
\page get_non_blocks_page Get Non Blocks

This operation retrieves all non-block solids and non-quadrangular faces from the selected shape.

A non-block solid is a solid that does not have 6 faces, or has 6 faces, but some of them are not quadrangular.

\image html measures2.png

\b Preview option shows non block solids and faces in the viewer. 

Press \b Apply or <b>Apply and Close</b> button to publish non block solids and faces in the Object
Browser under the processed object. Solids and faces are published separately in two groups. 

If no bad sub-shapes have been found, the corresponding warning is shown. 

\image html measures2a.png

\n <b>TUI Command:</b>
<em>geompy.GetNonBlocks(Compound).</em> Returns a tuple of two GEOM_Objects. 

The first object is a group of all non block solids; the second object is a group of all non
quadrangular faces.

See also a \ref tui_get_non_blocks_page "TUI example".
