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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See http://www.salome-platform.org/ or email : webmaster.salome@opencascade.com
## \defgroup structelem structelem - Structural elements package
# \{
# \details
# This package is used to create and visualize structural elements.
# It contains three modules:
# - This module \ref structelem "salome.geom.structelem" defines the main classes
# StructuralElement and StructuralElementManager that can be
# directly used to build structural elements.
# - The module \ref parts "salome.geom.structelem.parts" defines
# the classes corresponding to the different parts (beams, grids, etc.) that make up
# a structural element. It is used to build the geometric shapes in the structural element.
# - The module \ref orientation "salome.geom.structelem.orientation" defines
# the classes that are used to compute the orientation of the structural element parts
# and to build the corresponding markers.
# A structural element is a set of geometric shapes (beams, grids, etc.) that
# are built semi-automatically along a set of geometric primitives (edges for
# instance). They are visualized with the same color as their base primitives in
# the geom viewer.
# \n Structural elements are generally created by the StructuralElementManager class,
# from a list of commands describing the element to create.
# Example:
# \code
# commandList = [('VisuPoutreGenerale', {'Group_Maille': 'Edge_1'}),
# ('VisuBarreCercle', {'R': 30, 'Group_Maille': 'Edge_1', 'EP': 15}),
# ]
# structElemManager = StructuralElementManager()
# elem = structElemManager.createElement(commandList)
# elem.display()
# salome.sg.updateObjBrowser(True)
# \endcode
# \defgroup orientation
# \defgroup parts
# \}
This package is used to create and visualize structural elements. It contains
three modules:
* This module :mod:`salome.geom.structelem` defines the main classes
:class:`StructuralElement` and :class:`StructuralElementManager` that can be
directly used to build structural elements.
* The module :mod:`salome.geom.structelem.parts` defines the classes corresponding to
the different parts (beams, grids, etc.) that make up a structural element.
It is used to build the geometric shapes in the structural element.
* The module :mod:`salome.geom.structelem.orientation` defines the classes that are
used to compute the orientation of the structural element parts and to build
the corresponding markers.
A structural element is a set of geometric shapes (beams, grids, etc.) that
are built semi-automatically along a set of geometric primitives (edges for
instance). They are visualized with the same color as their base primitives in
the geom viewer.
Structural elements are generally created by the
:class:`StructuralElementManager` class, from a list of commands describing
the element to create.
commandList = [('VisuPoutreGenerale', {'Group_Maille': 'Edge_1'}),
{'R': 30, 'Group_Maille': 'Edge_1', 'EP': 15}),
structElemManager = StructuralElementManager()
elem = structElemManager.createElement(commandList)
import types
import salome
from salome.kernel.logger import Logger
from salome.kernel import termcolor
logger = Logger("salome.geom.structelem", color = termcolor.RED)
from salome.kernel.studyedit import getStudyEditor
__all__ = ["parts", "orientation"]
from salome.geom.geomtools import getGeompy
from salome.geom.structelem import parts
from salome.geom.structelem.parts import InvalidParameterError
import GEOM
## This class manages the structural elements in the study. It is used to
# create a new structural element from a list of commands. The parameter
# \em studyId defines the ID of the study in which the manager will create
# structural elements. If it is \b None or not specified, it will use
# the ID of the current study as defined by
# \b salome.kernel.studyedit.getActiveStudyId() function.
# \ingroup structelem
class StructuralElementManager:
This class manages the structural elements in the study. It is used to
create a new structural element from a list of commands. The parameter
`studyId` defines the ID of the study in which the manager will create
structural elements. If it is :const:`None` or not specified, it will use
the ID of the current study as defined by
:func:`salome.kernel.studyedit.getActiveStudyId` function.
def __init__(self, studyId = None):
self._studyEditor = getStudyEditor(studyId)
## Create a structural element from the list of commands \em commandList.
# Each command in this list represent a part of the structural element,
# that is a specific kind of shape (circular beam, grid, etc.)
# associated with one or several geometrical primitives. A command must
# be a tuple. The first element is the structural element part class
# name or alias name. The second element is a dictionary containing the
# parameters describing the part. Valid class names are all the classes
# defined in the module salome.geom.structelem.parts and inheriting
# parts.StructuralElementPart. There are also several
# aliases for backward compatibility. Here is the complete list:
# - parts.GeneralBeam
# - parts.CircularBeam
# - parts.RectangularBeam
# - parts.ThickShell
# - parts.Grid
# - parts.VisuPoutreGenerale() (alias for parts.GeneralBeam)
# - parts.VisuPoutreCercle() (alias for parts.CircularBeam)
# - parts.VisuPoutreRectangle() (alias for parts.RectangularBeam)
# - parts.VisuBarreGenerale() (alias for parts.GeneralBeam)
# - parts.VisuBarreRectangle() (alias for parts.RectangularBeam)
# - parts.VisuBarreCercle() (alias for parts.CircularBeam)
# - parts.VisuCable() (alias for parts.CircularBeam)
# - parts.VisuCoque() (alias for parts.ThickShell)
# - parts.VisuGrille() (alias for parts.Grid)
# - \b Orientation: This identifier is used to specify the orientation
# of one or several 1D structural element parts (i.e. beams). The
# parameters are described in class orientation.Orientation1D.
# The valid parameters in the dictionary depend on the type of the
# structural element part, and are detailed in the documentation of
# the corresponding class. The only parameter that is common to all the
# classes is "MeshGroups" (that can also be named "Group_Maille"). It
# defines the name of the geometrical object(s) in the study that will
# be used as primitives to build the structural element part. This
# parameter can be either a list of strings or a single string with
# comma separated names.
def createElement(self, commandList):
Create a structural element from the list of commands `commandList`.
Each command in this list represent a part of the structural element,
that is a specific kind of shape (circular beam, grid, etc.)
associated with one or several geometrical primitives. A command must
be a tuple. The first element is the structural element part class
name or alias name. The second element is a dictionary containing the
parameters describing the part. Valid class names are all the classes
defined in the module :mod:`~salome.geom.structelem.parts` and inheriting
class :class:`~parts.StructuralElementPart`. There are also several
aliases for backward compatibility. Here is the complete list:
* :class:`~parts.GeneralBeam`
* :class:`~parts.CircularBeam`
* :class:`~parts.RectangularBeam`
* :class:`~parts.ThickShell`
* :class:`~parts.Grid`
* :func:`~parts.VisuPoutreGenerale` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuPoutreCercle` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuPoutreRectangle` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuBarreGenerale` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuBarreRectangle` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuBarreCercle` (alias for
* :func:`~parts.VisuCable` (alias for :class:`~parts.CircularBeam`)
* :func:`~parts.VisuCoque` (alias for :class:`~parts.ThickShell`)
* :func:`~parts.VisuGrille` (alias for :class:`~parts.Grid`)
* ``Orientation``: This identifier is used to specify the orientation
of one or several 1D structural element parts (i.e. beams). The
parameters are described in class
The valid parameters in the dictionary depend on the type of the
structural element part, and are detailed in the documentation of
the corresponding class. The only parameter that is common to all the
classes is "MeshGroups" (that can also be named "Group_Maille"). It
defines the name of the geometrical object(s) in the study that will
be used as primitives to build the structural element part. This
parameter can be either a list of strings or a single string with
comma separated names.
logger.debug("StructuralElementManager.createElement: START")
logger.debug("Command list: %s" % commandList)
element = StructuralElement(self._studyEditor.studyId)
orientationCmdList = []
for command in commandList:
(parttype, parameters) = command
if parttype == "Orientation":
orientationCmdList += [command]
elif parttype not in dir(parts):
logger.warning('Invalid structural element part name "%s"'
' in command %s, this command will be '
'ignored.' % (parttype, command))
(meshGroupList, newparams) = self._extractMeshGroups(command)
for meshGroup in meshGroupList:
# Get the geometrical primitive object
if meshGroup.startswith('/'):
groupSObj = self._studyEditor.study.FindObjectByPath(meshGroup)
meshGroup = meshGroup.split('/')[-1]
groupSObj = self._studyEditor.study.FindObject(meshGroup)
groupGeomObj = None
if groupSObj is not None:
groupGeomObj = \
if groupGeomObj is None:
logger.error("Can't get geom object corresponding to "
'mesh group "%s", structural element '
"part %s will not be built." %
(meshGroup, command))
# Create the part
part = parts.__dict__[parttype](
self._studyEditor.studyId, meshGroup,
groupGeomObj, newparams)
except InvalidParameterError as e:
logger.error("Invalid parameter error: %s" % e)
logger.exception("Can't create structural element"
" part with command %s." %
# Orientations are parsed after the parts because they must be
# associated with existing parts.
for command in orientationCmdList:
(parttype, parameters) = command
(meshGroupList, orientParams) = self._extractMeshGroups(command)
for meshGroup in meshGroupList:
element.addOrientation(meshGroup, orientParams)
logger.debug("StructuralElementManager.createElement: END")
return element
## This method extracts the names of the mesh groups (i.e. the
# geometrical objects used to build the structural element part) in the
# command in parameter. It returns a tuple containing the mesh groups as
# a list of strings and the other parameters of the command as a new
# dictionary.
def _extractMeshGroups(self, command):
This method extracts the names of the mesh groups (i.e. the
geometrical objects used to build the structural element part) in the
command in parameter. It returns a tuple containing the mesh groups as
a list of strings and the other parameters of the command as a new
(parttype, parameters) = command
newparams = parameters.copy()
groupMailleParam = newparams.pop("Group_Maille", None)
meshGroupParam = newparams.pop("MeshGroups", None)
if groupMailleParam is None and meshGroupParam is None:
logger.warning("No mesh group specified in command %s, this "
"command will be ignored." % command)
return ([], newparams)
elif groupMailleParam is not None and meshGroupParam is not None:
logger.warning('Both "MeshGroups" and "Group_Maille" specified in'
' command %s, only "MeshGroups" will be used.' %
elif groupMailleParam is not None and meshGroupParam is None:
meshGroupParam = groupMailleParam
if isinstance(meshGroupParam, str):
meshGroupList = [meshGroupParam]
meshGroupList = meshGroupParam
if len(meshGroupList) == 0:
logger.warning("Mesh group list is empty in command %s, this "
"command will be ignored." % command)
return (meshGroupList, newparams)
## This class represents a structural element, i.e. a set of geometrical
# objects built along geometrical primitives. The parameter \em studyId
# defines the ID of the study that will contain the structural element. If
# it is \b None or not specified, the constructor will use the ID of
# the active study as defined by \b salome.kernel.studyedit.getActiveStudyId
# function. Structural elements are normally created by the class
# StructuralElementManager, so this class should not be
# instantiated directly in the general case.
# \ingroup structelem
class StructuralElement:
This class represents a structural element, i.e. a set of geometrical
objects built along geometrical primitives. The parameter `studyId`
defines the ID of the study that will contain the structural element. If
it is :const:`None` or not specified, the constructor will use the ID of
the active study as defined by :func:`salome.kernel.studyedit.getActiveStudyId`
function. Structural elements are normally created by the class
:class:`StructuralElementManager`, so this class should not be
instantiated directly in the general case.
_counter = 1
MAIN_FOLDER_NAME = "Structural Elements"
def __init__(self, studyId = None):
# _parts is the dictionary mapping group name to structural element
# part. _shapeDict is the dictionary mapping SubShapeID objects to
# structural element parts. Both are used to avoid duplicate shapes
# in structural elements.
self._parts = {}
self._shapeDict = {}
self._id = StructuralElement._counter
StructuralElement._counter += 1
self._studyEditor = getStudyEditor(studyId)
logger.debug("Creating structural element in study %s" %
self._SObject = None
## Find or create the study object corresponding to the structural
# element. This object is a Geom Folder named "SE_N" where N is a
# numerical ID.
def _getSObject(self):
Find or create the study object corresponding to the structural
element. This object is a Geom Folder named "SE_N" where N is a
numerical ID.
if self._SObject is None:
geompy = getGeompy(self._studyEditor.studyId)
geomComponent = self._studyEditor.study.FindComponent("GEOM")
mainFolder = self._studyEditor.findItem(geomComponent,
name = StructuralElement.MAIN_FOLDER_NAME,
if mainFolder is None:
mainFolder = geompy.NewFolder(StructuralElement.MAIN_FOLDER_NAME)
self._SObject = geompy.NewFolder("SE_" + str(self._id), mainFolder)
return self._SObject
## Add a part to the structural element.
# \param newpart (StructuralElementPart) the part to add to the structural element.
def addPart(self, newpart):
Add a part to the structural element.
:type newpart: :class:`~parts.StructuralElementPart`
:param newpart: the part to add to the structural element.
newshapes = newpart.baseShapesSet
# Check duplicate groups
if newpart.groupName in self._parts:
logger.warning('Mesh group "%s" is used several times in the '
'structural element. Only the last definition '
'will be used.' % newpart.groupName)
# Check duplicate shapes
intersect = newshapes.intersection(list(self._shapeDict.keys()))
while len(intersect) > 0:
shape, = intersect
oldpartwithshape = self._shapeDict[shape]
oldpartshapes = oldpartwithshape.baseShapesSet
intersectwitholdpart = intersect.intersection(oldpartshapes)
logger.warning('Some shapes are common to groups "%s" and '
'"%s". For those, the parameters defined for '
'"%s" will be used.' %
(oldpartwithshape.groupName, newpart.groupName,
oldpartwithshape.baseShapesSet = \
intersect = intersect.difference(intersectwitholdpart)
# Finally add the new part in the structural element
self._parts[newpart.groupName] = newpart
for shape in newshapes:
self._shapeDict[shape] = newpart
## Add orientation information to a part in the structural element. This
# information will be used to build the corresponding markers.
# \param meshGroup (string) the name of a geometrical primitive. The orientation
# information will apply to the structural element part built along this primitive.
# \param orientParams (dictionary) parameters defining the orientation of the
# structural element part. Those parameters are detailed in class orientation.Orientation1D.
def addOrientation(self, meshGroup, orientParams):
Add orientation information to a part in the structural element. This
information will be used to build the corresponding markers.
:type meshGroup: string
:param meshGroup: the name of a geometrical primitive. The orientation
information will apply to the structural element
part built along this primitive.
:type orientParams: dictionary
:param orientParams: parameters defining the orientation of the
structural element part. Those parameters are
detailed in class
if meshGroup in self._parts:
logger.warning('Mesh group "%s" not found in structural element, '
'cannot set orientation.' % meshGroup)
## Build the geometric shapes and the markers corresponding to the
# different parts of the structural element, and add them to the study.
def build(self):
Build the geometric shapes and the markers corresponding to the
different parts of the structural element, and add them to the study.
gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
geompy = getGeompy(self._studyEditor.studyId)
for part in self._parts.values():
# Build the structural element part
logger.debug("Building %s" % part)
(shape, markers) = part.build()
if shape is None:
logger.error("Part %s has not been built" % part)
logger.exception("Couldn't build part %s" % part)
# Add the new objects to the study
shapeSObjName = part.name + "_" + part.groupName
geompy.addToStudy(shape, shapeSObjName)
geompy.PutToFolder(shape, self._getSObject())
if markers is not None and len(markers) > 0:
for i, marker in enumerate(markers, start = 1):
markerSObjName = "Orient_" + shapeSObjName
if len(markers) > 1:
markerSObjName += "_%d" % i
geompy.addToStudy(marker, markerSObjName)
geompy.PutToFolder(marker, self._getSObject())
## Display the structural element in the geom view.
def display(self):
Display the structural element in the geom view.
## Display the structural element corresponding to the study object \b theSObject
def showElement(theSObject):
Display the structural element corresponding to the study object
if theSObject is not None:
gg = salome.ImportComponentGUI("GEOM")
aStudy = theSObject.GetStudy()
useCaseBuilder = aStudy.GetUseCaseBuilder()
editor = getStudyEditor(aStudy._get_StudyId())
aIterator = useCaseBuilder.GetUseCaseIterator(theSObject)
while aIterator.More():
sobj = aIterator.Value()
icon = editor.getIcon(sobj)
entry = aIterator.Value().GetID()
gg.setDisplayMode(entry, 2) # Shading + edges
def TEST_CreateGeometry():
import salome
import GEOM
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New(salome.myStudy)
Box_1 = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(200, 200, 200)
edges = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box_1, geompy.ShapeType["EDGE"])
geompy.addToStudy(Box_1, "Box_1")
for i in range(len(edges)):
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Box_1, edges[i], "Edge_%d" % i)
faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Box_1, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
for i in range(len(faces)):
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Box_1, faces[i], "Face_%d" % i)
Cylinder_1 = geompy.MakeCylinderRH(50, 200)
geompy.TranslateDXDYDZ(Cylinder_1, 300, 300, 0)
cyl_faces = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Cylinder_1, geompy.ShapeType["FACE"])
geompy.addToStudy(Cylinder_1, "Cylinder_1")
for i in range(len(cyl_faces)):
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Cylinder_1, cyl_faces[i], "CylFace_%d" % i)
Cylinder_2 = geompy.MakeTranslation(Cylinder_1, 100, 100, 0)
cyl_faces2 = geompy.SubShapeAllSorted(Cylinder_2,
geompy.addToStudy(Cylinder_2, "Cylinder_2")
for i in range(len(cyl_faces2)):
geompy.addToStudyInFather(Cylinder_2, cyl_faces2[i],
"CylFace2_%d" % i)
def TEST_StructuralElement():
liste_commandes = [('Orientation', {'MeshGroups': 'Edge_4',
'VECT_Y': (1.0, 0.0, 1.0)}),
('Orientation', {'MeshGroups': 'Edge_5',
'ANGL_VRIL': 45.0}),
('GeneralBeam', {'MeshGroups': ['Edge_1', 'Edge_7'],
'A': 1, 'IY1': 20, 'IY2': 40,
'IZ1': 60, 'IZ2': 30}),
('VisuPoutreCercle', {'MeshGroups': ['Edge_6'],
'R1': 30, 'R2': 20}),
('CircularBeam', {'MeshGroups': ['Edge_2', 'Edge_3'],
'R': 40, 'EP': 20}),
('RectangularBeam', {'MeshGroups': ['Edge_4', 'Edge_5'],
'HZ1': 60, 'HY1': 40,
'EPZ1': 15, 'EPY1': 10,
'HZ2': 40, 'HY2': 60,
'EPZ2': 10, 'EPY2': 15}),
('VisuCable', {'MeshGroups': 'Edge_7', 'R': 5}),
('VisuCoque', {'MeshGroups': 'Face_4',
'Epais': 10, 'Excentre': 5,
'angleAlpha': 45, 'angleBeta': 60}),
('VisuCoque', {'MeshGroups': 'CylFace_2', 'Epais': 5}),
('VisuGrille', {'MeshGroups': 'Face_5', 'Excentre': 5,
'angleAlpha': 45, 'angleBeta': 60}),
('VisuGrille', {'MeshGroups': 'CylFace2_2',
'Excentre': 5, 'origAxeX': 400,
'origAxeY': 400, 'origAxeZ': 0,
'axeX': 0, 'axeY': 0, 'axeZ': 100}),
structElemManager = StructuralElementManager()
elem = structElemManager.createElement(liste_commandes)
if salome.hasDesktop():
# Main function only used to test the module
if __name__ == "__main__":