using namespace std; #include "GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations.hxx" #include "GEOMImpl_Types.hxx" #include "GEOM_Function.hxx" #include "GEOM_ISubShape.hxx" #include "GEOM_PythonDump.hxx" #include "utilities.h" #include "OpUtil.hxx" #include "Utils_ExceptHandlers.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // CAREFUL ! position of this file is critic : see Lucien PIGNOLONI / OCC //============================================================================= /*! * constructor: */ //============================================================================= GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations (GEOM_Engine* theEngine, int theDocID) : GEOM_IOperations(theEngine, theDocID) { MESSAGE("GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations"); } //============================================================================= /*! * destructor */ //============================================================================= GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::~GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations() { MESSAGE("GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::~GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations"); } //============================================================================= /*! * CreateGroup */ //============================================================================= Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::CreateGroup (Handle(GEOM_Object) theMainShape, TopAbs_ShapeEnum theShapeType) { SetErrorCode(KO); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) anArray = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,1); anArray->SetValue(1, -1); //Add a new Fillet object Handle(GEOM_Object) aGroup = GetEngine()->AddSubShape(theMainShape, anArray); //Set a GROUP type aGroup->SetType(GEOM_GROUP); //Set a sub shape type TDF_Label aFreeLabel = aGroup->GetFreeLabel(); TDataStd_Integer::Set(aFreeLabel, (Standard_Integer)theShapeType); //Make a Python command Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = aGroup->GetFunction(1); //TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aFunction->GetDescription(); //GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << aGroup GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << aGroup << " = geompy.CreateGroup(" << theMainShape << ", " << (int)theShapeType << ")"; SetErrorCode(OK); return aGroup; } //============================================================================= /*! * AddObject */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::AddObject(Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, int theSubShapeID) { SetErrorCode(KO); if(theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if(aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI(aFunction); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if(aSeq.IsNull()) return; if(aSeq->Length() == 1 && aSeq->Value(1) == -1) { aSeq->SetValue(1, theSubShapeID); } else { Standard_Integer aLength = aSeq->Length(); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aLength+1); for(Standard_Integer i = 1; i<=aLength; i++) { aNewSeq->SetValue(i, aSeq->Value(i)); if(aSeq->Value(i) == theSubShapeID) { SetErrorCode(ALREADY_PRESENT); return; // } } aNewSeq->SetValue(aLength+1, theSubShapeID); aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } //Make a Python command TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aFunction->GetDescription(); GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << "geompy.AddObject(" << theGroup << ", " << theSubShapeID << ")"; SetErrorCode(OK); return; } //============================================================================= /*! * RemoveObject */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::RemoveObject (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, int theSubShapeID) { SetErrorCode(KO); if(theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if(aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI(aFunction); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if(aSeq.IsNull()) return; if(aSeq->Length() == 1 && aSeq->Value(1) == -1) { SetErrorCode(NOT_EXISTS); return; } else { Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq; Standard_Integer aLength = aSeq->Length(); if(aLength == 1) { if(aSeq->Value(1) != theSubShapeID) { SetErrorCode(NOT_EXISTS); return; } aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1,1); aNewSeq->SetValue(1, -1); } else { aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aLength-1); Standard_Boolean isFound = Standard_False; for(Standard_Integer i = 1, k=1; i<=aLength; i++) { if(i == aLength && !isFound) { SetErrorCode(NOT_EXISTS); return; } if(aSeq->Value(i) == theSubShapeID) { isFound = Standard_True; continue; } aNewSeq->SetValue(k, aSeq->Value(i)); k++; } if(!isFound) { SetErrorCode(NOT_EXISTS); return; } } aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } //Make a Python command TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aFunction->GetDescription(); GEOM::TPythonDump(aFunction) << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << "geompy.RemoveObject(" << theGroup << ", " << theSubShapeID << ")"; SetErrorCode(OK); return; } //============================================================================= /*! * UnionList */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::UnionList (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theSubShapes) { SetErrorCode(KO); if (theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if (aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI (aFunction); // New contents of the group TColStd_ListOfInteger aNewIDs; TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDs; // Add current IDs to the list Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if (aSeq.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer val_j, aLength = aSeq->Length(); for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= aLength; j++) { val_j = aSeq->Value(j); if (val_j > 0 && mapIDs.Add(val_j)) { aNewIDs.Append(val_j); } } // Get Main Shape Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc = aSSI.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel = aMainShapeFunc->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = aMainObj->GetValue(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) return; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape, mapIndices); // Get IDs of sub-shapes to add Standard_Integer i, new_id, aLen = theSubShapes->Length(); for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj_i = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(theSubShapes->Value(i)); if (anObj_i->IsMainShape()) { TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = anObj_i->GetValue(); if (mapIndices.Contains(aShape_i)) { new_id = mapIndices.FindIndex(aShape_i); if (mapIDs.Add(new_id)) { aNewIDs.Append(new_id); } } else { SetErrorCode("One of given objects can not be added to the group, because it is not a sub-shape of the group's main shape"); return; } } else { // Check main shape of sub-shape to add Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunc_i = anObj_i->GetFunction(1); if (aFunc_i.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI_i (aFunc_i); Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc_i = aSSI_i.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc_i.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel_i = aMainShapeFunc_i->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel_i.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj_i = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj_i.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape_i = aMainObj_i->GetValue(); if (aMainShape_i.IsNull()) return; if (aMainShape_i.IsSame(aMainShape)) { // add all sub-shape IDs to the list // Get IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq_i = aSSI_i.GetIndices(); if (aSeq_i.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength_i = aSeq_i->Length(); for (Standard_Integer i_j = 1; i_j <= aLength_i; i_j++) { new_id = aSeq_i->Value(i_j); if (new_id > 0) { if (mapIDs.Add(new_id)) { aNewIDs.Append(new_id); } } } } else if (mapIndices.Contains(aMainShape_i)) { // compute new IDs and add them to the list TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices_i; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape_i, mapIndices_i); // Get IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq_i = aSSI_i.GetIndices(); if (aSeq_i.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength_i = aSeq_i->Length(); for (Standard_Integer i_j = 1; i_j <= aLength_i; i_j++) { if (aSeq_i->Value(i_j) > 0) { TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_j = mapIndices_i.FindKey(i_j); new_id = mapIndices.FindIndex(aShape_i_j); if (mapIDs.Add(new_id)) { aNewIDs.Append(new_id); } } } } else { SetErrorCode("One of given objects can not be added to the group, because it is not a sub-shape of the group's main shape"); return; } } } if (aNewIDs.Extent() > 0) { Standard_Integer k = 1; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aNewIDsIter (aNewIDs); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aNewIDs.Extent()); for (; aNewIDsIter.More(); aNewIDsIter.Next(), k++) { aNewSeq->SetValue(k, aNewIDsIter.Value()); } aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } //Make a Python command TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aFunction->GetDescription(); GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aFunction); pd << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << "geompy.UnionList(" << theGroup << ", ["; for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj_i = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(theSubShapes->Value(i)); pd << anObj_i << (( i < aLen ) ? ", " : "])"); } SetErrorCode(OK); } //============================================================================= /*! * DifferenceList */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::DifferenceList (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theSubShapes) { SetErrorCode(KO); if (theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if (aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI (aFunction); // Map of IDs to be removed TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDsToRemove; // Map of current IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if (aSeq.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength = aSeq->Length(); if (aLength == 1 && aSeq->Value(1) == -1) // empty group return; TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDsCurrent; Standard_Integer j = 1; for (; j <= aLength; j++) { mapIDsCurrent.Add(aSeq->Value(j)); } // Get Main Shape Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc = aSSI.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel = aMainShapeFunc->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = aMainObj->GetValue(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) return; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape, mapIndices); // Get IDs of sub-shapes to be removed Standard_Integer i, rem_id, aLen = theSubShapes->Length(); for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj_i = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(theSubShapes->Value(i)); if (anObj_i->IsMainShape()) { TopoDS_Shape aShape_i = anObj_i->GetValue(); if (mapIndices.Contains(aShape_i)) { rem_id = mapIndices.FindIndex(aShape_i); if (mapIDsCurrent.Contains(rem_id)) { mapIDsToRemove.Add(rem_id); } } else { SetErrorCode("One of given objects can not be removed from the group, because it is not a sub-shape of the group's main shape"); return; } } else { // Check main shape of sub-shape to be removed Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunc_i = anObj_i->GetFunction(1); if (aFunc_i.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI_i (aFunc_i); Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc_i = aSSI_i.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc_i.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel_i = aMainShapeFunc_i->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel_i.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj_i = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj_i.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape_i = aMainObj_i->GetValue(); if (aMainShape_i.IsNull()) return; if (aMainShape_i.IsSame(aMainShape)) { // remove all sub-shapes // Get IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq_i = aSSI_i.GetIndices(); if (aSeq_i.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength_i = aSeq_i->Length(); for (Standard_Integer i_j = 1; i_j <= aLength_i; i_j++) { rem_id = aSeq_i->Value(i_j); if (rem_id > 0) { if (mapIDsCurrent.Contains(rem_id)) { mapIDsToRemove.Add(rem_id); } } } } else if (mapIndices.Contains(aMainShape_i)) { // compute new IDs and add them to the map of ids to be removed TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices_i; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape_i, mapIndices_i); // Get IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq_i = aSSI_i.GetIndices(); if (aSeq_i.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength_i = aSeq_i->Length(); for (Standard_Integer i_j = 1; i_j <= aLength_i; i_j++) { if (aSeq_i->Value(i_j) > 0) { TopoDS_Shape aShape_i_j = mapIndices_i.FindKey(i_j); rem_id = mapIndices.FindIndex(aShape_i_j); if (mapIDsCurrent.Contains(rem_id)) { mapIDsToRemove.Add(rem_id); } } } } else { SetErrorCode("One of given objects can not be removed from the group, because it is not a sub-shape of the group's main shape"); return; } } } if (mapIDsToRemove.Extent() > 0) { Standard_Integer k = 1, aRemLength = mapIDsToRemove.Extent(); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aLength - aRemLength); for (j = 1; j <= aLength; j++) { if (!mapIDsToRemove.Contains(aSeq->Value(j))) { aNewSeq->SetValue(k, aSeq->Value(j)); k++; } } aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } //Make a Python command TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aFunction->GetDescription(); GEOM::TPythonDump pd (aFunction); pd << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << "geompy.DifferenceList(" << theGroup << ", ["; for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { Handle(GEOM_Object) anObj_i = Handle(GEOM_Object)::DownCast(theSubShapes->Value(i)); pd << anObj_i << (( i < aLen ) ? ", " : "])"); } SetErrorCode(OK); } //============================================================================= /*! * UnionIDs */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::UnionIDs (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger)& theSubShapes) { SetErrorCode(KO); if (theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if (aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI (aFunction); // New contents of the group TColStd_ListOfInteger aNewIDs; TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDs; // Add current IDs to the list Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if (aSeq.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer val_j, aLength = aSeq->Length(); for (Standard_Integer j = 1; j <= aLength; j++) { val_j = aSeq->Value(j); if (val_j > 0 && mapIDs.Add(val_j)) { aNewIDs.Append(val_j); } } // Get Main Shape Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc = aSSI.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel = aMainShapeFunc->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = aMainObj->GetValue(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) return; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape, mapIndices); // Get IDs of sub-shapes to add Standard_Integer i, new_id, aLen = theSubShapes->Length(); for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { new_id = theSubShapes->Value(i); if (0 < new_id && new_id <= mapIndices.Extent()) { if (mapIDs.Add(new_id)) { aNewIDs.Append(new_id); } } } if (aNewIDs.Extent() > 0) { Standard_Integer k = 1; TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfInteger aNewIDsIter (aNewIDs); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aNewIDs.Extent()); for (; aNewIDsIter.More(); aNewIDsIter.Next(), k++) { aNewSeq->SetValue(k, aNewIDsIter.Value()); } aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } SetErrorCode(OK); } //============================================================================= /*! * DifferenceIDs */ //============================================================================= void GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::DifferenceIDs (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup, const Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfInteger)& theSubShapes) { SetErrorCode(KO); if (theGroup.IsNull()) return; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if (aFunction.IsNull()) return; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI (aFunction); // Map of IDs to be removed TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDsToRemove; // Map of current IDs Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if (aSeq.IsNull()) return; Standard_Integer aLength = aSeq->Length(); if (aLength == 1 && aSeq->Value(1) == -1) // empty group return; TColStd_MapOfInteger mapIDsCurrent; Standard_Integer j = 1; for (; j <= aLength; j++) { mapIDsCurrent.Add(aSeq->Value(j)); } // Get Main Shape Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunc = aSSI.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunc.IsNull()) return; TDF_Label aLabel = aMainShapeFunc->GetOwnerEntry(); if (aLabel.IsRoot()) return; Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainObj = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainObj.IsNull()) return; TopoDS_Shape aMainShape = aMainObj->GetValue(); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) return; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape mapIndices; TopExp::MapShapes(aMainShape, mapIndices); // Get IDs of sub-shapes to be removed Standard_Integer i, rem_id, aLen = theSubShapes->Length(); for (i = 1; i <= aLen; i++) { rem_id = theSubShapes->Value(i); if (mapIDsCurrent.Contains(rem_id)) { mapIDsToRemove.Add(rem_id); } } if (mapIDsToRemove.Extent() > 0) { Standard_Integer k = 1, aRemLength = mapIDsToRemove.Extent(); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aNewSeq = new TColStd_HArray1OfInteger(1, aLength - aRemLength); for (j = 1; j <= aLength; j++) { if (!mapIDsToRemove.Contains(aSeq->Value(j))) { aNewSeq->SetValue(k, aSeq->Value(j)); k++; } } aSSI.SetIndices(aNewSeq); } SetErrorCode(OK); } //============================================================================= /*! * GetType */ //============================================================================= TopAbs_ShapeEnum GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::GetType(Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup) { SetErrorCode(KO); TDF_Label aFreeLabel = theGroup->GetFreeLabel(); Handle(TDataStd_Integer) anAttrib; if(!aFreeLabel.FindAttribute(TDataStd_Integer::GetID(), anAttrib)) return TopAbs_SHAPE; SetErrorCode(OK); return (TopAbs_ShapeEnum) anAttrib->Get(); } //============================================================================= /*! * GetMainShape */ //============================================================================= Handle(GEOM_Object) GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::GetMainShape (Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup) { SetErrorCode(KO); if(theGroup.IsNull()) return NULL; Handle(GEOM_Function) aGroupFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if (aGroupFunction.IsNull()) return NULL; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI (aGroupFunction); Handle(GEOM_Function) aMainShapeFunction = aSSI.GetMainShape(); if (aMainShapeFunction.IsNull()) return NULL; TDF_Label aLabel = aMainShapeFunction->GetOwnerEntry(); Handle(GEOM_Object) aMainShape = GEOM_Object::GetObject(aLabel); if (aMainShape.IsNull()) return NULL; //Make a Python command TCollection_AsciiString anOldDescr = aGroupFunction->GetDescription(); GEOM::TPythonDump(aGroupFunction) << anOldDescr.ToCString() << "\n\t" << aMainShape << " = geompy.GetMainShape(" << theGroup << ")"; SetErrorCode(OK); return aMainShape; } //============================================================================= /*! * GetObjects */ //============================================================================= Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) GEOMImpl_IGroupOperations::GetObjects(Handle(GEOM_Object) theGroup) { SetErrorCode(KO); if(theGroup.IsNull()) return NULL; Handle(GEOM_Function) aFunction = theGroup->GetFunction(1); if(aFunction.IsNull()) return NULL; GEOM_ISubShape aSSI(aFunction); Handle(TColStd_HArray1OfInteger) aSeq = aSSI.GetIndices(); if(aSeq.IsNull()) return NULL; if(aSeq->Length() == 1 && aSeq->Value(1) == -1) { SetErrorCode(OK); return NULL; } SetErrorCode(OK); return aSeq; }