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\page create_filling_page Filling Surface with Edges
To generate a \b Filling in the <b>Main Menu</b> select <b>New Entity - > Generation - > Filling</b>
To create a curving face using several edges you need to define the
following parameters:
\n <b>Input Compound</b> - the list of edges/wires used for creation
of the surface. Before perform filling algorithm each wire from
compound is converted to one edge created on BSpline curve built using
curves from all edges from wire.
\n \b Minimum and <b>Maximum Degree</b> of equation of the resulting
BSpline or Besier curves describing the surface;
\n \b Tolerance for \b 2D and for \b 3D - minimum distance between the
created surface and the reference edge;
\n <b>Number of
Iterations</b> - defines the maximum number of iterations. The
iterations are repeated until the required tolerance is reached. So, a
greater number of iterations allows producing a better surface.
\n <b>Method</b> - Kind of method to perform filling operation
1. Default - standard behaviour
2. Use edges orientation - orientation of edges are used: if edge is
reversed curve from this edge is reversed before using in filling
3. Auto-correct edges orientation - change orientation of curves using
minimization of sum of distances between ends points of edges.
\n <b>Approximation</b> - if checked, BSpline curves are generated in
the process of surface construction (using
GeomAPI_PointsToBSplineSurface functionality). By default the surface
is created using Besier curves. The usage of <b>Approximation</b>
makes the algorithm work slower, but allows building the surface for
rather complex cases.
\n The \b Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (face).
\n <b>TUI Command:</b> <em>geompy.MakeFilling(Edges, MinDegree, MaxDegree, Tol2D, Tol3D, NbIter)</em>
\n <b>Arguments:</b> Name + 1 List of edges + 7 Parameters
(Min. degree, Max. degree, 2D tolerance, 3D tolerance, Number of iterations, Method, Approximation).
\image html filling.png
\image html filling_compoundsn.png "Initial edges"
\image html fillingsn.png "Resulting surface"
Our <b>TUI Scripts</b> provide you with useful examples of creation of
\ref tui_creation_filling "Complex Geometric Objects".