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1) The names of the annotations and geometrical objects are not updated in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree: - Create any primitive, box for example. - Create annotation with text 'My initial annotation' - Call edit annotation dialog box and set text of the annotation to 'My updated annotation' = > As a result text is updated in the viewer, but not in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree. - Rename box = > As a result name is updated in the SALOME Object Browser, but not in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree. 2) Popup menu in the "Dimensions/Annotations" data tree: "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items appear / work incorrect: - "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items should appear only for "Annotations" root object and for concrete geometrical object - "Show all annotations" / "Hide all annotation" menu items should work in the following way: If popup menu is called for "Annotations" root object, then show / hide operations should be applied to all annotations. If popup menu is called for concrete geometrical object, then show / hide operations should be applied only to annotations which belong to this concrete geometrical object.
********************* About SALOME Geometry ********************* SALOME Geometry module implements the CAD modeling services: - Import and export of geometrical models in IGES, BREP, STEP, STL, XAO and VTK formats; - Construct geometrical objects using a wide range of functions; - Display geometrical objects in the 3D viewer; - Transform geometrical objects using various algorithms; - Repair geometrical objects (shape healing); - View information about geometrical objects using measurement tools; - Design shapes from pictures. For more information please visit the SALOME platform web site: <http://www.salome-platform.org/> ======= License ======= SALOME platform is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See COPYING file for more details. Also, additional information can be found at SALOME platform web site: <http://www.salome-platform.org/downloads/license/> ============ Installation ============ -------------- Pre-requisites -------------- SALOME platform relies on a set of third-party softwares; some of them are needed at build time only, while other ones are needed in runtime also. For more information about the pre-requisites please visit SALOME platform web site: * Check Release Notes and Software Requirements of the latest SALOME release at <http://www.salome-platform.org/downloads/current-version/> * Pre-requisites page at SALOME web site: <http://www.salome-platform.org/downloads/license/> Note: SALOME Geometry module needs SALOME KERNEL and SALOME GUI as pre-requisites. ------------------ Basic Installation ------------------ The build procedure of the SALOME platform is implemented with CMake. In order to build the module you have to do the following actions: 1. Set up environment for pre-requisites (see "Pre-requisites" section above). 2. Create a build directory: % mkdir GEOM_BUILD 3. Configure the build procedure: % cd GEOM_BUILD % cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<mode> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation_directory> <path_to_src_dir> where - <mode> is either Release or Debug (default: Release); - <installation_directory> is a destination folder to install SALOME Geometry module (default: /usr); - <path_to_src_dir> is a path to the SALOME Geometry sources directory. Note: by default (if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option is not given), SALOME Geometry module will be configured for installation to the /usr directory that requires root permissions to complete the installation. 4. Build and install: % make % make install This will install SALOME Geometry module to the <installation_directory> specified to cmake command on the previous step. ------------------- Custom installation ------------------- SALOME Geometry module supports a set of advanced configuration options; for more details learn CMakeLists.txt file in the root source directory. You can also use other options of cmake command to customize your installation. Learn more about available options by typing % cmake --help ============= Documentation ============= The directory doc contains additional documentation file of SALOME Geometry module. =============== Troubleshooting =============== Please, send a mail to webmaster.salome@opencascade.com.