2014-08-07 13:58:48 +04:00

871 lines
29 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2007-2014 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D, OPEN CASCADE
// Copyright (C) 2003-2007 OPEN CASCADE, EADS/CCR, LIP6, CEA/DEN,
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// See or email :
// GEOM GEOMGUI : GUI for Geometry component
// File : MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor.cxx
// Author : Anton POLETAEV, Open CASCADE S.A.S.
#include "MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor.h"
#include <GEOM_Displayer.h>
#include <SalomeApp_Application.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewManager.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewWindow.h>
#include <OCCViewer_ViewPort3d.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewManager.h>
#include <SUIT_ViewWindow.h>
#include <SUIT_Desktop.h>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <AIS_InteractiveContext.hxx>
#include <AIS_LengthDimension.hxx>
#include <AIS_DiameterDimension.hxx>
#include <AIS_AngleDimension.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_DimensionAspect.hxx>
#include <Prs3d_TextAspect.hxx>
#include <gp_Dir.hxx>
#include <gp_Vec.hxx>
#include <gce_MakeDir.hxx>
#include <ElCLib.hxx>
#include <ElSLib.hxx>
#include <Extrema_ExtCC.hxx>
#include <Extrema_POnCurv.hxx>
#include <GeomAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <GeomAPI_IntCS.hxx>
#include <Geom_Line.hxx>
#include <Geom_Plane.hxx>
#include <NCollection_Sequence.hxx>
// function : Constructor
// purpose :
MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor( GeometryGUI* theGUI,
QObject* theParent )
: QObject( theParent ),
myGeomGUI( theGUI ),
myIsEnabled( false ),
myVM( NULL ),
myViewer( NULL ),
myOperation( Operation_None )
// function : Deactivate
// purpose :
// function : Enable
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::Enable()
if ( myIsEnabled )
myIsEnabled = true;
// install event filtering on viewer windows
SalomeApp_Application* anApp = myGeomGUI->getApp();
if ( !anApp )
myVM = (OCCViewer_ViewManager*) anApp->getViewManager( OCCViewer_Viewer::Type(), false );
myViewer = (OCCViewer_Viewer*) myVM->getViewModel();
if ( !myVM || !myViewer )
connect( myVM, SIGNAL( viewCreated( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ), SLOT( OnViewCreated( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ) );
connect( myVM, SIGNAL( deleteView ( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ), SLOT( OnViewRemoved( SUIT_ViewWindow* ) ) );
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> aViews = myVM->getViews();
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*>::iterator aViewIt = aViews.begin();
for ( ; aViewIt != aViews.end(); ++aViewIt )
ConnectView( *aViewIt );
// function : Disable
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::Disable()
if ( !myIsEnabled )
myIsEnabled = false;
// remove event filtering from viewer windows
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*> aViews = myVM->getViews();
QVector<SUIT_ViewWindow*>::iterator aViewIt = aViews.begin();
for ( ; aViewIt != aViews.end(); ++aViewIt )
DisconnectView( *aViewIt );
// function : GetOperation
// purpose :
MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::GetOperation( const Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner)& theEntity,
const Qt::MouseButtons theButtons,
const Qt::KeyboardModifiers theKeys )
if ( ( theButtons & Qt::LeftButton ) == 0 )
return Operation_None;
Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner) anOwner = Handle(AIS_DimensionOwner)::DownCast( theEntity );
if ( anOwner.IsNull() )
return Operation_None;
Standard_Real anAngTolerance = M_PI / 30.0; // 6 degree tolerance
switch ( anOwner->SelectionMode() )
case AIS_DSM_Line :
if ( ( theKeys & Qt::ControlModifier ) == 0 )
return Operation_MoveFlyoutInPlane;
// "free moving" is only available for length and diameter
if ( !myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_LengthDimension ) )
&& !myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_DiameterDimension ) ) )
return Operation_None;
return Operation_MoveFlyoutFree;
case AIS_DSM_Text : return Operation_MoveText;
default : return Operation_None;
// function : StartOperation
// purpose :
bool MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::StartOperation( const Operation theOp,
const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theX,
const int theY )
Standard_Real anAngTolerance = M_PI / 30.0; // 6 degree tolerance
switch ( theOp )
case Operation_MoveFlyoutInPlane :
case Operation_MoveText :
// operation can be started if the plane in which the flyout
// or text moved is not completely orthogonal to the screen
gp_Pln aPlane = myInteractedIO->GetPlane();
gp_Lin aProj = Projection( theView, theX, theY );
Standard_Real aCrossAng = aProj.Direction().Angle( aPlane.Axis().Direction() );
return Abs( M_PI * 0.5 - aCrossAng ) > anAngTolerance;
case Operation_MoveFlyoutFree :
// operation can be started only for linear dimensions
if ( !myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_LengthDimension ) )
&& !myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_DiameterDimension ) ) )
return false;
// determine whether the rotation operation is frontal or side
gp_Pnt aFirstPoint;
gp_Pnt aSecondPoint;
// get first and second point from which the flyout line is normally extended
Handle(AIS_LengthDimension) aLength = Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aLength.IsNull() )
aFirstPoint = aLength->FirstPoint();
aSecondPoint = aLength->SecondPoint();
Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension) aDiameter = Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aDiameter.IsNull() )
const gp_Pnt& aCenter = aDiameter->Circle().Location();
aFirstPoint = aDiameter->AnchorPoint();
aSecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + gp_Vec( aFirstPoint, aCenter ).XYZ() * 2.0 );
gp_Dir aBaseDir = gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint );
gp_Pln aPlane = myInteractedIO->GetPlane();
gp_Dir aPlaneN = aPlane.Axis().Direction();
gp_Lin aProj = Projection( theView, theX, theY );
const gp_Dir& aProjDir = aProj.Direction();
// can turn only if looking from side
if ( aProjDir.IsParallel( aPlaneN, anAngTolerance ) ||
aProjDir.IsNormal( aBaseDir, anAngTolerance ) )
return false;
bool isProjected = false;
gp_Pnt aPointOnPlane = ProjectPlane( theView, theX, theY, aPlane, isProjected );
if ( !isProjected )
return false;
gp_Vec aPointVector( aFirstPoint, aPointOnPlane );
gp_Pnt aPointOnBase = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + aBaseDir.XYZ() * aPointVector.Dot( aBaseDir ) );
myFreeMovePlane = gp_Pln( aPointOnBase, aBaseDir );
return true;
return false;
// function : MoveFlyoutFree
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::MoveFlyoutFree( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theX,
const int theY )
// project point onto dimension plane
bool isProjected = false;
gp_Pln aPlane = myFreeMovePlane;
gp_Pnt aPointOnPlane = ProjectPlane( theView, theX, theY, aPlane, isProjected );
if ( !isProjected )
gp_Pnt aFirstPoint;
gp_Pnt aSecondPoint;
// get first and second point from which the flyout line is normally extended
Handle(AIS_LengthDimension) aLength = Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aLength.IsNull() )
aFirstPoint = aLength->FirstPoint();
aSecondPoint = aLength->SecondPoint();
Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension) aDiameter = Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aDiameter.IsNull() )
const gp_Pnt& aCenter = aDiameter->Circle().Location();
aFirstPoint = aDiameter->AnchorPoint();
aSecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + gp_Vec( aFirstPoint, aCenter ).XYZ() * 2.0 );
gp_Vec aPointVector( aFirstPoint, aPointOnPlane );
gp_Dir aBaseDir = gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint );
gp_Pnt aPointOnBase = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + aBaseDir.XYZ() * aPointVector.Dot( aBaseDir ) );
// snapping tolerance
Quantity_Length aSize[2];
theView->Size( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
Standard_Real aSnapTolerance = 1e-2 * Max( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
gp_Dir aFlyoutDir = gce_MakeDir( aPointOnBase, aPointOnPlane );
// snapping to planes
NCollection_Sequence<gp_Pln> aSnapPlanes;
if ( aPointOnPlane.Distance( aPointOnBase ) > aSnapTolerance )
if ( !aBaseDir.IsParallel( gp::DZ(), Precision::Angular() ) )
aSnapPlanes.Append( gp_Pln( aFirstPoint, gp::DZ().Crossed( aBaseDir ) ) );
if ( !aBaseDir.IsParallel( gp::DX(), Precision::Angular() ) )
aSnapPlanes.Append( gp_Pln( aFirstPoint, gp::DX().Crossed( aBaseDir ) ) );
if ( !aBaseDir.IsParallel( gp::DY(), Precision::Angular() ) )
aSnapPlanes.Append( gp_Pln( aFirstPoint, gp::DY().Crossed( aBaseDir ) ) );
// snap "drag proj" to Flyout plane, relative XOY, YOZ, ZOX planes
NCollection_Sequence<gp_Pln>::Iterator aSnapIt( aSnapPlanes );
for ( ; aSnapIt.More(); aSnapIt.Next() )
const gp_Pln& aSnapPln = aSnapIt.Value();
// project direction into plane
gp_Vec aPlaneDir = gp_Vec( aSnapPln.Axis().Direction() );
gp_Vec aFlyoutProj = gp_Vec( aFlyoutDir ) - aPlaneDir * gp_Vec( aFlyoutDir ).Dot( aPlaneDir );
// snapping is not applicable
if ( aSnapPln.Contains( gp_Lin( aFirstPoint, aFlyoutDir ), Precision::Confusion(), Precision::Angular() ) )
if ( Abs( gp_Vec( aPointOnBase, aPointOnPlane ).Dot( aPlaneDir ) ) > aSnapTolerance )
if ( aFlyoutProj.Magnitude() <= Precision::Confusion() )
aFlyoutDir = gp_Dir( aFlyoutProj );
Standard_Real aNewFlyout = aPointOnPlane.Distance( aPointOnBase );
if ( aNewFlyout <= Precision::Confusion() )
myInteractedIO->SetFlyout( 0.0 );
myViewer->getAISContext()->Redisplay( myInteractedIO );
gp_Pln aNewPlane = gp_Pln( aFirstPoint, aBaseDir.Crossed( aFlyoutDir ) );
myInteractedIO->SetFlyout( aNewFlyout );
myInteractedIO->SetCustomPlane( aNewPlane );
myViewer->getAISContext()->Redisplay( myInteractedIO );
// function : MoveFlyoutInPlane
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::MoveFlyoutInPlane( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theX,
const int theY )
// project point onto dimension plane
bool isProjected = false;
gp_Pln aPlane = myInteractedIO->GetPlane();
gp_Pnt aPointOnPlane = ProjectPlane( theView, theX, theY, aPlane, isProjected );
if ( !isProjected )
const gp_Dir& aPlaneN = aPlane.Axis().Direction();
// new flyout value
Standard_Real aFlyout = 0.0;
// extend flyout of linear dimension
if ( myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_LengthDimension ) )
|| myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_DiameterDimension ) ) )
gp_Pnt aFirstPoint;
gp_Pnt aSecondPoint;
// get first and second point from which the flyout line is normally extended
Handle(AIS_LengthDimension) aLength = Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aLength.IsNull() )
aFirstPoint = aLength->FirstPoint();
aSecondPoint = aLength->SecondPoint();
Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension) aDiameter = Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aDiameter.IsNull() )
const gp_Pnt& aCenter = aDiameter->Circle().Location();
aFirstPoint = aDiameter->AnchorPoint();
aSecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + gp_Vec( aFirstPoint, aCenter ).XYZ() * 2.0 );
gp_Lin aBaseLine( aFirstPoint, gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint ) );
// check if the negative value is expected
gp_Dir aPositiveDir = aPlaneN.Crossed( aBaseLine.Direction() );
gp_Dir aPointDir = gce_MakeDir( aBaseLine.Location(), aPointOnPlane );
Standard_Boolean isPositive = aPointDir.Dot( aPositiveDir ) > 0;
aFlyout = isPositive
? aBaseLine.Distance( aPointOnPlane )
: -aBaseLine.Distance( aPointOnPlane );
// exten flyout of angular dimension
if ( myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_AngleDimension ) ) )
Handle(AIS_AngleDimension) anAngle = Handle(AIS_AngleDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
const gp_Pnt& aCenterPoint = anAngle->CenterPoint();
const gp_Pnt& aFirstPoint = anAngle->FirstPoint();
const gp_Pnt& aSecondPoint = anAngle->SecondPoint();
gp_Dir aFirstDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aFirstPoint );
gp_Dir aSecondDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aSecondPoint );
Standard_Real aDirAngle = aFirstDir.Angle( aSecondDir );
// p1 center p2
// \ dir /
// the direction are: \ | /
// first \|/ second
// dir c dir
gp_Dir aCenterDir = aFirstDir.Rotated( gp_Ax1( aCenterPoint, aPlaneN ), -aDirAngle * 0.5 );
gp_Dir aPointDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aPointOnPlane );
Standard_Boolean isPositive = aPointDir.Dot( aCenterDir ) > 0;
Standard_Real aPointAngle = aPointDir.AngleWithRef( aCenterDir, aPlaneN );
if ( !isPositive )
aPointAngle = ( M_PI - Abs( aPointAngle ) ) * ( -Sign( 1.0, aPointAngle ) );
gp_Vec aPointVec = gp_Vec( aCenterPoint, aPointOnPlane );
// calculate flyout for each separate case of point location
if ( aPointAngle < -aDirAngle * 0.5 ) // outside of second dir
aFlyout = aPointVec.Dot( aFirstDir );
else if ( aPointAngle > aDirAngle * 0.5 ) // outside of first dir
aFlyout = aPointVec.Dot( aSecondDir );
else // between first and second direction
aFlyout = isPositive
? aPointVec.Magnitude()
: -aPointVec.Magnitude();
myInteractedIO->SetFlyout( aFlyout );
myViewer->getAISContext()->Redisplay( myInteractedIO );
// function : MoveText
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::MoveText( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theX,
const int theY )
// project point onto dimension plane
bool isProjected = false;
gp_Pln aPlane = myInteractedIO->GetPlane();
gp_Pnt aPointOnPlane = ProjectPlane( theView, theX, theY, aPlane, isProjected );
if ( !isProjected )
const gp_Dir& aPlaneN = aPlane.Axis().Direction();
Prs3d_DimensionTextHorizontalPosition aHPos = myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->TextHorizontalPosition();
Prs3d_DimensionTextVerticalPosition aVPos = myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->TextVerticalPosition();
Prs3d_DimensionArrowOrientation aArrPos = myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->ArrowOrientation();
Standard_Real aHeight = myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->TextAspect()->Height() * 0.5;
// move text of linear dimension
if ( myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_LengthDimension ) )
|| myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_DiameterDimension ) ) )
gp_Pnt aFirstPoint;
gp_Pnt aSecondPoint;
// get first and second point from which the flyout line is normally extended
Handle(AIS_LengthDimension) aLength = Handle(AIS_LengthDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aLength.IsNull() )
aFirstPoint = aLength->FirstPoint();
aSecondPoint = aLength->SecondPoint();
Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension) aDiameter = Handle(AIS_DiameterDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
if ( !aDiameter.IsNull() )
const gp_Pnt& aCenter = aDiameter->Circle().Location();
aFirstPoint = aDiameter->AnchorPoint();
aSecondPoint = gp_Pnt( aFirstPoint.XYZ() + gp_Vec( aFirstPoint, aCenter ).XYZ() * 2.0 );
// get flyout line
Standard_Real aFlyout = myInteractedIO->GetFlyout();
gp_Dir aBaseDir = gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint );
gp_Dir aFlyoutDir = aFlyout >= 0.0
? aPlaneN.Crossed( gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint ) )
: -aPlaneN.Crossed( gce_MakeDir( aFirstPoint, aSecondPoint ) );
gp_Vec aFlyoutTranslate = gp_Vec( aFlyoutDir ) * Abs( myInteractedIO->GetFlyout() );
gp_Lin aFlyoutLine = gp_Lin( aFirstPoint, aBaseDir ).Translated( aFlyoutTranslate );
// check if positive or negative offset along flyout line
gp_Vec aFlyout2Point = gp_Vec( aFlyoutLine.Location(), aPointOnPlane );
Standard_Real aPosY = aFlyout2Point.Dot( aFlyoutDir );
Standard_Real aPosX = aFlyout2Point.Dot( aFlyoutLine.Direction() );
if ( aPosX < 0.0 )
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Left;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_External;
else if ( aPosX > aFirstPoint.Distance( aSecondPoint ) )
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Right;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_External;
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Center;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_Fit;
if ( aPosY > aHeight )
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Above;
else if ( aPosY < -aHeight )
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Below;
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Center;
// move text of angular dimension
if ( myInteractedIO->IsKind( STANDARD_TYPE( AIS_AngleDimension ) ) )
Handle(AIS_AngleDimension) anAngle = Handle(AIS_AngleDimension)::DownCast( myInteractedIO );
const gp_Pnt& aCenterPoint = anAngle->CenterPoint();
const gp_Pnt& aFirstPoint = anAngle->FirstPoint();
const gp_Pnt& aSecondPoint = anAngle->SecondPoint();
Standard_Boolean isPositive = anAngle->GetFlyout() > 0.0;
gp_Dir aFirstDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aFirstPoint );
gp_Dir aSecondDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aSecondPoint );
if ( anAngle->GetFlyout() < 0.0 )
Standard_Real aDirAngle = aFirstDir.Angle( aSecondDir );
// p1 center p2
// \ dir /
// the direction are: \ | /
// first \|/ second
// dir c dir
gp_Dir aCenterDir = aFirstDir.Rotated( gp_Ax1( aCenterPoint, aPlaneN ), -aDirAngle * 0.5 );
gp_Dir aPointDir = gce_MakeDir( aCenterPoint, aPointOnPlane );
Standard_Real aPointAngle = aPointDir.AngleWithRef( aCenterDir, aPlaneN );
gp_Vec aPointVec = gp_Vec( aCenterPoint, aPointOnPlane );
Standard_Real aPosY = 0.0;
// calculate flyout for each separate case of point location
if ( aPointAngle < -aDirAngle * 0.5 ) // outside of second dir
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Left;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_External;
aPosY = aPointVec.Dot( aFirstDir ) - Abs( anAngle->GetFlyout() );
else if ( aPointAngle > aDirAngle * 0.5 ) // outside of first dir
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Right;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_External;
aPosY = aPointVec.Dot( aSecondDir ) - Abs( anAngle->GetFlyout() );
else // between first and second direction
aHPos = Prs3d_DTHP_Center;
aArrPos = Prs3d_DAO_Fit;
aPosY = aPointVec.Magnitude() - Abs( anAngle->GetFlyout() );
if ( aPosY > aHeight )
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Above;
else if ( aPosY < -aHeight )
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Below;
aVPos = Prs3d_DTVP_Center;
myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->SetTextVerticalPosition( aVPos );
myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->SetTextHorizontalPosition( aHPos );
myInteractedIO->DimensionAspect()->SetArrowOrientation( aArrPos );
myViewer->getAISContext()->Redisplay( myInteractedIO );
// function : eventFilter
// purpose :
bool MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::eventFilter( QObject* theObject, QEvent* theEvent )
OCCViewer_ViewPort3d* aViewPort = (OCCViewer_ViewPort3d*) theObject;
Handle(V3d_View) aView3d = aViewPort->getView();
switch ( theEvent->type() )
// check whether it is the "dimension modify" operation or not.
case QEvent::MouseButtonPress :
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) anAISContext = myViewer->getAISContext();
QMouseEvent* aMouseEv = dynamic_cast<QMouseEvent*>( theEvent );
// init detection
anAISContext->MoveTo( aMouseEv->x(), aMouseEv->y(), aView3d );
if ( !anAISContext->HasDetected() )
return false;
// check that there is only one detected entity
if ( anAISContext->MoreDetected() )
return false;
Handle(SelectMgr_EntityOwner) aDetectedOwner = anAISContext->DetectedOwner();
myInteractedIO = Handle(AIS_Dimension)::DownCast( aDetectedOwner->Selectable() );
// try to start operation for the detected entity
Operation aStartOp = GetOperation( aDetectedOwner, aMouseEv->buttons(), aMouseEv->modifiers() );
if ( aStartOp == Operation_None )
return false;
if ( !StartOperation( aStartOp, aView3d, aMouseEv->x(), aMouseEv->y() ) )
return false;
myOperation = aStartOp;
for ( anAISContext->InitSelected(); anAISContext->MoreSelected(); anAISContext->NextSelected() )
mySelection.Append( anAISContext->SelectedOwner() );
anAISContext->ClearSelected( Standard_False );
anAISContext->AddOrRemoveSelected( aDetectedOwner );
emit InteractionStarted( myInteractedIO );
return true;
// stop event processing on mouse release
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease :
if ( myOperation != Operation_None )
Handle(AIS_InteractiveContext) anAISContext = myViewer->getAISContext();
anAISContext->ClearSelected( Standard_False );
SeqOfOwners::Iterator anIt( mySelection );
for( ; anIt.More(); anIt.Next() )
anAISContext->AddOrRemoveSelected( anIt.Value(), Standard_False );
myOperation = Operation_None;
emit InteractionFinished( myInteractedIO );
return true;
return false;
// perform operation
case QEvent::MouseMove :
QMouseEvent* aMouseEv = (QMouseEvent*) theEvent;
switch( myOperation )
case Operation_MoveFlyoutFree : MoveFlyoutFree ( aView3d, aMouseEv->x(), aMouseEv->y() ); return true;
case Operation_MoveFlyoutInPlane : MoveFlyoutInPlane( aView3d, aMouseEv->x(), aMouseEv->y() ); return true;
case Operation_MoveText : MoveText ( aView3d, aMouseEv->x(), aMouseEv->y() ); return true;
default : return false;
default: return false;
// function : ConnectView
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::ConnectView( SUIT_ViewWindow* theView )
( (OCCViewer_ViewWindow*) theView )->getViewPort()->installEventFilter( this );
// function : DisconnectView
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::DisconnectView( SUIT_ViewWindow* theView )
( (OCCViewer_ViewWindow*) theView )->getViewPort()->removeEventFilter( this );
// function : Projection
// purpose :
gp_Lin MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::Projection( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theMouseX,
const int theMouseY )
Standard_Real P[3], D[3];
theView->ConvertWithProj( theMouseX, theMouseY, P[0], P[1], P[2], D[0], D[1], D[2] );
return gp_Lin( gp_Pnt( P[0], P[1], P[2] ), gp_Dir( D[0], D[1], D[2] ) );
// function : ProjectPlane
// purpose :
gp_Pnt MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::ProjectPlane( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView,
const int theMouseX,
const int theMouseY,
const gp_Pln& thePlane,
bool& theIsDone )
gp_Lin aProjection = Projection( theView, theMouseX, theMouseY );
Handle(Geom_Line) aCrossLine = new Geom_Line( aProjection );
Handle(Geom_Plane) aCrossPlane = new Geom_Plane( thePlane );
GeomAPI_IntCS aFindCross( aCrossLine, aCrossPlane );
if ( !aFindCross.IsDone() || aFindCross.NbPoints() == 0 )
theIsDone = false;
return gp::Origin();
theIsDone = true;
return aFindCross.Point( 1 );
// function : SensitivityTolerance
// purpose :
Standard_Real MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::SensitivityTolerance( const Handle(V3d_View)& theView )
// snapping tolerance
Quantity_Length aSize[2];
theView->Size( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
return 1e-2 * Max( aSize[0], aSize[1] );
// function : OnViewCreated
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::OnViewCreated( SUIT_ViewWindow* theView )
ConnectView( theView );
// function : OnViewRemoved
// purpose :
void MeasureGUI_DimensionInteractor::OnViewRemoved( SUIT_ViewWindow* theView )
DisconnectView( theView );