// GEOM GEOMGUI : GUI for Geometry component // // Copyright (C) 2003 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.opencascade.org/SALOME/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.org // // // // File : MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg.cxx // Author : VKN // Module : GEOM // $Header$ #include "MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg.h" #include "MeasureGUI_1Sel1TextView_QTD.h" #include "SALOMEGUI_QtCatchCorbaException.hxx" #include "utilities.h" #include "QAD_Desktop.h" #include #include #include "GEOMBase.h" #include "GEOMImpl_Types.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include // QT Includes #include #include #include //VRV: porting on Qt 3.0.5 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030005 #include #endif //VRV: porting on Qt 3.0.5 #define TEXTEDIT_FONT_FAMILY "Courier" #define TEXTEDIT_FONT_SIZE 11 //================================================================================= // class : MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg() // purpose : Constructs a MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg which is a child of 'parent', with the // name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. // The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to // TRUE to construct a modal dialog. //================================================================================= MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg( QWidget* parent, SALOME_Selection* Sel ) : MeasureGUI_Skeleton( parent, "MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg", Sel ) { QPixmap image0( QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr( "ICON_DLG_CHECK_COMPOUND_OF_BLOCKS" ) ) ); QPixmap image1( QAD_Desktop::getResourceManager()->loadPixmap( "GEOM",tr( "ICON_SELECT" ) ) ); setCaption( tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND" ) ); /***************************************************************/ GroupConstructors->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND" ) ); RadioButton1->setPixmap( image0 ); myGrp = new MeasureGUI_1Sel1TextView_QTD( this, "myGrp" ); myGrp->GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "GEOM_CHECK_INFOS" ) ); myGrp->TextLabel1->setText( tr( "GEOM_OBJECT" ) ); myGrp->TextEdit1->setReadOnly( TRUE ); QFont aFont( TEXTEDIT_FONT_FAMILY, TEXTEDIT_FONT_SIZE ); aFont.setStyleHint( QFont::TypeWriter, QFont::PreferAntialias ); myGrp->TextEdit1->setFont( aFont ); myGrp->PushButton1->setPixmap( image1 ); myGrp->LineEdit1->setReadOnly( true ); /***************************************************************/ QGridLayout* aGBLayout = new QGridLayout( myGrp->GroupBox1->layout() ); aGBLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); QGridLayout* Layout2 = new QGridLayout( 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, "Layout2"); myErrorsLbl = new QLabel( tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_ERRORS" ), myGrp, "Errors" ); Layout2->addWidget( myErrorsLbl, 0, 0 ); myErrorsLBox = new QListBox( myGrp, "ListBlockCompoundErrors" ); myErrorsLBox->setMinimumSize( 100, 100 ); Layout2->addWidget( myErrorsLBox, 1, 0 ); mySubShapesLbl = new QLabel( tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_SUBSHAPES" ), myGrp, "BlockCompoundSubShapes" ); Layout2->addWidget( mySubShapesLbl, 0, 1 ); mySubShapesLBox = new QListBox( myGrp, "ListSubShapes" ); mySubShapesLBox->setMinimumSize( 100, 100 ); mySubShapesLBox->setSelectionMode(QListBox::Extended); Layout2->addWidget( mySubShapesLBox, 1, 1 ); aGBLayout->addLayout( Layout2, 1, 0 ); Layout1->addWidget( myGrp, 1, 0 ); connect( myErrorsLBox, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), SLOT( onErrorsListSelectionChanged() ) ); connect( mySubShapesLBox, SIGNAL( selectionChanged() ), SLOT( onSubShapesListSelectionChanged() ) ); /* Initialisation */ Init( Sel ); } //================================================================================= // function : ~MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg() // purpose : Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources //================================================================================= MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::~MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg() { } //================================================================================= // function : Init() // purpose : //================================================================================= void MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::Init( SALOME_Selection* Sel ) { activateSelection(); mySelBtn = myGrp->PushButton1; mySelEdit = myGrp->LineEdit1; MeasureGUI_Skeleton::Init( Sel ); } //================================================================================= // function : getBCErrors // purpose : //================================================================================= bool MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::getBCErrors( bool& theIsCompoundOfBlocks, GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors& theErrors) { if ( myObj->_is_nil() ) return false; else { try { GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors_var aErrs; theIsCompoundOfBlocks = GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::_narrow( getOperation() )->CheckCompoundOfBlocks( myObj, aErrs ); theErrors = aErrs; } catch( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& e ) { QtCatchCorbaException( e ); return false; } return getOperation()->IsDone(); } } //================================================================================= // function : processObject // purpose : //================================================================================= void MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::processObject() { QString aMsg (""); bool isCompoundOfBlocks; GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors aErrs; if ( !getBCErrors( isCompoundOfBlocks, aErrs ) ) { myGrp->TextEdit1->setText( aMsg ); myErrorsLBox->clear(); mySubShapesLBox->clear(); erasePreview(); return; } if (isCompoundOfBlocks) { aMsg += tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_NO_ERRORS" ); } else { aMsg += tr( "GEOM_CHECK_BLOCKS_COMPOUND_HAS_ERRORS" ); } myGrp->TextEdit1->setText(aMsg); QStringList aErrList; QString aErrStr( "" ); QString aConSfx( " # " ); QString aGluedSfx( " # " ); int aConNum = 1; int aGluedNum = 1; for ( int i = 0, n = aErrs.length(); i < n; i++ ) { aErrStr = ""; switch ( aErrs[i].error ) { case GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::NOT_BLOCK : aErrStr = "Not a Block"; break; case GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::EXTRA_EDGE : aErrStr = "Extra Edge"; break; case GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::INVALID_CONNECTION : aErrStr = "Invalid Connection"; aErrStr += aConSfx; aErrStr += QString::number(aConNum); aConNum++; break; case GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::NOT_CONNECTED : aErrStr = "Not Connected"; break; case GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::NOT_GLUED : aErrStr = "Not Glued"; aErrStr += aGluedSfx; aErrStr += QString::number(aGluedNum); aGluedNum++; break; default : aErrStr = ""; break; } if ( !aErrStr.isEmpty() ) aErrList.append(aErrStr); } myErrorsLBox->clear(); mySubShapesLBox->clear(); myErrorsLBox->insertStringList(aErrList); return; } //================================================================================= // function : createOperation // purpose : //================================================================================= GEOM::GEOM_IOperations_ptr MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::createOperation() { return getGeomEngine()->GetIBlocksOperations(getStudyId()); } //================================================================================= // function : onErrorsListSelectionChanged // purpose : //================================================================================= void MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::onErrorsListSelectionChanged() { erasePreview(); int aCurItem = myErrorsLBox->currentItem(); if ( aCurItem < 0 ) return; bool isCompoundOfBlocks; GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors aErrs; if ( !getBCErrors( isCompoundOfBlocks, aErrs ) ) { myGrp->TextEdit1->setText( "" ); myErrorsLBox->clear(); mySubShapesLBox->clear(); return; } GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCError aErr = aErrs[aCurItem]; GEOM::ListOfLong aObjLst = aErr.incriminated; TopoDS_Shape aSelShape; TopoDS_Shape aSubShape; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anIndices; QStringList aSubShapeList; QString aSubShapeName(""); Standard_CString aTypeString; if ( !myObj->_is_nil() && GEOMBase::GetShape( myObj, aSelShape ) ) { TopExp::MapShapes( aSelShape, anIndices); for ( int i = 0, n = aObjLst.length(); i < n; i++ ) { aSubShapeName = ""; aSubShape = anIndices.FindKey(aObjLst[i]); if ( GEOMBase::GetShapeTypeString( aSubShape, aTypeString ) ) aSubShapeName = QString(aTypeString) + QString("_") + QString::number(aObjLst[i]); if ( !aSubShapeName.isEmpty() ) aSubShapeList.append(aSubShapeName); } } mySubShapesLBox->clear(); mySubShapesLBox->insertStringList(aSubShapeList); return; } //================================================================================= // function : onSubShapesListSelectionChanged // purpose : //================================================================================= void MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::onSubShapesListSelectionChanged() { erasePreview(); int aErrCurItem = myErrorsLBox->currentItem(); if ( aErrCurItem < 0 ) return; QValueList aIds; for ( int i = 0, n = mySubShapesLBox->count(); i < n; i++ ) { if ( mySubShapesLBox->isSelected( i ) ) aIds.append( i ); } if ( aIds.count() < 1 ) return; bool isCompoundOfBlocks; GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCErrors aErrs; if ( !getBCErrors( isCompoundOfBlocks, aErrs ) ) { myGrp->TextEdit1->setText( "" ); myErrorsLBox->clear(); mySubShapesLBox->clear(); return; } GEOM::GEOM_IBlocksOperations::BCError aErr = aErrs[aErrCurItem]; GEOM::ListOfLong aObjLst = aErr.incriminated; TopoDS_Shape aSelShape; TopoDS_Shape aSubShape; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape anIndices; if ( !myObj->_is_nil() && GEOMBase::GetShape( myObj, aSelShape ) ) { QString aMess; if ( !isValid( aMess ) ) { return; } SALOME_Prs* aPrs = 0; TopExp::MapShapes( aSelShape, anIndices); QValueList::iterator it; for ( it = aIds.begin(); it != aIds.end(); ++it ) { aSubShape = anIndices.FindKey(aObjLst[(*it)]); try { getDisplayer()->SetColor( Quantity_NOC_RED ); getDisplayer()->SetWidth( 3 ); getDisplayer()->SetToActivate( false ); aPrs = !aSubShape.IsNull() ? getDisplayer()->BuildPrs( aSubShape ) : 0; if ( aPrs ) displayPreview( aPrs, true ); } catch( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& e ) { QtCatchCorbaException( e ); } } } return; } //================================================================================= // function : activateSelection // purpose : activate selection of faces, shells, and solids //================================================================================= void MeasureGUI_CheckCompoundOfBlocksDlg::activateSelection() { TColStd_MapOfInteger aMap; aMap.Add( GEOM_SOLID ); aMap.Add( GEOM_COMPOUND ); globalSelection( aMap ); }