/*! \page create_isoline_page Isoline \b Isoline is a 3D curve built on a bounded face limited by <em> [Umin, Umax] </em> and <em> [Vmin, Vmax] </em> values of U and V parameters. For all points of the isoline U or V parameter value is constant. To create an \b Isoline of a face in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Basic - > Isoline</b>. \image html isoline1.png In this dialog: - Input or accept the default \b Name of the resulting shape. - Click the arrow button and select in the Object Browser or in the Viewer the \b Face, for which the Isoline is built. - Select along which coordinate: \b U-Isoline or \b V-Isoline the Isoline is built; - Set \b Parameter (ranging from 0 to 1), which defines the proportion, at which a face is divided by the isoline. If Parameter=0.5, the isoline is a median. - Press "Apply" or "Apply & Close" button to get the result (an edge or a compound of several edges). This operation can be performed using a <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeIsoline(theFace, IsUIsoline, theParameter)</em> <b>Arguments:</b> Name + Face + Type (True for U-Isoline; False for V-Isoline) + Parameter. <b>Example:</b> \image html isoline2.png "Isoline on a rectangle face" Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of \ref tui_creation_curve "Basic Geometric Objects". */