2021-08-12 08:45:03 +02:00

18 lines
525 B

# Inertia
import salome
import GEOM
from salome.geom import geomBuilder
geompy = geomBuilder.New()
# create a box
box = geompy.MakeBoxDXDYDZ(100,30,100)
In = geompy.Inertia(box)
print("\nInertia matrix of box 100x30x100:")
print(" (", In[0], ", ", In[1], ", ", In[2], ")")
print(" (", In[3], ", ", In[4], ", ", In[5], ")")
print(" (", In[6], ", ", In[7], ", ", In[8], ")")
print("Main moments of inertia of box 100x30x100:")
print(" Ix = ", In[9], ", Iy = ", In[10], ", Iz = ", In[11])