Multi Translation

To produce a Multi Translation in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Multi Translation


This operation makes several translations of a shape in one or two directions.

The Result will be one or several GEOM_Objects (compound).


To produce a Simple Multi Translation (in one direction) you need to indicate a Shape to be translated, a Vector of translation, a Step of translation and a Number of Times the shape must be moved.

TUI Command: geompy.MakeMultiTranslation1D(Shape, Dir, Step, NbTimes)

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 1 vector (for direction) + 1 step value + 1 value (repetition).





To produce a Double Multi Translation (in two directions) you need to indicate a Shape to be translated and a Vector of translation, a Step of translation and a Number of Times the shape must be moved along each axis.


TUI Command: geompy.MakeMultiTranslation2D(Shape, Dir1, Step1, NbTimes1, Dir2, Step2, NbTimes2), where Shape is a shape to be translated, Dir1 is the first direction of translation, Step1 of the first translation, NbTimes1 is a number of translations to be done along Dir1, Dir2 is the second direction of translation, Step2 of the second translation, NbTimes2 is a number of translations to be done along Dir2.

Arguments: Name + 1 shape + 2 vectors defining the direction + 2 step values + 2 values (repetitions).




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