// Copyright (C) 2013-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // #include "CurveCreator_Widget.h" #include "CurveCreator_TreeView.h" #include "CurveCreator_NewSectionDlg.h" #include "CurveCreator_Utils.hxx" #include "CurveCreator_UtilsICurve.hxx" #include "CurveCreator_TableView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define MEASURE_TIME #ifdef MEASURE_TIME #define START_MEASURE_TIME \ QTime aTimer; \ aTimer.start(); \ #define END_MEASURE_TIME( theMsg ) \ double aTime = aTimer.elapsed() * 0.001; \ FILE* aFile = fopen( "performance", "a" ); \ fprintf( aFile, "%s = %.3lf sec\n", theMsg, aTime ); \ fclose( aFile ); \ #else #define START_MEASURE_TIME #define END_MEASURE_TIME( theMsg ) #endif CurveCreator_Widget::CurveCreator_Widget(QWidget* parent, CurveCreator_ICurve *theCurve, const int theActionFlags, const QStringList& theCoordTitles, Qt::WindowFlags fl ) : QWidget(parent), myNewSectionEditor(NULL), myCurve(theCurve), mySection(0), myDragStarted( false ), myDragInteractionStyle( SUIT_ViewModel::STANDARD ), myOCCViewer( 0 ), myOld2DMode(OCCViewer_ViewWindow::No2dMode) { bool isToEnableClosed = !( theActionFlags & DisableClosedSection ); myNewSectionEditor = new CurveCreator_NewSectionDlg( this, isToEnableClosed ); myNewSectionEditor->hide(); connect( myNewSectionEditor, SIGNAL(addSection()), this, SLOT(onAddNewSection()) ); connect( myNewSectionEditor, SIGNAL(modifySection()), this, SLOT(onModifySection()) ); connect( myNewSectionEditor, SIGNAL(cancelSection()), this, SLOT(onCancelSection()) ); QGroupBox* aSectionGroup = new QGroupBox(tr("SECTION_GROUP_TITLE"),this); mySectionView = new CurveCreator_TreeView(myCurve, aSectionGroup); mySectionView->setSelectionMode( QTreeView::ExtendedSelection ); connect( mySectionView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT( onSelectionChanged() ) ); connect( mySectionView, SIGNAL(sectionEntered(int)), this, SLOT(onEditSection(int)) ); connect( mySectionView, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(onContextMenu(QPoint)) ); myLocalPointView = new CurveCreator_TableView( myCurve, this, theCoordTitles ); connect( myLocalPointView, SIGNAL( cellChanged( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( onCellChanged( int, int ) ) ); QToolBar* aTB = new QToolBar(tr("SECTION_GROUP_TITLE"), aSectionGroup); // QToolButton* anUndoBtn = new QToolButton(aTB); SUIT_ResourceMgr* aResMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr(); QPixmap anUndoPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_UNDO"))); QPixmap aRedoPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_REDO"))); QPixmap aNewSectionPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_NEW_SECTION"))); QPixmap aNewPointPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_NEW_POINT"))); QPixmap anEditPointsPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_EDIT_POINTS"))); QPixmap aDetectPointsPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_EDIT_POINTS"))); QPixmap aPolylinePixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_POLYLINE"))); QPixmap aSplinePixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_SPLINE"))); QPixmap aRemovePixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_DELETE"))); QPixmap aJoinPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_JOIN"))); QPixmap aBringTogetherPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_BRING_TOGETHER"))); QPixmap aStepUpPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_ARROW_UP"))); QPixmap aStepDownPixmap(aResMgr->loadPixmap("GEOM", tr("ICON_CC_ARROW_DOWN"))); QAction* anAct = createAction( UNDO_ID, tr("UNDO"), anUndoPixmap, tr("UNDO_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_Z) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onUndo()) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( REDO_ID, tr("REDO"), aRedoPixmap, tr("REDO_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_Y) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onRedo()) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); aTB->addSeparator(); anAct = createAction( NEW_SECTION_ID, tr("NEW_SECTION"), aNewSectionPixmap, tr("NEW_SECTION_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_N) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onNewSection()) ); if ( !(theActionFlags & DisableNewSection) ) { aTB->addAction(anAct); aTB->addSeparator(); } anAct = createAction( ADDITION_MODE_ID, tr("ADDITION_MODE"), aNewPointPixmap, tr("ADDITION_MODE_TLT"), QKeySequence() ); anAct->setCheckable(true); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(onAdditionMode(bool)) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onModeChanged(bool)) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( MODIFICATION_MODE_ID, tr("MODIFICATION_MODE"), anEditPointsPixmap, tr("MODIFICATION_MODE_TLT"), QKeySequence() ); anAct->setCheckable(true); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(onModificationMode(bool)) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onModeChanged(bool)) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( DETECTION_MODE_ID, tr("DETECTION_MODE"), aDetectPointsPixmap, tr("DETECTION_MODE_TLT"), QKeySequence() ); anAct->setCheckable(true); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(onDetectionMode(bool)) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onModeChanged(bool)) ); // if ( !(theActionFlags & DisableDetectionMode) ) { // aTB->addAction(anAct); // } anAct = createAction( CLOSE_SECTIONS_ID, tr("CLOSE_SECTIONS"), QPixmap(), tr("CLOSE_SECTIONS_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_W) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onCloseSections()) ); anAct = createAction( UNCLOSE_SECTIONS_ID, tr("UNCLOSE_SECTIONS"), QPixmap(), tr("UNCLOSE_SECTIONS_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_S) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onUncloseSections()) ); anAct = createAction( SET_SECTIONS_POLYLINE_ID, tr("SET_SECTIONS_POLYLINE"), aPolylinePixmap, tr("SET_SECTIONS_POLYLINE_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_E) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onSetPolyline()) ); anAct = createAction( SET_SECTIONS_SPLINE_ID, tr("SET_SECTIONS_SPLINE"), aSplinePixmap, tr("SET_SECTIONS_SPLINE_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_R) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onSetSpline()) ); aTB->addSeparator(); anAct = createAction( REMOVE_ID, tr("REMOVE"), aRemovePixmap, tr("REMOVE_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_Delete ) ); connect(anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onRemove()) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( JOIN_ID, tr("JOIN"), aJoinPixmap, tr("JOIN_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_Plus ) ); connect( anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onJoin()) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( BRING_TOGETHER_ID, tr("BRING_TOGETHER"), aBringTogetherPixmap, tr("BRING_TOGETHER_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::Key_Equal ) ); connect( anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onBringTogether()) ); aTB->addAction(anAct); anAct = createAction( CLEAR_ALL_ID, tr("CLEAR_ALL"), QPixmap(), tr("CLEAR_ALL_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::Key_Delete ) ); connect( anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT( onClearAll()) ); anAct = createAction( JOIN_ALL_ID, tr("JOIN_ALL"), QPixmap(), tr("JOIN_ALL_TLT"), QKeySequence(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::Key_Plus ) ); connect( anAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onJoinAll()) ); QVBoxLayout* aSectLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); aSectLayout->setMargin( 5 ); aSectLayout->setSpacing( 5 ); aSectLayout->addWidget(aTB); QSplitter* aSplitter = new QSplitter(aSectionGroup); aSplitter->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); aSplitter->addWidget(mySectionView); aSplitter->addWidget( myLocalPointView ); aSectLayout->addWidget(aSplitter); aSectionGroup->setLayout(aSectLayout); QVBoxLayout* aLay = new QVBoxLayout(); aLay->setMargin( 0 ); aLay->setSpacing( 5 ); // aLay->addLayout(aNameLayout); aLay->addWidget(aSectionGroup); setLayout(aLay); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } /** * Set an OCC viewer */ void CurveCreator_Widget::setOCCViewer( OCCViewer_Viewer* theViewer ) { if ( myOCCViewer == theViewer ) return; if ( myOCCViewer ) { OCCViewer_ViewManager* aViewManager = dynamic_cast ( myOCCViewer->getViewManager() ); disconnect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); disconnect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mouseRelease( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMouseRelease( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); disconnect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); disconnect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( lastViewClosed( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ), this, SLOT( onLastViewClosed( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ) ); // restore normal mode in the viewer SetViewer2DMode(false); // all local contexts should be closed if the viewer is not more used setLocalPointContext( false, true ); } myOCCViewer = theViewer; if ( myOCCViewer ) { OCCViewer_ViewManager* aViewManager = dynamic_cast ( myOCCViewer->getViewManager() ); connect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); connect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mouseRelease( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMouseRelease( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); connect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( mouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ), this, SLOT( onMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* ) ) ); connect( aViewManager, SIGNAL( lastViewClosed( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ), this, SLOT( onLastViewClosed( SUIT_ViewManager* ) ) ); SetViewer2DMode(true); } } /** * Returns current OCC viewer */ OCCViewer_Viewer* CurveCreator_Widget::getOCCViewer() { return myOCCViewer; } /** * Returns OCC viewer context */ Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) CurveCreator_Widget::getAISContext() { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext; OCCViewer_Viewer* aViewer = getOCCViewer(); if ( aViewer ) aContext = aViewer->getAISContext(); return aContext; } /** * Returns OCC viewer view port */ OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* CurveCreator_Widget::getViewPort() { OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* aViewPort = 0; OCCViewer_Viewer* aViewer = getOCCViewer(); if ( aViewer ) aViewPort = ((OCCViewer_ViewWindow*)aViewer->getViewManager()->getActiveView())->getViewPort(); return aViewPort; } /** * Set interaction style in the OCC viewer * \param theStyle a new style * \return the previous style */ int CurveCreator_Widget::changeInteractionStyle( int theStyle ) { OCCViewer_Viewer* aViewer = getOCCViewer(); if ( !aViewer ) return -1; int aPrevStyle = aViewer->interactionStyle(); aViewer->setInteractionStyle( theStyle ); return aPrevStyle; } //======================================================================= // function: reset // purpose: reset the widget viewer, close local context, clear selection //======================================================================= void CurveCreator_Widget::reset() { stopActionMode(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::setCurve( CurveCreator_ICurve* theCurve ) { myCurve = theCurve; mySectionView->setCurve( myCurve ); myLocalPointView->setCurve( myCurve ); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onSelectionChanged() { updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); emit selectionChanged(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::updateActionsStates() { QList anEnabledAct; if( myCurve ){ anEnabledAct << NEW_SECTION_ID << MODIFICATION_MODE_ID; if ( removeEnabled() ) anEnabledAct << REMOVE_ID; QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); CurveCreator_TreeView::SelectionType aSelType = mySectionView->getSelectionType(); switch( aSelType ){ case CurveCreator_TreeView::ST_NOSEL:{ break; } case CurveCreator_TreeView::ST_SECTIONS:{ /*if( aSelSections[0] > 0 ){ anEnabledAct << UP_ID; }*/ if( aSelSections.size() == 1 ){ anEnabledAct << ADDITION_MODE_ID << DETECTION_MODE_ID; } switch ( getActionMode() ) { case AdditionMode: { mySection = -1; myPointNum = -1; QList aSelSection = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); if( aSelSection.size() > 0 ){ mySection = aSelSection[0]; myPointNum = myCurve->getNbPoints(mySection); } } break; case ModificationMode: { if ( myNewSectionEditor->isEnableClosed() ) anEnabledAct << CLOSE_SECTIONS_ID << UNCLOSE_SECTIONS_ID; anEnabledAct << SET_SECTIONS_POLYLINE_ID << SET_SECTIONS_SPLINE_ID; int aSectCnt = myCurve->getNbSections(); if( aSectCnt > 0 ) anEnabledAct << CLEAR_ALL_ID; if( aSectCnt > 1 ) anEnabledAct << JOIN_ALL_ID; if( aSelSections.size() > 1 ){ anEnabledAct << JOIN_ID << BRING_TOGETHER_ID; } } break; case DetectionMode: { } break; case NoneMode: { int aSectCnt = myCurve->getNbSections(); if( aSectCnt > 1 ) anEnabledAct << JOIN_ALL_ID; if( aSelSections.size() > 1 ) anEnabledAct << JOIN_ID; } break; default: break; } /*if( aSelSections[ aSelSections.size() - 1 ] < ( myCurve->getNbSections() - 1 ) ){ anEnabledAct << DOWN_ID; }*/ break; } /*case CurveCreator_TreeView::ST_POINTS_ONE_SECTION:{ if( aSelPoints[0].second > 0 ){ anEnabledAct << UP_ID; } int aLastIndex = aSelPoints.size()-1; int aSect = aSelPoints[0].first; if( aSelPoints[aLastIndex].second < (myCurve->getNbPoints(aSect) - 1)){ anEnabledAct << DOWN_ID; } if( aSelPoints.size() == 1){ anEnabledAct << INSERT_POINT_BEFORE_ID << INSERT_POINT_AFTER_ID; } break; }*/ } /*int aSelObjsCnt = aSelPoints.size() + aSelSections.size(); if( aSelObjsCnt > 0 ){ anEnabledAct << REMOVE_ID; } if( (myCurve->getNbSections() + myCurve->getNbPoints()) > 0 ){ anEnabledAct << REMOVE_ALL_ID; }*/ if( myCurve->getNbSections() > 1 ){ anEnabledAct << JOIN_ALL_ID; } } QList anIds = myActionMap.keys(); for( int i = 0 ; i < anIds.size() ; i++ ){ if( myActionMap.contains(anIds[i]) ){ if( anEnabledAct.contains(anIds[i]) ){ myActionMap[anIds[i]]->setEnabled(true); } else{ myActionMap[anIds[i]]->setEnabled(false); } } } } void CurveCreator_Widget::onAdditionMode(bool checked) { if (!checked) return; Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = getAISContext(); if( !myCurve || aContext.IsNull() ) return; mySection= -1; myPointNum = -1; QList aSelSection = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); if( aSelSection.size() > 0 ){ mySection = aSelSection[0]; } // emit subOperationStarted( myNewPointEditor ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onModificationMode(bool checked) { myLocalPointView->setVisible( checked ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onDetectionMode(bool checked) { } void CurveCreator_Widget::onModeChanged(bool checked) { ActionMode aMode = NoneMode; if (checked) { QAction* anAction = (QAction*)sender(); switch(myActionMap.key(anAction)) { case ADDITION_MODE_ID: aMode = AdditionMode; if (myActionMap[MODIFICATION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[MODIFICATION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); else if (myActionMap[DETECTION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[DETECTION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); break; case MODIFICATION_MODE_ID: aMode = ModificationMode; if (myActionMap[ADDITION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[ADDITION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); else if (myActionMap[DETECTION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[DETECTION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); break; case DETECTION_MODE_ID: aMode = DetectionMode; if (myActionMap[ADDITION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[ADDITION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); else if (myActionMap[MODIFICATION_MODE_ID]->isChecked()) myActionMap[MODIFICATION_MODE_ID]->trigger(); break; } } updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); setLocalPointContext( aMode == ModificationMode, true ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onNewSection() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); myNewSectionEditor->clear(); myNewSectionEditor->setEditMode(false); QString aSectName = QString( CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getUniqSectionName( myCurve ).c_str() ); myNewSectionEditor->setSectionParameters(aSectName, true, CurveCreator::Polyline ); emit subOperationStarted( myNewSectionEditor, false ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onAddNewSection() { if( !myCurve ) return; myCurve->addSection( myNewSectionEditor->getName().toStdString(), myNewSectionEditor->getSectionType(), myNewSectionEditor->isClosed() ); mySectionView->sectionAdded( -1 ); // add a new section to the end of list QString aNewName = QString( CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getUniqSectionName( myCurve ).c_str() ); myNewSectionEditor->setSectionName(aNewName); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); onCancelSection(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onCancelSection() { emit subOperationFinished( myNewSectionEditor ); } QAction* CurveCreator_Widget::createAction( ActionId theId, const QString& theName, const QPixmap& theImage, const QString& theToolTip, const QKeySequence& theShortcut ) { QAction* anAct = new QAction(theName,this); if( !theImage.isNull() ){ anAct->setIcon(theImage); } anAct->setShortcut(theShortcut); anAct->setToolTip(theToolTip); myActionMap[theId] = anAct; return anAct; } QAction* CurveCreator_Widget::getAction( ActionId theId ) { if( myActionMap.contains(theId) ) return myActionMap[theId]; return NULL; } QAction* CurveCreator_Widget::getAction( ActionMode theMode ) { ActionId anActionId = NONE_ID; switch ( theMode ) { case AdditionMode: anActionId = ADDITION_MODE_ID; break; case ModificationMode: anActionId = MODIFICATION_MODE_ID; break; case DetectionMode: anActionId = DETECTION_MODE_ID; break; default: break; } QAction* anAction = 0; if ( anActionId != NONE_ID && myActionMap.contains( anActionId ) ) anAction = myActionMap[anActionId]; return anAction; } void CurveCreator_Widget::onEditSection( int theSection ) { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); mySection = theSection; QString aSectName = QString::fromStdString( myCurve->getSectionName(theSection)); bool isClosed = myCurve->isClosed(theSection); CurveCreator::SectionType aType = myCurve->getSectionType(theSection); myNewSectionEditor->setEditMode(true); myNewSectionEditor->setSectionParameters( aSectName, isClosed, aType ); emit subOperationStarted( myNewSectionEditor, true ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onModifySection() { if( !myCurve ) return; QString aName = myNewSectionEditor->getName(); bool isClosed = myNewSectionEditor->isClosed(); CurveCreator::SectionType aSectType = myNewSectionEditor->getSectionType(); if( myCurve->getSectionName(mySection) != aName.toStdString() ) myCurve->setSectionName( mySection , aName.toStdString() ); bool isGeomModified = false; if( myCurve->getSectionType(mySection) != aSectType ) { myCurve->setSectionType( mySection, aSectType ); isGeomModified = true; } if( myCurve->isClosed(mySection) != isClosed ) { myCurve->setClosed( mySection, isClosed ); isGeomModified = true; } mySectionView->sectionChanged(mySection); updateUndoRedo(); onCancelSection(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onJoin() { if( !myCurve ) return; QList aSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); if( aSections.size() == 0 ){ return; } stopActionMode(); std::list aSectionsToJoin; for( int i = 0; i < aSections.size() ; i++ ){ aSectionsToJoin.push_back( aSections[i] ); } //int aMainSect = aSectionsToJoin.front(); //int aMainSectSize = myCurve->getNbPoints(aMainSect); if ( myCurve->join( aSectionsToJoin ) ) { std::list::const_iterator anIt = aSectionsToJoin.begin(), aLast = aSectionsToJoin.end(); // the first section should be skipped. It is not removed, but is modified anIt++; for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) mySectionView->sectionsRemoved( *anIt ); } /* The update for the points of the main section int aNewSectSize = myCurve->getNbPoints(aMainSect); if( aNewSectSize != aMainSectSize ) mySectionView->pointsAdded( aMainSect, aMainSectSize, aNewSectSize-aMainSectSize );*/ updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onRemove() { if( !myCurve ) return; switch( getActionMode() ) { case NoneMode: removeSection(); break; case ModificationMode: removePoint(); break; default: break; } } void CurveCreator_Widget::onClearAll() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); myCurve->clear(); mySectionView->reset(); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onJoinAll() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); std::list aSectionsToJoin; for( int i = 0, aNb = myCurve->getNbSections(); i < aNb ; i++ ){ aSectionsToJoin.push_back( i ); } bool aRes = myCurve->join( aSectionsToJoin ); mySectionView->reset(); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onUndoSettings() { } void CurveCreator_Widget::onSetSpline() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); for( int i = 0 ; i < aSelSections.size() ; i++ ){ myCurve->setSectionType(aSelSections[i], CurveCreator::Spline ); mySectionView->sectionChanged(aSelSections[i]); } updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onSetPolyline() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); for( int i = 0 ; i < aSelSections.size() ; i++ ){ myCurve->setSectionType( aSelSections[i], CurveCreator::Polyline ); mySectionView->sectionChanged( aSelSections[i] ); } updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onCloseSections() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); for( int i = 0 ; i < aSelSections.size() ; i++ ){ myCurve->setClosed(aSelSections[i], true); mySectionView->sectionChanged(aSelSections[i]); } updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onUncloseSections() { if( !myCurve ) return; stopActionMode(); QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); for( int i = 0 ; i < aSelSections.size() ; i++ ){ myCurve->setClosed(aSelSections[i], false); mySectionView->sectionChanged(aSelSections[i]); } updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onUndo() { if( !myCurve ) return; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints; startCurveModification( aPoints, false ); myCurve->undo(); finishCurveModification(); mySectionView->reset(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onRedo() { if( !myCurve ) return; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints; startCurveModification( aPoints, false ); myCurve->redo(); finishCurveModification(); mySectionView->reset(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::updateUndoRedo() { if( !myCurve ) return; QAction* anAct = myActionMap[UNDO_ID]; if( anAct != 0 ){ if( myCurve->getNbUndo() != 0 ){ anAct->setEnabled(true); } else{ anAct->setDisabled(true); } } anAct = myActionMap[REDO_ID]; if( anAct != 0 ){ if( myCurve->getNbRedo() != 0 ){ anAct->setEnabled(true); } else{ anAct->setDisabled(true); } } } void CurveCreator_Widget::onContextMenu( QPoint thePoint ) { QList aContextActions; aContextActions << CLEAR_ALL_ID << JOIN_ID << JOIN_ALL_ID << SEPARATOR_ID << CLOSE_SECTIONS_ID << UNCLOSE_SECTIONS_ID << SET_SECTIONS_POLYLINE_ID << SET_SECTIONS_SPLINE_ID; QPoint aGlPoint = mySectionView->mapToGlobal(thePoint); bool isVis = false; QList aResAct; for( int i = 0 ; i < aContextActions.size() ; i++ ){ if( aContextActions[i] != SEPARATOR_ID ){ if( myActionMap.contains(aContextActions[i]) ){ QAction* anAct = myActionMap[aContextActions[i]]; if( anAct->isEnabled() ){ aResAct << aContextActions[i]; isVis = true; } } } else{ aResAct << SEPARATOR_ID; } } if( !isVis ) return; QMenu* aMenu = new QMenu(this); for( int i = 0 ; i < aResAct.size() ; i++ ){ if( aResAct[i] == SEPARATOR_ID ){ aMenu->addSeparator(); } else{ QAction* anAct = myActionMap[aResAct[i]]; aMenu->insertAction(NULL, anAct); } } aMenu->exec(aGlPoint); } QList CurveCreator_Widget::getSelectedSections() { return mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::setSelectedSections( const QList& theSections ) { mySectionView->setSelectedSections( theSections ); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } /** * According to the widget state, performs the remove action */ void CurveCreator_Widget::removeSelected() { onRemove(); } /** * Checks whether there are some selection to be removed */ bool CurveCreator_Widget::removeEnabled() { bool isEnabled = getActionMode() == ModificationMode; if ( !isEnabled ) { QList aSelSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); CurveCreator_TreeView::SelectionType aSelType = mySectionView->getSelectionType(); isEnabled = aSelType == CurveCreator_TreeView::ST_SECTIONS && aSelSections.size() == 1; } return isEnabled; } void CurveCreator_Widget::setActionMode( const ActionMode& theMode ) { ActionMode aPrevMode = getActionMode(); QAction* aPrevAction = getAction( aPrevMode ); QAction* anAction = getAction( theMode ); switch ( theMode ) { case NoneMode: case AdditionMode: { if ( aPrevAction ) { if ( aPrevAction->isChecked() ) { aPrevAction->setChecked( false ); } } if ( aPrevMode == ModificationMode ) onModificationMode( false ); if ( aPrevMode == AdditionMode ) onAdditionMode( false ); if ( theMode == AdditionMode ) { anAction->setChecked( true ); onModeChanged( true ); } } break; break; case ModificationMode: { //TODO } break; case DetectionMode: break; } } CurveCreator_Widget::ActionMode CurveCreator_Widget::getActionMode() const { ActionMode aMode = NoneMode; if ( myActionMap[ADDITION_MODE_ID]->isChecked() ) aMode = AdditionMode; else if ( myActionMap[MODIFICATION_MODE_ID]->isChecked() ) aMode = ModificationMode; else if ( myActionMap[DETECTION_MODE_ID]->isChecked() ) aMode = DetectionMode; return aMode; } void CurveCreator_Widget::SetViewer2DMode(const bool To2D) { if (myOCCViewer) { if (To2D) { myOld2DMode = OCCViewer_Utilities::setViewer2DMode (myOCCViewer, OCCViewer_ViewWindow::XYPlane); } else { OCCViewer_Utilities::setViewer2DMode(myOCCViewer, myOld2DMode); } } } //================================================================================= // function : GeometryGUI::addCoordsByClick() // purpose : Manage mouse press events in Additon mode //================================================================================= void CurveCreator_Widget::addCoordsByClick( QMouseEvent* pe ) { if (pe->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; if ( pe->modifiers() != Qt::ControlModifier ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) ic = getAISContext(); if ( ic.IsNull() ) return; gp_Pnt aPnt; OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* vp = getViewPort(); aPnt = CurveCreator_Utils::ConvertClickToPoint( pe->x(), pe->y(), vp->getView() ); // set the coordinates into dialog CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords; aCoords.push_back( aPnt.X() ); aCoords.push_back( aPnt.Y() ); if ( myCurve->getDimension() == 3 ) { aCoords.push_back( aPnt.Z() ); } addNewPoint(aCoords); } } /** * Set the same coordinates on two section extremities. * Usage: build a closed contour with several sections. * Works with two points selected, at the extremities of different sections. * The second point gets the coordinates of the first. */ void CurveCreator_Widget::onBringTogether() { MESSAGE("onBringTogether"); ActionMode aMode = getActionMode(); if ( aMode != ModificationMode ) return; int nbPoints = myLocalPoints.size(); MESSAGE("number of selected points: " << nbPoints); if (nbPoints != 2) { MESSAGE("works only with two points taken at the extremities of different sections, nothing done"); return; } CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = myLocalPoints.begin(), aLast = myLocalPoints.end(); std::vector sections(nbPoints); std::vector iPoints(nbPoints); std::vector nbPtsSection(nbPoints); std::vector x(nbPoints); std::vector y(nbPoints); int i = 0; for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++, i++ ) { CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aSPoint = *anIt; sections[i] = aSPoint.first; iPoints[i] = aSPoint.second; nbPtsSection[i] = myCurve->getNbPoints(sections[i]); if ((iPoints[i] != 0) && (iPoints[i] != nbPtsSection[i]-1)) { MESSAGE("a point is not on a section extremity, nothing done"); return; } gp_Pnt aPoint; CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::getPoint( myCurve, sections[i], iPoints[i], aPoint ); x[i] = aPoint.X(); y[i] = aPoint.Y(); MESSAGE("point: " << sections[i] << " " << iPoints[i] << " " << x[i] << " " << y[i]); } if (sections[1] == sections[0]) { MESSAGE("the two points must be at the extremities of different sections, nothing done"); return; } CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSelPoints; startCurveModification( aSelPoints ); CurveCreator::Coordinates aChangedPos; aChangedPos.push_back( x[0] ); // apply the first point coordinates to the second point. aChangedPos.push_back( y[0] ); myCurve->setPoint( sections[1], iPoints[1], aChangedPos ); finishCurveModification( aSelPoints ); } /** * Manage mouse press events * \param theWindow an owner of the signal * \param theEvent a mouse event */ void CurveCreator_Widget::onMousePress( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { if ( theEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton ) return; // Initialize the starting point myStartPoint.setX( theEvent->x() ); myStartPoint.setY( theEvent->y() ); switch( getActionMode() ) { case ModificationMode: { //store initial cursor position for Drag&Drop setDragStarted( true, theEvent->pos() ); break; } case AdditionMode: { addCoordsByClick( theEvent ); break; } default: break; } } /** * Manage mouse release events in Modification mode * \param theWindow an owner of the signal * \param theEvent a mouse event */ void CurveCreator_Widget::onMouseRelease( SUIT_ViewWindow* theWindow, QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { ActionMode aMode = getActionMode(); if ( aMode != ModificationMode ) { // Emit selectionChanged() signal getOCCViewer()->performSelectionChanged(); if ( aMode == AdditionMode ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aCtx = getAISContext(); if ( !aCtx.IsNull() ) aCtx->ClearSelected( Standard_True ); } return; } if (theEvent->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; if (!theWindow->inherits("OCCViewer_ViewWindow")) return; // Initialize the ending point myEndPoint.setX( theEvent->x() ); myEndPoint.setY( theEvent->y() ); bool aHasShift = ( theEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ); // Highlight detected objects Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aCtx = getAISContext(); if ( !aCtx.IsNull() ) { OCCViewer_ViewWindow* aView = (OCCViewer_ViewWindow*) theWindow; if (!aView) return; if (!aHasShift) aCtx->ClearCurrents( false ); Handle(V3d_View) aView3d = aView->getViewPort()->getView(); if ( !aView3d.IsNull() ) { // Initialize the single selection if start and end points are equal, // otherwise a rectangular selection. if ( myStartPoint == myEndPoint ) { aCtx->MoveTo( myEndPoint.x(), myEndPoint.y(), aView3d, Standard_True ); if ( aHasShift ) aCtx->ShiftSelect( Standard_True ); else aCtx->Select( Standard_True ); } else { if ( aHasShift ) aCtx->ShiftSelect( myStartPoint.x(), myStartPoint.y(), myEndPoint.x(), myEndPoint.y(), aView3d, Standard_False ); else aCtx->Select( myStartPoint.x(), myStartPoint.y(), myEndPoint.x(), myEndPoint.y(), aView3d, Standard_False ); } } } if ( myDragStarted ) { bool isDragged = myDragged; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aDraggedPoints; QMap anInitialDragPointsCoords; if ( myDragged ) { aDraggedPoints = myDragPoints; anInitialDragPointsCoords = myInitialDragPointsCoords; } setDragStarted( false ); if ( aDraggedPoints.size() > 0 ) { // Collect old coordinates of the dragged points CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointCoordsList anOldPoints; foreach ( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aSectionToPoint, anInitialDragPointsCoords.keys() ) { CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords = anInitialDragPointsCoords.value( aSectionToPoint ); anOldPoints.push_back( std::make_pair( aSectionToPoint, aCoords ) ); } if ( myCurve->canPointsBeSorted() ) { // Add old coordinates of the curve points (except the dragged points) to the list for( int aSectionId = 0 ; aSectionId < myCurve->getNbSections() ; aSectionId++ ) { CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords; for ( int aPointId = 0, aNb = myCurve->getNbPoints( aSectionId ); aPointId < aNb; aPointId++ ) { aCoords = myCurve->getPoint( aSectionId, aPointId ); if ( aCoords.size() < 2 ) { continue; } CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint aSectionToPoint = std::make_pair( aSectionId, aPointId ); if ( !anInitialDragPointsCoords.contains( aSectionToPoint ) ) { anOldPoints.push_back( std::make_pair( aSectionToPoint, aCoords ) ); } } } // Apply points sorting CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints; startCurveModification( aPoints, false ); myCurve->setSkipSorting( false ); CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointCoordsList aCoordList; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = aDraggedPoints.begin(), aLast = aDraggedPoints.end(); for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) { int aSectionId = anIt->first; int aPointId = anIt->second; CurveCreator::Coordinates aPos = myCurve->getPoint( aSectionId, aPointId ); aCoordList.push_back( std::make_pair( std::make_pair( aSectionId, aPointId ), aPos ) ); } myCurve->setSeveralPoints( aCoordList, false ); finishCurveModification( aDraggedPoints ); } else { // if the drag of some points has happened, restore the drag selection START_MEASURE_TIME; setSelectedPoints( aDraggedPoints ); END_MEASURE_TIME( "drop" ); } // Save drag difference myCurve->saveCoordDiff( anOldPoints ); } } else // check whether the segment is clicked an a new point should be added to the segment { if ( myStartPoint.x() == myEndPoint.x() && myStartPoint.y() == myEndPoint.y() ) insertPointToSelectedSegment( myEndPoint.x(), myStartPoint.y() ); } // updates the input panel table to show the selected point coordinates updateLocalPointView(); updateUndoRedo(); } /** * Manage mouse move events in Modification mode * \param theWindow an owner of the signal * \param theEvent a mouse event */ void CurveCreator_Widget::onMouseMove( SUIT_ViewWindow*, QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { if ( getActionMode() != ModificationMode || !myDragStarted ) return; QPoint aPos = theEvent->pos(); if ( (aPos - myDragStartPosition).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance() ) return; START_MEASURE_TIME; moveSelectedPoints( aPos.x(), aPos.y() ); myDragStartPosition = aPos; END_MEASURE_TIME( "drag" ); } /** * Set zero viewer by the last view closed in * \param theManager a viewer manager */ void CurveCreator_Widget::onLastViewClosed( SUIT_ViewManager* theManager ) { myOCCViewer = 0; } void CurveCreator_Widget::onMousePress( QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { onMousePress( 0, theEvent ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onMouseRelease( QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { onMouseRelease( 0, theEvent ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onMouseMove( QMouseEvent* theEvent ) { onMouseMove( 0, theEvent ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::onCellChanged( int theRow, int theColumn ) { int aCurrSect = myLocalPointView->getSectionId( theRow ); int aPntIndex = myLocalPointView->getPointId( theRow ); if ( aPntIndex < 0 ) return; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSelPoints; startCurveModification( aSelPoints ); double aX = myLocalPointView->item( theRow, 2 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble(); double anY = myLocalPointView->item( theRow, 3 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).toDouble(); CurveCreator::Coordinates aChangedPos; aChangedPos.push_back( aX ); aChangedPos.push_back( anY ); myCurve->setPoint( aCurrSect, aPntIndex, aChangedPos ); finishCurveModification( aSelPoints ); } /** * Removes a selected section from the curve. Updates undo/redo status */ void CurveCreator_Widget::removeSection() { stopActionMode(); QList aSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); for( int i = 0 ; i < aSections.size() ; i++ ){ int aSectNum = aSections[i] - (i); myCurve->removeSection( aSectNum ); mySectionView->sectionsRemoved( aSectNum ); } mySectionView->clearSelection(); updateUndoRedo(); } /** * Removes a selected points from the curve. Updates undo/redo status */ void CurveCreator_Widget::removePoint() { CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints; getSelectedPoints( aPoints ); if ( aPoints.size() == 0 ) return; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSelPoints; startCurveModification( aSelPoints, false ); myCurve->removeSeveralPoints( aPoints ); finishCurveModification( CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList() ); mySectionView->reset(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::addNewPoint(const CurveCreator::Coordinates& theCoords) { if( !myCurve ) return; QList aSections = mySectionView->getSelectedSections(); if( aSections.size() == 0 ){ return; } int aSection = aSections[0]; myCurve->addPoints(theCoords, aSection); // add to the end of section mySectionView->pointsAdded( aSection, myCurve->getNbPoints( aSection ) ); updateActionsStates(); updateUndoRedo(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::insertPointToSelectedSegment( const int theX, const int theY ) { Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = getAISContext(); OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* aViewPort = getViewPort(); Handle(V3d_View) aView; if ( aViewPort ) aView = aViewPort->getView(); if ( aContext.IsNull() || aView.IsNull() ) return; gp_Pnt aPoint; gp_Pnt aPoint1, aPoint2; Handle(AIS_InteractiveObject) anAISObject = myCurve->getAISObject(); bool isFoundPoint = CurveCreator_Utils::pointOnObject( aView, anAISObject, theX, theY, aPoint, aPoint1, aPoint2 ); if ( !isFoundPoint ) return; // insert the point to the model curve CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aSelPoints; startCurveModification( aSelPoints ); CurveCreator::Coordinates aCoords; aCoords.push_back( aPoint.X() ); aCoords.push_back( aPoint.Y() ); CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints1, aPoints2; findSectionsToPoints( aPoint1.X(), aPoint1.Y(), aPoints1 ); findSectionsToPoints( aPoint2.X(), aPoint2.Y(), aPoints2 ); CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = aPoints1.begin(), aLast = aPoints1.end(); int aSectionId = -1; // find the indices of the neighbour point // there can be a case when a new point is added into two sections int aPoint1Id = -1, aPoint2Id = -1; for ( ; anIt != aLast && aSectionId < 0; anIt++ ) { int aSectionCur = anIt->first; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt2 = aPoints2.begin(), aLast2 = aPoints2.end(); for ( ; anIt2 != aLast2 && aSectionId < 0; anIt2++ ) { if ( anIt2->first == aSectionCur ) { aSectionId = aSectionCur; aPoint1Id = anIt->second; aPoint2Id = anIt2->second; } } } int anInsertPos = -1; int aLastPoint = myCurve->getNbPoints( aSectionId )-1; if ( ( aPoint1Id == aLastPoint && aPoint2Id == 0 ) || ( aPoint2Id == aLastPoint && aPoint1Id == 0 ) ) anInsertPos = -1; // if the section happens between first and last points else anInsertPos = aPoint1Id < aPoint2Id ? aPoint1Id + 1 : aPoint2Id + 1; myCurve->addPoints( aCoords, aSectionId, anInsertPos ); mySectionView->pointsAdded( aSectionId, myCurve->getNbPoints( aSectionId ) ); finishCurveModification( aSelPoints ); setSelectedPoints(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::moveSelectedPoints( const int theXPosition, const int theYPosition ) { OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* aViewPort = getViewPort(); if ( !aViewPort ) return; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList aPoints; startCurveModification( aPoints, false ); gp_Pnt aStartPnt = CurveCreator_Utils::ConvertClickToPoint( myDragStartPosition.x(), myDragStartPosition.y(), aViewPort->getView() ); gp_Pnt anEndPnt = CurveCreator_Utils::ConvertClickToPoint( theXPosition, theYPosition, aViewPort->getView() ); double aXDelta = aStartPnt.X() - anEndPnt.X(); double anYDelta = aStartPnt.Y() - anEndPnt.Y(); CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointCoordsList aCoordList; CurveCreator::Coordinates aChangedPos; CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList::const_iterator anIt = myDragPoints.begin(), aLast = myDragPoints.end(); for ( ; anIt != aLast; anIt++ ) { int aSectionId = anIt->first; int aPointId = anIt->second; aChangedPos = myCurve->getPoint( aSectionId, aPointId ); if ( aChangedPos.size() < 2 ) continue; // Remember drag points coordinates if ( !myDragged ) { myInitialDragPointsCoords.insert( std::make_pair( aSectionId, aPointId ), aChangedPos ); } aChangedPos[0] = aChangedPos[0] - aXDelta; aChangedPos[1] = aChangedPos[1] - anYDelta; aCoordList.push_back( std::make_pair(std::make_pair( aSectionId, aPointId ), aChangedPos )); } myCurve->setSeveralPoints( aCoordList, false ); myDragged = true; finishCurveModification( myDragPoints ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::updateLocalPointView() { if ( myDragStarted ) return; Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = getAISContext(); if ( aContext.IsNull() ) return; CurveCreator_Utils::getSelectedPoints( aContext, myCurve, myLocalPoints ); int aNbPoints = myLocalPoints.size(); //bool isRowLimit = aNbPoints > myLocalPointRowLimit; myLocalPointView->setVisible( getActionMode() == ModificationMode/* && !isRowLimit */); //if ( !isRowLimit ) { bool isBlocked = myLocalPointView->blockSignals(true); myLocalPointView->setLocalPointsToTable( myLocalPoints ); myLocalPointView->blockSignals( isBlocked ); //} } /** * */ void CurveCreator_Widget::setLocalPointContext( const bool theOpen, const bool isUpdateTable ) { CurveCreator_Utils::setLocalPointContext( myCurve, getAISContext(), theOpen ); if ( !theOpen && isUpdateTable ) updateLocalPointView(); } /** * Set drag operation started. Save the position and a list of dragged points * \param theState the drag operation state: started/finished * \param thePoint the start drag position */ void CurveCreator_Widget::setDragStarted( const bool theState, const QPoint& thePoint ) { if ( theState ) { getSelectedPoints( myDragPoints ); myDragStarted = myDragPoints.size(); myDragStartPosition = thePoint; if ( myDragStarted ) { // change a viewer interaction style in order to avoid a select rectangle build myDragInteractionStyle = changeInteractionStyle( SUIT_ViewModel::KEY_FREE ); myCurve->setSkipSorting( true ); } } else { if ( myDragStarted ) changeInteractionStyle( myDragInteractionStyle ); myDragStarted = false; myDragPoints.clear(); myInitialDragPointsCoords.clear(); } myDragged = false; } void CurveCreator_Widget::getSelectedPoints( CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints ) { thePoints.clear(); thePoints = myLocalPoints; } void CurveCreator_Widget::setSelectedPoints( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints ) { if ( myDragStarted ) return; Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) aContext = getAISContext(); if ( aContext.IsNull() || !aContext->HasOpenedContext() ) return; CurveCreator_Utils::setSelectedPoints( aContext, myCurve, thePoints ); updateLocalPointView(); } void CurveCreator_Widget::stopActionMode() { setActionMode( NoneMode ); } /** * Get viewer information before perform the curve modification. * Take a list of selected cuve points an close local context. * The context should be closed because the curve presentation is * redisplayed and if it is not closed, when we close the local context * later, the presentation shown in the local context is disappeared. * \param thePoints an output list of curve selected points * \param theFillPoints a flag whether the selection list should be filled */ void CurveCreator_Widget::startCurveModification( CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints, const bool theFillPoints ) { if ( theFillPoints ) { thePoints.clear(); getSelectedPoints( thePoints ); } setLocalPointContext( false ); } /** * Restore the viewer state after the curve modification is done. * Open local context and select given points inside it. * \param thePoints a list of curve selected points */ void CurveCreator_Widget::finishCurveModification( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints ) { if ( getActionMode() == ModificationMode ) setLocalPointContext( true ); setSelectedPoints( thePoints ); updateUndoRedo(); } /** * Returns a point index in the model curve by the point coordinates in the viewer * \param theX the X coordinate of the point * \param theY the Y coordinate of the point */ int CurveCreator_Widget::findLocalPointIndex( int theSectionId, double theX, double theY ) { return CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::findLocalPointIndex( myCurve, theSectionId, theX, theY ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::findSectionsToPoints( const double theX, const double theY, CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints ) { return CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::findSectionsToPoints( myCurve, theX, theY, thePoints ); } void CurveCreator_Widget::convert( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& thePoints, QMap >& theConvPoints ) { return CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::convert( thePoints, theConvPoints ); } /** * Returns whethe the container has the value * \param theList a container of values * \param theValue a value */ bool CurveCreator_Widget::contains( const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPointList& theList, const CurveCreator_ICurve::SectionToPoint& theValue ) const { return CurveCreator_UtilsICurve::contains( theList, theValue ); }