/*! \page chamfer_operation_page Chamfer \n To produce a \b Chamfer in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Chamfer \n This operation allows you to make chamfer of the edges of a Shape. \n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. \n To create chamfer on all edges of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a chamfer on and the \b Dimension (radius) of the chamfer. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferAll(Shape, D) \n Arguments: Name + 1 SHAPE + 1 value (Chamfer dimension). \image html chamfer1.png \image html chamfer_all.png \n To create chamfer on the specified edges of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the two faces to which belongs the necessary common edge in the viewer and define the \b Dimension of the Chamfer. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferEdge(Shape, D1, D2, Face1, Face2), where \em Shape is a shape to create a chamfer on, \em D1 is a chamfer size along \em Face1, \em D2 is a chamfer size along \em Face2, \em Face1 and \em Face2 are indices of faces in Shape. \image html chamfer2.png \image html chamfer_edge.png \n To create chamfer on the specified faces of the given shape, you need to define the Main Object to create a fillet on, select the necessary faces the OCC Viewer and define the \b Dimension of the Chamfer. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeChamferFaces(Shape, D1, D2, ListOfFaceID), where \em Shape is a shape to create chamfer on, \em D1 is a chamfer size along a face from \em ListOfFaceID, \em D2 is a chamfer size along two faces connected to the edge to which the chamfer is applied, \em ListOfFaceID is a list of indices of faces in \em Shape. \image html chamfer3.png \image html chamfer_faces.png Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of \ref tui_chamfer "Transformation Operations". */