/*! \page managing_dimensions_page Manage Dimensions \image html dimensions_preview.png Dimensions of sub-elements can be measured for a geometrical object representing a shape. There are three types of dimensions available Measurement units and group of presentation attributes for the measurement dimensions can be seen and changed from the \ref geometry_preferences_page "geometry preference dialog". The application entities, representing the dimensions, are associated with the geometrical object for which its elements are measured. The dimensions follow their associated object on show/hide, transformation and deletion operations. Each dimension instance has its local visibility flag intended for showing/hiding it among other dimensions of the associated object. \image html manage_dimensions.png This dialog allows managing list of dimensions for the selected geometrical object. It shows the list and provides dimension creation and removal, modification of name and visibility, along with the interactive modification of dimension's geometrical properties. The list view groups dimension objects by their type: "Distances", "Diameters", "Angles". This view allows selection of the dimensions and lets user to change the dimension's name and visibility. The buttons located at the right side of the dialog have the following purposes: \image html interact_with_dimensions.png Geometrical properties of the selected dimension become interactively editable in viewer. When hovering with mouse, the element of dimension become highlighted. This means that the element is ready for interactive operations. The following interactive operations are allowed: The following horizontally aligned positions can be specified: The following vertically aligned positions can be specified: All of the modifications to the dimensions, until applied, are temporary. The "Apply" and "Apply and Close" buttons save the changes. */