/*! \page managing_dimensions_page Manage Dimensions Manage Dimensions functionality allows showing in the viewer the measured dimensions of sub-elements of a geometrical object (shape). \image html dimensions_preview.png It can be accessed from the main menu via Measures -> Dimensions -> Manage Dimensions \image html manage_dimensions.png List of Dimensions This dialog provides the list of dimensions shown in the view for the selected geometrical Object. The list items are sorted by dimension type: Distance, Diameter and Angle. It is possible to show/hide a dimension in the view by checking on/off the box to the left of its name. The buttons to the right of the list provide the following operations: Add a Dimension To add a new dimension to the object presentation, click Add button in the Manage Dimensions dialog. \image html add_dimension.png The following dimensions can be shown: Modification of Dimension properties The default properties of dimension text and line, such as font color, line width, measurement units, etc. can be defined from the \ref dimensions_preferences "Geometry preferences". It is also possible to change the geometrical properties of the selected dimension interactively in the viewer. When hovering with mouse, the text and line become highlighted, which means that the dimension is ready for interactive operations. \image html interact_with_dimensions.png The following operations are possible: All modifications of the dimensions are temporary. The "Apply" and "Apply and Close" buttons save the changes. If created dimensions are saved, then they are displayed in \ref dimensions_text_window "Text window" as a children of corresponding shapes. */