anArgumentShape, anArgumentIndices); Standard_Integer nbArgumentEntities = anArgumentIndices.Extent(); // Find corresponding label in history TDF_Label anArgumentHistoryLabel = aFunction->GetArgumentHistoryEntry(anArgumentRefLabel, Standard_True); for (Standard_Integer ie = 1; ie <= nbArgumentEntities; ie++) { TopoDS_Shape anEntity = anArgumentIndices.FindKey(ie); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aModified = aGA.Modified(anEntity); Standard_Integer nbModified = aModified.Extent(); if (nbModified > 0) { TDF_Label aWhatHistoryLabel = anArgumentHistoryLabel.FindChild(ie, Standard_True); Handle(TDataStd_IntegerArray) anAttr = TDataStd_IntegerArray::Set(aWhatHistoryLabel, 1, nbModified); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape itM (aModified); for (int im = 1; itM.More(); itM.Next(), ++im) { int id = aResIndices.FindIndex(itM.Value()); anAttr->SetValue(im, id); } } } } return aRes; } //======================================================================= //function : GlueByList //purpose : //======================================================================= TopoDS_Shape GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::GlueByList (const TopoDS_Shape& theShape, const Standard_Real theTolerance, const Standard_Boolean doKeepNonSolids, const TopTools_MapOfShape& theShapesList, const Standard_Boolean doGlueAllEdges) { TopoDS_Shape aRes; GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 aGA; // 1. Initialization aGA.SetArgument(theShape); aGA.SetTolerance(theTolerance); aGA.SetKeepNonSolids(doKeepNonSolids); // 2. Detect interfered shapes aGA.Detect(); //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Mar 13 14:07:12 2012f Standard_Integer iWrnDetect = aGA.WarningStatus(); if (iWrnDetect == 2) { /* TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItLS; // Sticked shapes are detected const TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aIDMSS = pGluer2->StickedShapes(); Standard_Integer i, aNb = aIDMSS.Extent(); for (i = 1; i <= aNb; ++i) { // ancestor aSa (edge, wire face,..) const TopoDS_Shape& aSa = aIDMSS.FindKey(i); // successors aSs (vertex, edge, ...) // of the ancestor that are sticked // for given value of the tolerance const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLSS = aIDMSS.FindFromIndex(i); aItLS.Initialize(aLSS); for (; aItLS.More(); aItLS.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSs = aItLS.Value(); } } */ Standard_Failure::Raise("GLUE_ERROR_STICKED_SHAPES"); } //modified by NIZNHY-PKV Tue Mar 13 14:07:14 2012t Standard_Integer iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } // 3. Fill shapes to glue aMSG TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape aMSG; const TopTools_DataMapOfShapeListOfShape& aMSD = aGA.ShapesDetected(); TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeListOfShape aItMSD; aItMSD.Initialize(aMSD); for (; aItMSD.More(); aItMSD.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSx = aItMSD.Key(); const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLSD = aItMSD.Value(); TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape anItLSD (aLSD); bool isToGlue = false; if (doGlueAllEdges && aSx.ShapeType() == TopAbs_EDGE) { isToGlue = true; } else { for (; anItLSD.More() && !isToGlue; anItLSD.Next()) { if (theShapesList.Contains(anItLSD.Value())) { isToGlue = true; } } } if (isToGlue) { aMSG.Bind(aSx, aLSD); } } // 4. Set shapes to glue. If the operator is absent, the whole gluing will be done aGA.SetShapesToGlue(aMSG); // 5. Gluing aGA.Perform(); iErr = aGA.ErrorStatus(); if (iErr) { switch (iErr) { case 11: Standard_Failure::Raise("GEOMAlgo_GlueDetector failed"); break; case 13: case 14: Standard_Failure::Raise("PerformImagesToWork failed"); break; default: { // description of all errors see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx TCollection_AsciiString aMsg ("Error in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code "); aMsg += TCollection_AsciiString(iErr); Standard_Failure::Raise(aMsg.ToCString()); break; } } return aRes; } Standard_Integer iWrn = aGA.WarningStatus(); if (iWrn) { switch (iWrn) { case 1: MESSAGE("No shapes to glue"); break; default: // description of all warnings see in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2.cxx MESSAGE("Warning in GEOMAlgo_Gluer2 with code " << iWrn); break; } } // 6. Result aRes = aGA.Shape(); return aRes; } //======================================================================= //function : Execute //purpose : //======================================================================= Standard_Integer GEOMImpl_GlueDriver::Execute(Handle(TFunction_Logbook)& log) const { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_IGlue aCI (aFunction); Standard_Integer aType = aFunction->GetType(); TopoDS_Shape aShape; TCollection_AsciiString aWrn; TopoDS_Shape aShapeBase; Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) aRefBases = aCI.GetBase(); if ( aRefBases && !aRefBases->IsEmpty() ) { if ( aRefBases->Length() == 1 ) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aRefBases->Value(1)); if ( !aRefShape.IsNull() ) aShapeBase = aRefShape->GetValue(); } else { TopoDS_Compound compound; BRep_Builder builder; builder.MakeCompound( compound ); int ind = 1; for ( ; ind <= aRefBases->Length(); ind++) { Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefShape = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(aRefBases->Value(ind)); if ( aRefShape.IsNull() ) break; TopoDS_Shape aShape = aRefShape->GetValue(); if (aShape.IsNull()) break; builder.Add( compound, aShape ); } if ( ind > aRefBases->Length() ) aShapeBase = compound; else aShapeBase.Nullify(); } } if (aShapeBase.IsNull()) { Standard_NullObject::Raise("Shape for gluing is null"); } Standard_Real tol3d = aCI.GetTolerance(); Standard_Boolean aKeepNonSolids = aCI.GetKeepNonSolids(); if (aType == GLUE_FACES) { //aShape = GlueFacesWithWarnings(aShapeBase, tol3d, aKeepNonSolids, aWrn); aShape = GlueWithWarnings(aShapeBase, tol3d, TopAbs_FACE, aKeepNonSolids, aWrn); } else if (aType == GLUE_EDGES) { aShape = GlueWithWarnings(aShapeBase, tol3d, TopAbs_EDGE, aKeepNonSolids, aWrn); } else if (aType == GLUE_FACES_BY_LIST || aType == GLUE_EDGES_BY_LIST) { Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient) SF = aCI.GetFaces(); TopTools_MapOfShape aFaces; int i = 1; for (; i <= SF->Length(); i++) { Handle(Standard_Transient) anItem = SF->Value(i); if (anItem.IsNull()) continue; Handle(GEOM_Function) aRefSh = Handle(GEOM_Function)::DownCast(anItem); if (aRefSh.IsNull()) continue; TopoDS_Shape aFace = aRefSh->GetValue(); if (aFace.IsNull()) continue; aFaces.Add(aFace); } Standard_Boolean aGlueAllEdges = Standard_False; if (aType == GLUE_FACES_BY_LIST) aGlueAllEdges = aCI.GetGlueAllEdges(); //aShape = GlueFacesByList(aShapeBase, tol3d, aKeepNonSolids, aFaces); aShape = GlueByList(aShapeBase, tol3d, aKeepNonSolids, aFaces, aGlueAllEdges); } if (aShape.IsNull()) return 0; aFunction->SetValue(aShape); log->SetTouched(Label()); if (!aWrn.IsEmpty()) { Standard_Failure::Raise(aWrn.ToCString()); } return 1; } //================================================================================ /*! * \brief Returns a name of creation operation and names and values of creation parameters */ //================================================================================ bool GEOMImpl_GlueDriver:: GetCreationInformation(std::string& theOperationName, std::vector& theParams) { if (Label().IsNull()) return 0; Handle(GEOM_Function) function = GEOM_Function::GetFunction(Label()); GEOMImpl_IGlue aCI( function ); Standard_Integer aType = function->GetType(); switch ( aType ) { case GLUE_FACES: theOperationName = "GLUE_FACES"; AddParam( theParams, "Selected shapes", aCI.GetBase() ); AddParam( theParams, "Tolerance", aCI.GetTolerance() ); AddParam( theParams, "To keep non solids", aCI.GetKeepNonSolids() ); break; case GLUE_EDGES: theOperationName = "GLUE_EDGES"; AddParam( theParams, "Selected shapes", aCI.GetBase() ); AddParam( theParams, "Tolerance", aCI.GetTolerance() ); break; case GLUE_FACES_BY_LIST: theOperationName = "GLUE_FACES"; AddParam( theParams, "Selected shapes", aCI.GetBase() ); AddParam( theParams, "Tolerance", aCI.GetTolerance() ); AddParam( theParams, "Faces", aCI.GetFaces() ); AddParam( theParams, "To keep non solids", aCI.GetKeepNonSolids() ); AddParam( theParams, "To glue all edges", aCI.GetGlueAllEdges() ); break; case GLUE_EDGES_BY_LIST: theOperationName = "GLUE_EDGES"; AddParam( theParams, "Selected shapes", aCI.GetBase() ); AddParam( theParams, "Tolerance", aCI.GetTolerance() ); AddParam( theParams, "Edges", aCI.GetFaces() ); break; default: return false; } return true; } IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT (GEOMImpl_GlueDriver,GEOM_BaseDriver)