// Copyright (C) 2007-2024 CEA, EDF, OPEN CASCADE // // Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN, // CEDRAT, EDF R&D, LEG, PRINCIPIA R&D, BUREAU VERITAS // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com // // File : GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttr.cxx // Author : Anton POLETAEV, Open CASCADE S.A.S. // // SALOME includes #include #include #include // STL includes #include #include #include IMPLEMENT_STANDARD_RTTIEXT( GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs, Standard_Transient ) namespace { static const std::string PARAMETER_COUNT = "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Count"; std::string PARAMETER_I( const std::string& s, const int i ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << i; return std::string( s ) + ss.str(); } std::string PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_IsVisible", i ); } std::string PARAMETER_IS_2D( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Is2D", i ); } std::string PARAMETER_TEXT( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Text", i ); } std::string PARAMETER_POSITION( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Position", i ); } std::string PARAMETER_ATTACH( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Attach", i ); } std::string PARAMETER_SHAPE( const int i ) { return PARAMETER_I( "GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs_Shape", i ); } // REGEXP pattern for converting array of entries into plain text string. // The pattern has the following structure: // ENTRY: { text[string] : visibility[bool] : screen fixed[bool] : position[xyz] : attach[xyz] } static const QString PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP = "\\{ (Text=(?::{2,}|.)*:(?!:)Screen=.*:Position=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:Attach=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:ShapeIdx=.*:ShapeType=.*) \\}"; static const QString PATTERN_ITEM = "Text=((?::{2,}|.)*):(?!:)Screen=(\\d{1}):Position=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:Attach=\\{(.*):(.*):(.*)\\}:ShapeIdx=(\\-?\\d{1,}):ShapeType=(\\d{1})"; static QString toPattern (const QString& theText, const bool theIsFixed, const gp_Pnt& thePosition, const gp_Pnt& theAttach, const int theShapeIndex, const int theShapeType) { return QString( "{ Text=" ) + theText + QString( ":" ) + QString( "Screen=" ) + QString::number( theIsFixed ? 1 : 0 ) + QString( ":" ) + QString( "Position={" ) + QString::number( thePosition.X() ) + QString( ":" ) + QString::number( thePosition.Y() ) + QString( ":" ) + QString::number( thePosition.Z() ) + QString( "}" ) + QString( ":" ) + QString( "Attach={" ) + QString::number( theAttach.X() ) + QString( ":" ) + QString::number( theAttach.Y() ) + QString( ":" ) + QString::number( theAttach.Z() ) + QString( "}" ) + QString( ":" ) + QString( "ShapeIdx=" ) + QString::number( theShapeIndex ) + QString( ":" ) + QString( "ShapeType=" ) + QString::number( theShapeType ) + QString( " }" ); } } //================================================================================= // function : FindAttributes // purpose : //================================================================================= Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindAttributes( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject ) { _PTR(GenericAttribute) aGenericAttr; _PTR(AttributeParameter) aParameterMap; if ( !theObject || !theObject->FindAttribute( aGenericAttr, "AttributeParameter" ) ) { return Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs)(); } aParameterMap = aGenericAttr; if ( !aParameterMap->IsSet( PARAMETER_COUNT, PT_INTEGER ) ) { return Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs)(); } return new GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs( theObject, aParameterMap ); } //================================================================================= // function : FindOrCreateAttributes // purpose : //================================================================================= Handle(GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs) GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::FindOrCreateAttributes( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject, SalomeApp_Study* theStudy ) { _PTR(StudyBuilder) aBuilder = theStudy->studyDS()->NewBuilder(); _PTR(AttributeParameter) aParameterMap = aBuilder->FindOrCreateAttribute( theObject, "AttributeParameter" ); if ( !aParameterMap->IsSet( PARAMETER_COUNT, PT_INTEGER ) ) { aParameterMap->SetInt( PARAMETER_COUNT, 0 ); } return new GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs( theObject, aParameterMap ); } //================================================================================= // function : Remove // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Remove( const _PTR(SObject)& theObject ) { _PTR(GenericAttribute) aGenericAttr; _PTR(AttributeParameter) aParameterMap; if ( !theObject->FindAttribute( aGenericAttr, "AttributeParameter" ) ) { return; } aParameterMap = aGenericAttr; if ( !aParameterMap->IsSet( PARAMETER_COUNT, PT_INTEGER ) ) { return; } const int aParamCount = aParameterMap->GetInt( PARAMETER_COUNT ); for ( int anI = 0; anI < aParamCount; ++anI ) { aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN ); aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN ); aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), PT_STRING ); aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_POSITION( anI ), PT_REALARRAY ); aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), PT_REALARRAY ); aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_SHAPE( anI ), PT_INTARRAY ); } aParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_COUNT, PT_INTEGER ); } //================================================================================= // function : ExportAsPropertyString // purpose : //================================================================================= QString GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::ExportAsPropertyString() const { QStringList anItems; for ( int anI = 0; anI < GetNbAnnotation(); ++anI ) { Properties aEntry; GetProperties( anI, aEntry ); anItems.append( toPattern( aEntry.Text, aEntry.IsScreenFixed, aEntry.Position, aEntry.Attach, aEntry.ShapeIndex, aEntry.ShapeType ) ); } return anItems.join( ":" ); } //================================================================================= // function : ImportFromPropertyString // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::ImportFromPropertyString( const QString& theString ) { SetNbAnnotation( 0 ); QRegExp aRegExpItemGroups( PATTERN_ITEM_GROUP ); QRegExp aRegExpItem( "^" + PATTERN_ITEM + "$" ); aRegExpItemGroups.setMinimal( true ); aRegExpItem.setMinimal( true ); int aPos = 0; while ( ( aPos = aRegExpItemGroups.indexIn( theString, aPos ) ) != -1 ) { aPos += aRegExpItemGroups.matchedLength(); QString aStrItem = aRegExpItemGroups.cap(1); if ( aRegExpItem.indexIn( aStrItem ) < 0 ) { continue; } QString aStrText = aRegExpItem.cap( 1 ); QString aStrFixed = aRegExpItem.cap( 2 ); QString aStrPosX = aRegExpItem.cap( 3 ); QString aStrPosY = aRegExpItem.cap( 4 ); QString aStrPosZ = aRegExpItem.cap( 5 ); QString aStrAttX = aRegExpItem.cap( 6 ); QString aStrAttY = aRegExpItem.cap( 7 ); QString aStrAttZ = aRegExpItem.cap( 8 ); QString aStrShapeIdx = aRegExpItem.cap( 9 ); QString aStrShapeType = aRegExpItem.cap( 10 ); aStrText.replace( "::", ":" ); Properties aEntry; aEntry.Text = aStrText; aEntry.IsVisible = false; aEntry.IsScreenFixed = aStrFixed.toInt() != 0; aEntry.Position.SetX( aStrPosX.toDouble() ); aEntry.Position.SetY( aStrPosY.toDouble() ); aEntry.Position.SetZ( aStrPosZ.toDouble() ); aEntry.Attach.SetX( aStrAttX.toDouble() ); aEntry.Attach.SetY( aStrAttY.toDouble() ); aEntry.Attach.SetZ( aStrAttZ.toDouble() ); aEntry.ShapeIndex = aStrShapeIdx.toInt(); aEntry.ShapeType = aStrShapeType.toInt(); Append( aEntry ); } } //================================================================================= // function : SetNbAnnotation // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetNbAnnotation( const int theCount ) const { const int aCount = this->GetNbAnnotation(); if ( aCount < theCount ) { // set default values for ( int anI = aCount; anI < theCount; ++anI ) { myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), true ); myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), false ); myParameterMap->SetString( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), std::string() ); myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_POSITION( anI ), std::vector(3, 0.0) ); myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), std::vector(3, 0.0) ); myParameterMap->SetIntArray( PARAMETER_SHAPE( anI ), std::vector(2, 0) ); } } else { // remove exceeding values for ( int anI = theCount; anI < aCount; ++anI ) { myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN ); myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_IS_2D( anI ), PT_BOOLEAN ); myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_TEXT( anI ), PT_STRING ); myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_POSITION( anI ), PT_REALARRAY ); myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_ATTACH( anI ), PT_REALARRAY ); myParameterMap->RemoveID( PARAMETER_SHAPE( anI ), PT_INTARRAY ); } } myParameterMap->SetInt( PARAMETER_COUNT, theCount ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetNbAnnotation // purpose : //================================================================================= int GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetNbAnnotation() const { return myParameterMap->GetInt( PARAMETER_COUNT ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetVisible // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetIsVisible( const int theIndex, const bool theIsVisible ) { myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( theIndex ), theIsVisible ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetIsVisible // purpose : //================================================================================= bool GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetIsVisible( const int theIndex ) const { return myParameterMap->GetBool( PARAMETER_IS_VISIBLE( theIndex ) ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetText // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetText( const int theIndex, const QString& theText ) { myParameterMap->SetString( PARAMETER_TEXT( theIndex ), theText.toStdString() ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetText // purpose : //================================================================================= QString GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetText( const int theIndex ) const { return QString::fromStdString( myParameterMap->GetString( PARAMETER_TEXT( theIndex ) ) ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetIsScreenFixed // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetIsScreenFixed( const int theIndex, const bool theIsScreenFixed ) { myParameterMap->SetBool( PARAMETER_IS_2D( theIndex ), theIsScreenFixed ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetIsScreenFixed // purpose : //================================================================================= bool GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetIsScreenFixed( const int theIndex ) const { return myParameterMap->GetBool( PARAMETER_IS_2D( theIndex ) ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetPosition // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetPosition( const int theIndex, const gp_Pnt& thePosition ) { std::vector aCoords( 3 ); aCoords[0] = thePosition.X(); aCoords[1] = thePosition.Y(); aCoords[2] = thePosition.Z(); myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_POSITION( theIndex ), aCoords ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetPosition // purpose : //================================================================================= gp_Pnt GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetPosition( const int theIndex ) const { std::vector aCoords = myParameterMap->GetRealArray( PARAMETER_POSITION( theIndex ) ); return gp_Pnt( aCoords[0], aCoords[1], aCoords[2] ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetAttach // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetAttach( const int theIndex, const gp_Pnt& theAttach ) { std::vector aCoords( 3 ); aCoords[0] = theAttach.X(); aCoords[1] = theAttach.Y(); aCoords[2] = theAttach.Z(); myParameterMap->SetRealArray( PARAMETER_ATTACH( theIndex ), aCoords ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetAttach // purpose : //================================================================================= gp_Pnt GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetAttach( const int theIndex ) const { std::vector aCoords = myParameterMap->GetRealArray( PARAMETER_ATTACH( theIndex ) ); return gp_Pnt( aCoords[0], aCoords[1], aCoords[2] ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetShapeSel // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetShapeSel( const int theIndex, const int theShapeType, const int theSubIdx ) { std::vector aSelection( 2 ); aSelection[0] = theShapeType; aSelection[1] = theSubIdx; myParameterMap->SetIntArray( PARAMETER_SHAPE( theIndex ), aSelection ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetShapeSel // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetShapeSel( const int theIndex, int& theShapeType, int& theSubIdx ) const { std::vector aSelection = myParameterMap->GetIntArray( PARAMETER_SHAPE( theIndex ) ); theShapeType = aSelection[0]; theSubIdx = aSelection[1]; } //================================================================================= // function : Append // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Append( const Properties& theProps ) { this->Append( theProps, gp_Ax3() ); } //================================================================================= // function : Append // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Append( const Properties& theProps, const gp_Ax3& theShapeLCS ) { const int aCount = this->GetNbAnnotation(); this->SetNbAnnotation( aCount + 1 ); this->SetProperties( aCount, theProps, theShapeLCS ); } //================================================================================= // function : Remove // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::Remove( const Standard_Integer theIndex ) { const int aCount = this->GetNbAnnotation(); if ( theIndex < 0 || theIndex >= aCount ) { return; } std::vector aEntries( (aCount - 1) - theIndex ); for ( int anI = theIndex + 1; anI < aCount; ++anI ) { GetProperties( anI, aEntries[ anI - (theIndex + 1) ] ); } SetNbAnnotation( theIndex ); for ( int anI = 0; anI < static_cast( aEntries.size() ); ++anI ) { Append( aEntries[anI] ); } } //================================================================================= // function : SetProperties // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetProperties( const int theIndex, const Properties& theProps ) { this->SetProperties( theIndex, theProps, gp_Ax3() ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetProperties // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetProperties( const int theIndex, const Properties& theProps, const gp_Ax3& theShapeLCS ) { gp_Trsf aToShapeLCS; aToShapeLCS.SetTransformation( gp_Ax3(), theShapeLCS ); this->SetText( theIndex, theProps.Text ); this->SetIsVisible( theIndex, theProps.IsVisible ); this->SetIsScreenFixed( theIndex, theProps.IsScreenFixed ); this->SetShapeSel( theIndex, theProps.ShapeType, theProps.ShapeIndex ); this->SetAttach( theIndex, theProps.Attach.Transformed( aToShapeLCS ) ); this->SetPosition( theIndex, (theProps.IsScreenFixed) ? theProps.Position : theProps.Position.Transformed( aToShapeLCS ) ); } //================================================================================= // function : GetProperties // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::GetProperties( const int theIndex, Properties& theProps ) const { theProps.Text = this->GetText( theIndex ); theProps.IsVisible = this->GetIsVisible( theIndex ); theProps.IsScreenFixed = this->GetIsScreenFixed( theIndex ); theProps.Position = this->GetPosition( theIndex ); theProps.Attach = this->GetAttach( theIndex ); this->GetShapeSel( theIndex, theProps.ShapeType, theProps.ShapeIndex ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetupPresentation // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetupPresentation( const Handle(GEOM_Annotation)& thePresentation, const Properties& theProps, const gp_Ax3& theShapeLCS ) { gp_Trsf aFromShapeLCS; aFromShapeLCS.SetTransformation( theShapeLCS, gp_Ax3() ); TCollection_ExtendedString aText; for (int i = 0; i < (int)theProps.Text.length(); i++ ) aText.Insert( i + 1, theProps.Text[ i ].unicode() ); thePresentation->SetText( aText ); thePresentation->SetIsScreenFixed( theProps.IsScreenFixed ); thePresentation->SetAttachPoint( theProps.Attach.Transformed( aFromShapeLCS ) ); thePresentation->SetPosition( (theProps.IsScreenFixed) ? theProps.Position : theProps.Position.Transformed( aFromShapeLCS ) ); } //================================================================================= // function : SetupPresentation // purpose : //================================================================================= void GEOMGUI_AnnotationAttrs::SetupPresentation( const Handle(GEOM_Annotation)& thePresentation, const int theIndex, const gp_Ax3& theShapeLCS ) { Properties aProps; this->GetProperties( theIndex, aProps ); this->SetupPresentation( thePresentation, aProps, theShapeLCS ); }