// Copyright (C) 2007-2012 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // GEOM GEOMGUI : GUI for Geometry component // File : EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg.cxx // Author : DMV, OCN // #include #include #include #include "EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg.h" #include "EntityGUI_Widgets.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //OCCT includes //#include //#include //#include //#include #include #include //#include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // This include must be *AFTER* SOCC_ViewModel.h because // of the constant ROTATE which is a #define in // GEOMImpl_Types.hxx and an enum in SOCC_ViewModel.h #include enum { NONE, TYPE_LENGTH, TYPE_ANGLE, TYPE_TWO_ANGLES }; class Locker { public: Locker( bool& l ) : myLock( l ) { myLock = true; } ~Locker() { myLock = false; } private: bool& myLock; }; //================================================================================= // class : EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg() // purpose : Constructs a EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg which is a child of 'parent', with the // name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. // The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to // TRUE to construct a modal dialog. //================================================================================= EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg( GeometryGUI* theGeometryGUI, QWidget* parent, bool modal, Qt::WindowFlags fl, const double lineWidth ) : GEOMBase_Skeleton( theGeometryGUI, parent, modal, fl ), myMode( -1 ), myOK( false ), myLineWidth( lineWidth ), myGeometryGUI( theGeometryGUI ), myLengthIORedoList() { QPixmap image0( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) ); QPixmap image1( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_UNDO" ) ) ); QPixmap image2( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICON_DLG_REDO" ) ) ); QPixmap image3( SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->loadPixmap( "GEOM", tr( "ICO_3DSKETCH" ) ) ); setWindowTitle( tr( "GEOM_3DSKETCHER_TITLE" ) ); /***************************************************************/ mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_3DSKETCHER" ) ); mainFrame()->RadioButton1->setIcon( image3 );; mainFrame()->RadioButton2->close(); mainFrame()->RadioButton3->close(); GroupType = new DlgRef_3Radio(centralWidget()); GroupType->GroupBox1->setTitle(tr("GEOM_COORDINATES_TYPE")); GroupType->RadioButton1->setText(tr("GEOM_SKETCHER_ABS")); GroupType->RadioButton2->setText(tr("GEOM_SKETCHER_REL")); GroupType->RadioButton3->setText(tr("Angles")); //TODO translation // GroupType->RadioButton3->close(); myTypeGroup = new QButtonGroup( this ); myTypeGroup->addButton( GroupType->RadioButton1, 0 ); myTypeGroup->addButton( GroupType->RadioButton2, 1 ); myTypeGroup->addButton( GroupType->RadioButton3, 2 ); Group3Spin = new EntityGUI_3Spin( centralWidget() ); Group3Spin->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_VALUES" ) ); Group3Spin->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) ); Group3Spin->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 ); Group3Spin->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 ); Group3Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_X2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Z2" ) ); GroupAngles = new EntityGUI_Angles( centralWidget() ); GroupAngles->buttonApply->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_APPLY" ) ); GroupAngles->buttonUndo->setIcon( image1 ); GroupAngles->buttonRedo->setIcon( image2 ); GroupAngles->checkBox->setText( tr( "Angle 2" ) ); //TODO translation GroupControls = new EntityGUI_Controls( centralWidget() ); GroupControls->GroupBox1->setTitle(tr("GEOM_CONTROLS")); GroupControls->CheckBox1->setText( tr( "Show length dimensions" ) ); //TODO translation GroupControls->CheckBox2->setText( tr( "Show angle dimensions" ) ); //TODO translation buttonOk()->setText( tr( "GEOM_BUT_END_SKETCH" ) ); buttonApply()->setText( tr( "GEOM_BUT_CLOSE_SKETCH" ) ); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() ); layout->setMargin( 0 ); layout->setSpacing( 6 ); layout->addWidget( GroupType ); layout->addWidget( Group3Spin ); layout->addWidget( GroupAngles ); layout->addWidget( GroupControls ); setHelpFileName( "create_3dsketcher_page.html" ); resize(100,100); Init(); } //================================================================================= // function : ~EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg() // purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources //================================================================================= EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::~EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg() { myGeomGUI->SetActiveDialogBox( 0 ); } //================================================================================= // function : Init() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::Init() { myOK = false; myOrientation = 1; myPrsType = NONE; SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); myAnglePrs = dynamic_cast(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0)); myLengthPrs = dynamic_cast(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0)); //TEST localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_VERTEX ); // globalSelection(GEOM_PREVIEW); /* Get setting of step value from file configuration */ double step = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr()->doubleValue( "Geometry", "SettingsGeomStep", 100.0 ); /* min, max, step and decimals for spin boxes */ initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" ); initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" ); initSpinBox( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ, COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" ); initSpinBox( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA , -180.0, 180.0, step, "angular_precision" ); initSpinBox( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2, -90.0, 90.0, step, "angular_precision" ); initSpinBox( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL , COORD_MIN, COORD_MAX, step, "length_precision" ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue(0.0); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue(0.0); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue(0.0); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->setValue(0.0); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->setValue(0.0); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->setValue(0.0); GroupAngles->radioButton_1->setChecked(true); GroupAngles->checkBox->setChecked(false); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->setEnabled(false); GroupControls->CheckBox1->setChecked( true ); GroupControls->CheckBox2->setChecked( true ); isLengthVisible = true; isAngleVisible = true; GroupAngles->hide(); /* signals and slots connections */ connect( buttonOk(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnOk() ) ); connect( buttonApply(), SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnApply() ) ); connect( myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) ); connect( Group3Spin->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnAddPoint() ) ); connect( Group3Spin->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) ); connect( Group3Spin->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) ) ; connect( GroupAngles->buttonApply, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnAddPoint() ) ); connect( GroupAngles->buttonUndo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnUndo() ) ); connect( GroupAngles->buttonRedo, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnRedo() ) ) ; connect( myTypeGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( TypeClicked( int ) ) ); connect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL, SIGNAL( valueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( ValueChangedInSpinBox( double ) ) ); connect( GroupAngles->radioButton_1, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( ButtonClicked(bool) ) ) ; connect( GroupAngles->radioButton_2, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( ButtonClicked(bool) ) ) ; connect( GroupAngles->radioButton_3, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( ButtonClicked(bool) ) ) ; connect( GroupAngles->checkBox, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( BoxChecked (bool) ) ) ; connect( GroupControls->CheckBox1, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( BoxChecked (bool) ) ) ; connect( GroupControls->CheckBox2, SIGNAL( clicked ( bool ) ), this, SLOT( BoxChecked (bool) ) ) ; connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalDefaultStepValueChanged( double ) ), this, SLOT( SetDoubleSpinBoxStep( double ) ) ); connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalDeactivateActiveDialog() ), this, SLOT( DeactivateActiveDialog() ) ); connect( myGeomGUI, SIGNAL( SignalCloseAllDialogs() ), this, SLOT( ClickOnCancel() ) ); initName( tr( "GEOM_3DSKETCHER" ) ); UpdateButtonsState(); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : TypeClicked() // purpose : Radio button management //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::TypeClicked( int mode ) { if ( mode == myMode ) return; GroupAngles->hide(); Group3Spin->show(); bool blocked = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->signalsBlocked(); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->blockSignals(true); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->blockSignals(true); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->blockSignals(true); // Get setting of step value from file configuration XYZ xyz = getLastPoint(); bool okx, oky, okz; Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->text().toDouble( &okx ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->text().toDouble( &oky ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->text().toDouble( &okz ); if ( mode == 0 ) { // XY Group3Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_X2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Y2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_Z2" ) ); if (myMode == 1) { if ( okx ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( xyz.x + Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value() ); if ( oky ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( xyz.y + Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->value() ); if ( okz ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( xyz.z + Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value() ); } Group3Spin->buttonApply->setFocus(); } else if ( mode == 1) { // DXDY Group3Spin->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DX2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel2->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DY2" ) ); Group3Spin->TextLabel3->setText( tr( "GEOM_SKETCHER_DZ2" ) ); if (myMode == 0) { if ( okx ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value() - xyz.x ); if ( oky ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->value() - xyz.y ); if ( okz ) Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value() - xyz.z ); } Group3Spin->buttonApply->setFocus(); } else if (mode == 2){ // Angles Group3Spin->hide(); GroupAngles->show(); GroupAngles->buttonApply->setFocus(); } Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->blockSignals(blocked); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->blockSignals(blocked); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->blockSignals(blocked); myMode = mode; updateGeometry(); resize(minimumSizeHint()); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnAddPoint() // purpose : called when the point coordinates is Applyed //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ClickOnAddPoint() { QString msg; if ( !isValid( msg ) ) { showError( msg ); return; } // Display and store angle dimensions interactive objects in Prs if( GroupType->RadioButton3->isChecked() ) { double anAngle2 = 0.0; if (GroupAngles->checkBox->isChecked()) anAngle2 = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->value(); // Store length dimensions displayLength(GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value(), /*store =*/true); // Store angle dimensions displayAngle(GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->value(), anAngle2, GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value(), myOrientation, /*store =*/true); } // Display and store store length dimension interactive object in Prs if (GroupType->RadioButton1->isChecked() || GroupType->RadioButton2->isChecked()) { displayLength(-1, /*store=*/true); } myPointsList.append( getCurrentPoint() ); myPrsTypeList.push_back( myPrsType ); // Clean redo lists myRedoList.clear(); myPrsTypeRedoList.clear(); myLengthIORedoList.Clear(); myAngleIORedoList.Clear(); if ( myMode == 1 ) { Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( 0.0 ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( 0.0 ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( 0.0 ); } else if ( myMode == 2 ) { GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->setValue( 0.0 ); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->setValue( 0.0 ); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->setValue( 0.0 ); } UpdateButtonsState(); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : UpdateButtonsState() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::UpdateButtonsState() { if ( myPointsList.count() == 0 ) GroupType->RadioButton1->click(); GroupType->RadioButton2->setEnabled( myPointsList.count() > 0 ); GroupType->RadioButton3->setEnabled( myPointsList.count() > 0 ); Group3Spin->buttonUndo->setEnabled( myPointsList.count() > 0 ); Group3Spin->buttonRedo->setEnabled( myRedoList.count() > 0 ); GroupAngles->buttonUndo->setEnabled( myPointsList.count() > 0 ); GroupAngles->buttonRedo->setEnabled( myRedoList.count() > 0 ); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnUndo() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ClickOnUndo() { if (myPointsList.count() > 0) { myRedoList.append( myPointsList.takeLast() ); UpdateButtonsState(); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); // Erase dimensions presentations SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myLengthPrs, true); ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myAnglePrs, true); if (myPrsTypeList.back() != NONE) { // Remove last prepended IO removeLastIOFromPrs( TYPE_LENGTH ); } if ( myPrsTypeList.back() == TYPE_ANGLE || myPrsTypeList.back() == TYPE_TWO_ANGLES ) { // Remove first Angle IO from presentation removeLastIOFromPrs( TYPE_ANGLE ); if ( myPrsTypeList.back() == TYPE_TWO_ANGLES ) { // Remove second Angle IO removeLastIOFromPrs( TYPE_ANGLE ); } } // Erase last action type and store it in redo list myPrsTypeRedoList.push_back(myPrsTypeList.back()); myPrsTypeList.pop_back(); // Display modified presentation if (isLengthVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myLengthPrs); if (isAngleVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myAnglePrs); updateViewer(); } } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnRedo() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ClickOnRedo() { if ( myRedoList.count() > 0) { myPointsList.append( myRedoList.takeLast() ); UpdateButtonsState(); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); // Erase dimensions presentations SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myLengthPrs, true); ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myAnglePrs, true); if ( myPrsTypeRedoList.back() != NONE ) restoreLastIOToPrs( TYPE_LENGTH ); if ( myPrsTypeRedoList.back() == TYPE_ANGLE || myPrsTypeRedoList.back() == TYPE_TWO_ANGLES ) { // Add a first IO from the Redo list restoreLastIOToPrs( TYPE_ANGLE ); if ( myPrsTypeRedoList.back() == TYPE_TWO_ANGLES ) { // Add a second IO from the Redo list restoreLastIOToPrs( TYPE_ANGLE ); } } // Record last prs type myPrsTypeList.push_back(myPrsTypeRedoList.back()); myPrsTypeRedoList.pop_back(); // Display modified presentation if (isLengthVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myLengthPrs); if (isAngleVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myAnglePrs); updateViewer(); } } //================================================================================= // function : removeLastIO() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::removeLastIOFromPrs(int type) { AIS_ListOfInteractive anIOList; if (type == TYPE_LENGTH) { myLengthPrs->GetObjects(anIOList); myLengthIORedoList.Prepend(anIOList.First()); // Store last prepended Length IO in redo list myLengthPrs->RemoveFirst(); // Remove it from myLengthPrs } if (type == TYPE_ANGLE) { myAnglePrs->GetObjects(anIOList); myAngleIORedoList.Prepend(anIOList.First()); // Store last prepended Angle IO in redo list myAnglePrs->RemoveFirst(); // Remove it from myAnglePrs } } //================================================================================= // function : restoreLastIO() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::restoreLastIOToPrs(int type) { if (type == TYPE_LENGTH) { myLengthPrs->PrependObject(myLengthIORedoList.First()); // Restore last removed IO myLengthIORedoList.RemoveFirst(); // Remove it from redo list } if (type == TYPE_ANGLE) { myAnglePrs->PrependObject(myAngleIORedoList.First()); // Restore last removed IO myAngleIORedoList.RemoveFirst(); // Remove it from redo list } } //================================================================================= // function : SelectionIntoArgument() // purpose : Called when selection as changed //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::SelectionIntoArgument() { LightApp_SelectionMgr* aSelMgr = myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(); SALOME_ListIO aSelList; aSelMgr->selectedObjects(aSelList); int nbSel = aSelList.Extent(); if ( nbSel == 1 ) { GEOM::GEOM_Object_var aSelectedObject = GEOMBase::ConvertIOinGEOMObject( aSelList.First() ); if ( !CORBA::is_nil(aSelectedObject) ) { TopoDS_Shape aShape; if (GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject, aShape, TopAbs_SHAPE)) { // Explore the shape if its a local selection TColStd_IndexedMapOfInteger aMap; aSelMgr->GetIndexes(aSelList.First(), aMap); if (aMap.Extent() == 1) { int anIndex = aMap(1); GEOM::GEOM_IShapesOperations_var aShapesOp = getGeomEngine()->GetIShapesOperations(getStudyId()); aSelectedObject = aShapesOp->GetSubShape(aSelectedObject, anIndex); } } bool isOk = true; if ( aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX ) isOk = GEOMBase::GetShape(aSelectedObject, aShape, TopAbs_VERTEX); if (isOk) { gp_Pnt aPnt; if ( GEOMBase::VertexToPoint( aShape, aPnt ) ) { // set coordinates to the Spin Boxes double aX, aY, aZ; aX = aPnt.X(); aY = aPnt.Y(); aZ = aPnt.Z(); bool blocked = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->signalsBlocked(); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->blockSignals(true); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->blockSignals(true); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->blockSignals(true); if ( GroupType->RadioButton1->isChecked() ) { Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( aX ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( aY ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( aZ ); } else if ( GroupType->RadioButton2->isChecked() ) { XYZ xyz = getLastPoint(); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setValue( aX - xyz.x ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setValue( aY - xyz.y ); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setValue( aZ - xyz.z ); } Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->blockSignals(blocked); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->blockSignals(blocked); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->blockSignals(blocked); } } } } GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : DeactivateActiveDialog() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::DeactivateActiveDialog() { setEnabled( false ); globalSelection(); disconnect( myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(), 0, this, 0 ); myGeomGUI->SetActiveDialogBox( 0 ); } //================================================================================= // function : ActivateThisDialog() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ActivateThisDialog() { myGeomGUI->EmitSignalDeactivateDialog(); setEnabled( true ); myGeomGUI->SetActiveDialogBox( this ); connect( myGeomGUI->getApp()->selectionMgr(), SIGNAL( currentSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionIntoArgument() ) ); localSelection( GEOM::GEOM_Object::_nil(), TopAbs_VERTEX ); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : ValueChangedInSpinBox() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ValueChangedInSpinBox( double newValue ) { GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : BoxChecked() // purpose : ChecBoxes management //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::BoxChecked( bool checked ) { QCheckBox* send = (QCheckBox*) sender(); SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); if (send == GroupAngles->checkBox) GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->setEnabled(checked); else if (send == GroupControls->CheckBox1) { ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myLengthPrs, true); if(checked){ ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myLengthPrs); isLengthVisible=true; } else isLengthVisible=false; } else if (send == GroupControls->CheckBox2) { ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myAnglePrs, true); if(checked) { ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myAnglePrs); isAngleVisible=true; } else isAngleVisible=false; } GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : ButtonClicked() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ButtonClicked( bool checked ) { if (GroupAngles->radioButton_1->isChecked()) myOrientation = 1; else if (GroupAngles->radioButton_2->isChecked()) myOrientation = 2; else myOrientation = 3; GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( true, false, true, true, myLineWidth ); } //================================================================================= // function : enterEvent() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::enterEvent( QEvent* ) { if ( !mainFrame()->GroupConstructors->isEnabled() ) ActivateThisDialog(); } //================================================================================= // function : createOperation // purpose : //================================================================================= GEOM::GEOM_IOperations_ptr EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::createOperation() { return getGeomEngine()->GetICurvesOperations( getStudyId() ); } //================================================================================= // function : isValid // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::isValid( QString& msg ) { bool ok = true; ok = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->isValid( msg, !IsPreview() ) && ok; ok = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->isValid( msg, !IsPreview() ) && ok; ok = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->isValid( msg, !IsPreview() ) && ok; return ok; } //================================================================================= // function : execute // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::execute( ObjectList& objects ) { GEOM::ListOfDouble_var aCoordsArray = new GEOM::ListOfDouble; if (!myOK || myPointsList.size() == 0) aCoordsArray->length((myPointsList.size()+1)*3); else aCoordsArray->length(myPointsList.size()*3); QStringList aParameters; int i = 0; QList::const_iterator it; for(it = myPointsList.begin(); it != myPointsList.end(); ++it ) { aCoordsArray[i++] = (*it).x; aCoordsArray[i++] = (*it).y; aCoordsArray[i++] = (*it).z; aParameters << (*it).xt; aParameters << (*it).yt; aParameters << (*it).zt; } if (!myOK || myPointsList.size() == 0) { XYZ xyz = getCurrentPoint(); aCoordsArray[i++] = xyz.x; aCoordsArray[i++] = xyz.y; aCoordsArray[i++] = xyz.z; aParameters << xyz.xt; aParameters << xyz.yt; aParameters << xyz.zt; } GEOM::GEOM_ICurvesOperations_var anOper = GEOM::GEOM_ICurvesOperations::_narrow(getOperation()); GEOM::GEOM_Object_var anObj = anOper->Make3DSketcher( aCoordsArray ); if ( !anObj->_is_nil() ) { if ( !IsPreview() ) anObj->SetParameters(aParameters.join(":").toLatin1().constData()); objects.push_back( anObj._retn() ); } return true; } //================================================================================= // function : SetDoubleSpinBoxStep() // purpose : Double spin box management //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::SetDoubleSpinBoxStep( double step ) { Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->setSingleStep(step); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->setSingleStep(step); Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->setSingleStep(step); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->setSingleStep(step); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->setSingleStep(step); GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->setSingleStep(step); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnOk() // purpose : //================================================================================= void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ClickOnOk() { Locker lock( myOK ); if ( !onAccept() ) return; ClickOnCancel(); } //================================================================================= // function : ClickOnApply() // purpose : //================================================================================= bool EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::ClickOnApply() { QString msg; if ( !isValid( msg ) ) { showError( msg ); return false; } if (myPointsList.count() > 0) myPointsList.append(myPointsList[0]); Locker lock( myOK ); if ( !onAccept() ) return false; ClickOnCancel(); return true; } //================================================================================= // function : getLastPoint() // purpose : return last points from list //================================================================================= EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::XYZ EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::getLastPoint() const { return myPointsList.count() > 0 ? myPointsList.last() : XYZ(); } //================================================================================= // function : getPenultimatePoint() // purpose : return penultimate point from list //================================================================================= EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::XYZ EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::getPenultimatePoint() const { double size = myPointsList.count(); return size > 1 ? myPointsList.at(size - 2) : XYZ(); } //================================================================================= // function : getCurrentPoint() // purpose : returns current points //================================================================================= EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::XYZ EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::getCurrentPoint() const { XYZ xyz; // Temporary way of doing this. To be changed with ordered improvement of the sketcher if ( myMode == 2 ) { double anAngle = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->value() * M_PI/180.0; double anAngle2 = 0.0; double aLength = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value(); if (GroupAngles->checkBox->isChecked()) anAngle2 = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->value() * M_PI/180.0; double aProjectedLength = aLength * cos(anAngle2); xyz = getLastPoint(); if (GroupAngles->radioButton_1->isChecked()) { xyz.x += aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle); xyz.y += aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle); xyz.z += aLength * sin(anAngle2); } else if (GroupAngles->radioButton_2->isChecked()) { xyz.y += aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle); xyz.z += aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle); xyz.x += aLength * sin(anAngle2); } else { xyz.z += aProjectedLength * sin(anAngle); xyz.x += aProjectedLength * cos(anAngle); xyz.y += aLength * sin(anAngle2); } } else { if ( myMode == 0 ) { xyz.x = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value(); xyz.y = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->value(); xyz.z = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value(); } else{ xyz = getLastPoint(); xyz.x += Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->value(); xyz.y += Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->value(); xyz.z += Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->value(); } xyz.xt = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DX->text(); xyz.yt = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DY->text(); xyz.zt = Group3Spin->SpinBox_DZ->text(); } return xyz; } //================================================================ // Function : displayPreview // Purpose : Method for displaying preview of resulting shape // Redefined from GEOMBase_Helper. //================================================================ void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayPreview( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr object, const bool append, const bool activate, const bool update, const double lineWidth, const int displayMode, const int color ) { SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr(); QColor aColor = resMgr->colorValue("Geometry","line_color",QColor(255,0,0)); Quantity_NameOfColor line_color = SalomeApp_Tools::color( aColor ).Name(); // set width of displayed shape int lw = lineWidth; if(lw == -1) { lw = resMgr->integerValue("Geometry", "preview_edge_width", -1); } getDisplayer()->SetWidth( lw ); // Disable activation of selection getDisplayer()->SetToActivate( activate ); // Make a reference to GEOM_Object CORBA::String_var objStr = myGeometryGUI->getApp()->orb()->object_to_string( object ); getDisplayer()->SetName( objStr.in() ); // Create wire from applied object TopoDS_Shape anApplyedWire, aLastSegment; if ( !createShapes( object, anApplyedWire, aLastSegment ) ) return; // Set color for preview shape getDisplayer()->SetColor( line_color ); // Build prs SALOME_Prs* aPrs = getDisplayer()->BuildPrs( anApplyedWire ); if ( aPrs != 0 && !aPrs->IsNull() ) GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( aPrs, append, update ); getDisplayer()->SetColor( Quantity_NOC_VIOLET ); aPrs = getDisplayer()->BuildPrs( aLastSegment ); if ( aPrs != 0 && !aPrs->IsNull() ) GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( aPrs, append, update ); getDisplayer()->SetColor( line_color ); // Display local trihedron if the mode is relatives coordinates or angles if (myMode == 1 || myMode == 2) displayTrihedron(2); // Display preview of suitable dimension presentations if(myMode == 2) // ANGLES { double anAngle2 = 0.0; if (GroupAngles->checkBox->isChecked()) anAngle2 = GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA2->value(); displayAngle(GroupAngles->SpinBox_DA->value(), anAngle2, GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value(), myOrientation); displayLength(GroupAngles->SpinBox_DL->value()); } if( myMode == 0 || myMode == 1 ) // COORDINATES displayLength(); getDisplayer()->UnsetName(); // Enable activation of displayed objects getDisplayer()->SetToActivate( true ); } //================================================================ // Function : displayTrihedron() // Purpose : Method for displaying trihedron //================================================================ void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayTrihedron(int selMode) { // Add trihedron to preview SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); gp_Pnt P(getLastPoint().x,getLastPoint().y,getLastPoint().z); Handle(Geom_Axis2Placement) anAxis = new Geom_Axis2Placement(P,gp::DZ(),gp::DX()); Handle(AIS_Trihedron) anIO = new AIS_Trihedron(anAxis); anIO->SetSelectionMode(selMode); SOCC_Prs* aSPrs = dynamic_cast(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0)); if (aSPrs) { aSPrs->PrependObject(anIO); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( aSPrs, true, true ); } } //================================================================ // Function : displayAngle() // Purpose : Method for displaying angle dimensions //================================================================ void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayAngle(double theAngle1, double theAngle2, double theLength, int theOrientation, bool store) { if( Abs(theAngle2 - 90.0) < Precision::Angular() || theLength < Precision::Confusion() ) return; SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); XYZ Last = getLastPoint(); XYZ Current = getCurrentPoint(); gp_Pnt Last_Pnt(Last.x,Last.y,Last.z); gp_Pnt Current_Pnt(Current.x,Current.y,Current.z); gp_Pnt P1, P2; bool twoAngles = GroupAngles->checkBox->isChecked(); switch(theOrientation) { case 1: //OXY { P1 = gp_Pnt(Last.x + theLength,Last.y,Last.z); // X direction P2 = gp_Pnt(Last.x + theLength * cos(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.), Last.y + theLength * sin(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.), Last.z); break; } case 2: //OYZ { P1 = gp_Pnt(Last.x, Last.y + theLength,Last.z); // Y direction P2 = gp_Pnt(Last.x, Last.y + theLength * cos(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.), Last.z + theLength * sin(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.)); break; } case 3: //OXZ { P1 = gp_Pnt( Last.x + theLength,Last.y,Last.z); // X direction P2 = gp_Pnt( Last.x + theLength * cos(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.) , Last.y, Last.z + theLength * sin(theAngle1 * M_PI / 180.)); break; } } TopoDS_Vertex V1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(P1); TopoDS_Vertex V2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(P2); TopoDS_Vertex LastV = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(Last_Pnt); TopoDS_Vertex CurV = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex(Current_Pnt); TopoDS_Edge anEdge1 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(LastV, V1); TopoDS_Edge anEdge2 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(LastV, V2); TopoDS_Edge anEdge3 = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(LastV, CurV); gce_MakePln gce_MP(Last_Pnt, P1, P2); Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlane = new Geom_Plane(gce_MP.Value()); // Covert angles to string std::string Angle1_str = doubleToString(theAngle1); std::string Angle2_str = doubleToString(theAngle2); // Create interactive object Handle(AIS_AngleDimension) anAngleIO = new AIS_AngleDimension(anEdge1, anEdge2, aPlane, theAngle1 * M_PI / 180., TCollection_ExtendedString(Angle1_str.c_str())); anAngleIO->SetArrowSize( (theAngle1 * M_PI / 180) * (theLength/20) ); SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr(); int w = resMgr->integerValue("Geometry", "measures_line_width", 1); Handle(Prs3d_AngleAspect) asp = new Prs3d_AngleAspect(); asp->LineAspect()->SetWidth(w); anAngleIO->Attributes()->SetAngleAspect(asp); SOCC_Prs* aSPrs = dynamic_cast(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0)); if (store) { // Erase dimensions presentations ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myAnglePrs, true); myAnglePrs->PrependObject(anAngleIO); myPrsType = TYPE_ANGLE; // Overwrite type with ANGLE // Display modified presentation if (isAngleVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myAnglePrs); } else if(aSPrs) { aSPrs->AddObject(anAngleIO); } if (twoAngles) { gce_MakePln gce_MP2(Last_Pnt, P2, Current_Pnt); Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlane2 = new Geom_Plane(gce_MP2.Value()); Handle(AIS_AngleDimension) anAngle2IO = new AIS_AngleDimension(anEdge2, anEdge3, aPlane2, theAngle2 * M_PI / 180., TCollection_ExtendedString(Angle2_str.c_str())); anAngle2IO->SetArrowSize( (theAngle2 * M_PI / 180) * (theLength/20) ); anAngle2IO->Attributes()->SetAngleAspect(asp); if (store) { // Erase dimensions presentations ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myAnglePrs, true); myAnglePrs->PrependObject(anAngle2IO); myPrsType = TYPE_TWO_ANGLES; // Overwrite type with TWO_ANGLES // Display modified presentation if (isAngleVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myAnglePrs); } else if (aSPrs) { aSPrs->AddObject(anAngle2IO); } } if(!store && isAngleVisible) { GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( aSPrs, true, true ); } } //================================================================ // Function : displayLength() // Purpose : Method for displaying length dimensions //================================================================ void EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::displayLength(double theLength, bool store) { SUIT_ViewWindow* vw = SUIT_Session::session()->activeApplication()->desktop()->activeWindow(); XYZ Last = getLastPoint(); XYZ Current = getCurrentPoint(); XYZ Penultimate = getPenultimatePoint(); double aLength = 0.0; if( theLength < 0) // Calculate length if not given { aLength = sqrt((Last.x - Current.x)*(Last.x - Current.x) + (Last.y - Current.y)*(Last.y - Current.y) + (Last.z - Current.z)*(Last.z - Current.z)); } else aLength = theLength; if (aLength Precision::Confusion() ) // { // MESSAGE("repere2") // if ( Normal.Dot(gp::DX()) < 0.0 ){ // MESSAGE("REVERSE on OX basis") // Normal.Reverse(); // } // } // else if ( Abs(Normal.Dot(gp::DY())) > Precision::Confusion() ) // { // MESSAGE("repere3") // if ( Normal.Dot(gp::DY()) < 0.0 ){ // MESSAGE("REVERSE on OY basis") // Normal.Reverse(); // } // } gce_MakePln gce_MP(P1, Normal); Handle(Geom_Plane) aPlane = new Geom_Plane(gce_MP.Value()); Handle(AIS_LengthDimension) anIO = new AIS_LengthDimension(aVert1, aVert2, aPlane, aLength, TCollection_ExtendedString(aLength_str.c_str())); anIO->SetArrowSize(aLength/20); SUIT_ResourceMgr* resMgr = SUIT_Session::session()->resourceMgr(); int w = resMgr->integerValue("Geometry", "measures_line_width", 1); Handle(Prs3d_LengthAspect) asp = new Prs3d_LengthAspect(); asp->LineAspect()->SetWidth(w); anIO->Attributes()->SetLengthAspect(asp); if (store) { // Erase length dimensions presentation ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Erase(myLengthPrs, true); myLengthPrs->PrependObject(anIO); myPrsType = TYPE_LENGTH; // Display modified presentation if (isLengthVisible) ((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->Display(myLengthPrs); } else if( isLengthVisible ) { SOCC_Prs* aSPrs = dynamic_cast(((SOCC_Viewer*)(vw->getViewManager()->getViewModel()))->CreatePrs(0)); if (aSPrs) { aSPrs->PrependObject(anIO); GEOMBase_Helper::displayPreview( aSPrs, true, true ); } } } //================================================================ // Function : createShapes // Purpose : Create applyed wire, and last segment from entry object //================================================================ bool EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::createShapes( GEOM::GEOM_Object_ptr /*theObject*/, TopoDS_Shape& theApplyedWire, TopoDS_Shape& theLastSegment ) { QList points; foreach( XYZ xyz, myPointsList) { gp_Pnt p(xyz.x, xyz.y, xyz.z); if ( points.isEmpty() || points.last().Distance(p) > gp::Resolution()) points << p; } if ( points.count() == 1 ) { // only one point is created BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex mkVertex (points.last()); theApplyedWire = mkVertex.Shape(); } else if ( points.count() > 1 ) { // wire is created BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon mkWire; foreach( gp_Pnt p, points ) mkWire.Add(p); theApplyedWire = mkWire.Shape(); } XYZ curxyz = getCurrentPoint(); gp_Pnt curpnt(curxyz.x, curxyz.y, curxyz.z); if ( points.isEmpty() || points.last().Distance(curpnt) <= gp::Resolution() ) { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex mkVertex (curpnt); theLastSegment = mkVertex.Shape(); } else { BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge mkEdge(points.last(), curpnt); theLastSegment = mkEdge.Shape(); } /* VSR: old algorithm does not work properly, see bug 0020899 TopoDS_Shape aShape; if ( !GEOMBase::GetShape( theObject, aShape ) ) return false; if( aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_WIRE && aShape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX ) return false; theApplyedWire = aShape; if ( myOK ) return true; BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aBuilder; TopExp_Explorer edgeExp( aShape, TopAbs_EDGE ); while ( 1 ) { TopoDS_Shape anEdge = edgeExp.Current(); edgeExp.Next(); if ( edgeExp.More() ) // i.e. non-last edge aBuilder.Add( TopoDS::Edge( anEdge ) ); else { theLastSegment = anEdge; break; } } if ( aBuilder.IsDone() ) { theApplyedWire = aBuilder.Shape(); } else if ( !theLastSegment.IsNull() ) { TopExp_Explorer vertexExp( theLastSegment, TopAbs_VERTEX ); theApplyedWire = vertexExp.Current(); } */ return true; } //================================================================ // Function : doubleToString // Purpose : converts double to string //================================================================ std::string EntityGUI_3DSketcherDlg::doubleToString(double num) { // truncate num int digNum = 5; char format = 'g'; // truncated to a number of significant digits return QString::number( num, format, digNum).toStdString(); }