/*! \page inspect_object_operation_page Inspect Object This operation allows browsing the contents of the selected shape. To <b>Inspect Object</b>, in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>Measures - > Inspect Object</b>. The dialog can be used in two modes. The first one is a tree view mode: \image html inspect_object.png "Dialog in the tree view mode" This is a default mode that allows to inspect an object in the form of tree starting from the shape itself. Its children are its direct sub-shapes that have they own children as sub-shapes etc. till most very base sub-shapes, i.e. vertices. The second mode is a filtering one. It is activated when the user selects <b>Tolerance filter</b> check box: \image html inspect_object2.png "Dialog in the filtering mode" In this mode the user can check the type of sub-shapes to work with using the radio-buttons. The type can be either \b Vertex, \b Edge or \b Face. Then the user choses a tolerance criterion to be applied to filter out sub-shapes. It is possible to chose one of the following values: - \b > - greater than (default value) - \b >= - greater than or equal to - \b < - lower than - \b <= - lower than or equal to The last parameter to be chosen is the tolerance value. The result is the shapes of a certain type that satisfy the defined tolerance criterion. E.g. if the user chooses \b Face, criterion \b > and tolerance value equal to \b 1.e-6 the faces with the tolerance greater than \b 1.e-6 are displayed. It is possible to set maximal and minimal value of the tolerance using the buttons <b>Max value</b> and <b>Min value</b>. These values are displayed in the labels <b>Max :</b> and <b>Min :</b> In this dialog never mind of its mode it is possible to: - Click on the "selection" button and select an object to inspect in the Object Browser or in the viewer. - Show/hide sub-shape(s) in the 3D viewer, by pressing "eye" icon in the first column of the tree view. - Show/hide all sub-shapes in the tree, by pressing "eye" icon in the first column of the tree view header or by pressing <b>Show all</b>/<b>Hide all</b> buttons. - Rename the selected sub-shape by double-clicking on the item or pressing <F2> key. - Show the selected sub-shape(s) in the 3D viewer by pressing <b>Show Selected</b> button. - Show the selected sub-shape(s) in the 3D viewer and erase all currently shown objects by pressing <b>Show Only Selected</b> button. - Hide the selected sub-shape(s) from the 3D viewer by pressing <b>Hide Selected</b> button. - Publish the selected sub-shapes in the study, by pressing <b>Publish Selected</b> button. - Close dialog box, by pressing <b>Close</b> button. \n <b>TUI Command:</b> A command to filter sub-shapes is defined: <em>geompy.GetSubShapesWithTolerance(theShape, theShapeType, theCondition, theTolerance),</em> \n where \n \em theShape is the shape to be exploded. \n \em theShapeType is the type of sub-shapes to be returned. Can have the values \b GEOM.FACE, \b GEOM.EDGE and \b GEOM.VERTEX only.\n \em theCondition is the condition type (the value of GEOM.comparison_condition emuneration).\n \em theTolerance is the tolerance filter. See also a \ref swig_GetSubShapesWithTolerance "TUI example". */