/*! \page create_sketcher_page Sketcher Sketcher allows to create curves of 2 types: line segment and arc. The curve is created from the current point (center of coordinates when the sketcher is started). The end of the curve is defined by means of "destination", which can be a destination point (for segment only) or destination direction coupled with length of a segment or angle and radius of an arc. \n Sketcher is able to create planar curves only. Therefore, it is necessary to select a working plane before starting a sketch (by default, XOY plane is used). Sketcher creates curves lying in the current working plane (New Entity -> Basic -> Working Plane). \n This functionality is available from the main menu via New Entity / Sketch. \n The Result of the operation will be a \b GEOM_Object. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeSketcher(Command, WorkingPlane) \n This algorithm creates a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through the Command argument. The edges of the resulting wire or face will be arcs of circles and/or linear segments. \n \em Command is a string, defining the sketcher by the coordinates of points in the local working plane. \n WorkingPlane is a planar face of the working plane (a list of 9 doubles which are coordinates of OZ and OX of the local working plane). \n Arguments: