/*! \page glue_faces_operation_page Glue Faces \n To Glue Faces in the Main Menu select Repair - > Glue Faces. \n This operation glues faces that are coincident with respect to the given tolerance value. \n The \b Result will be a \b GEOM_Object. \n TUI Command: geompy.MakeGlueFaces(theShape, theTolerance), where \em theShape is a compound of shapes to be glued, \em theTolerance is a maximum distance between two faces, which can be considered as coincident. \n Arguments: Name + 1 Compound + Tolerance value. \image html glue1.png \n It is also possible to manually select the faces that will be glued - select the shape, specify the tolerance and press \b Detect button. \image html glue2.png \n \b Geometry module detects the faces where gluing can be performed and displays a notification. \image html glue3.png \n The faces that can be glued are colored in red. It is possible to select the faces for gluing in the 3D viewer. The selected faces will be marked in white. \n Example: \image html glue_faces1.png