\page create_line_page Line
To create a \b Line in the Main Menu select New Entity - >Basic - > Line
\n To create a \b Line you should define \b Point1 and \b Point2,
which are the points through which the \b Line passes.
\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge).
\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeLineTwoPnt(Point1, Point2)
\n Arguments: Name + 2 vertices.
\image html line.png
\image html lines.png
\b NB! There is another way to create a line, which is currently
accessible only via \b TUI commands.
You can define a line passing through the given \b Point and parallel
to the given \b Vector.
\n TUI Command: geompy.MakeLine(Point, Vector)
Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of
\ref tui_creation_line "Basic Geometric Objects".