Modify the Location

To Modify the Location in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Modify the Location.


This operation modifies the Location of an Object

The first algorithm places the object so that its center coincides with the center of an End Local Coordinate System.

Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be removed.

Arguments: Name + 1 GEOM_Object + End Coordinate System.




In the picture the initial cube with the global coordinate system is  to the right and the modified cube with the Local Coordinate System in the center of it is to the left .



The second algorithm  modifies the location of an object using Start and End LSC, however, it does not place the object in the center of any of the two systems.  

Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be removed.

Arguments: Name + 1 GEOM_Object + Start Coordinate System + End Coordinate System.



In this picture the initial cube with the global coordinate system is above, the modified cube is below and the End Local Coordinate System is the big one.



The Result of this operation will be a  GEOM_Object.


TUI Command: geompy.MakePosition(theObject, theStartLCS, theEndLCS), where theObject is a shape, location of which is modified, theStartLCS is a location to move the shape from, theEndLCS is a location to move the shape to.


Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation Operations.