/*! \page whatis_page What Is ? This operation provides the list of types and quantities of all topological entities, composing the selected geometrical object. The information about \em COMPOUND or \em COMPSOLID shapes additionally shows "flat" content - the number of "simple" top-level shapes enclosed into the compound. \image html measures8.png \note This dialog supports navigation through the selectable objects (in OCC 3D viewer only): - Scroll mouse wheel with pressed \em Ctrl key or press \em "S", \em "P" keys when the input focus is in the viewer to navigate between selectable objects. - Press left mouse button to select an appropriate object to the dialog box. . For more details, please refer to the \em "Functionality common for OCC and VTK viewers" chapter of the GUI module's documentation. <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.WhatIs(Shape),</em> where \em Shape is a shape from which a description is returned. <b>Kind of Shape</b> field characterizes the whole shape. If there is no additional information about the shape, <b>Basic Properties</b> button is disabled, otherwise it provides information about center and dimensions of the shape. \image html measures8a.png <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.KindOfShape(Shape),</em> where \em Shape is a shape from which a description is returned. See also a \ref tui_whatis_page "TUI example". */