/*! \page create_curve_page Curve To create a \b Curve in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Basic - > Curve</b> \n There are three algorithms to create a \b Curve in the 3D space. Each time you define it by a list of \b Points through which the curve passes. The three <b>Curve Construction</b> menu choices correspond to three possible types of curves: Polyline, Besier or B-spline (Interpolated). \n The \b Result of each operation will be a GEOM_Object (edge). \n <b>TUI Commands:</b> <ul> <li><em>geompy.MakePolyline(ListOfShapes)</em></li> <li><em>geompy.MakeBezier(ListOfShapes)</em></li> <li><em>geompy.MakeInterpol(ListOfShapes)</em></li> </ul> ListOfShape is a list of points through which the curve passes. <b>Arguments:</b> Name + at least 2 points which will serve as nodes on the curve. \image html curve.png <b>Examples:</b> \image html polyline.png <center>Polyline</center> \image html bezier.png <center>Bezier</center> \image html interpol.png <center>B-Spline</center> Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_curve "Basic Geometric Objects". */